Friday, May 04, 2007

Top Ten Blogs at the Los Angeles Times

While reading LAObserved yesterday, I read with interest, a memo from Meredith Artley on the new features at If Ms. Artley is an unknown name for you, click on her name and see whom she is and her job function at the Los Angeles Times.

In my department at the Times we like to point fingers when mistakes occur, they call it accountability, so I will take the responsibility for pushing traffic to the Times blogs.

1. Lakers - Andrew and Brian Kamenetzky
2. Show Tracker - Seven Times Staffers
3. Homicide Report - Jill Leovy
4. Styles & Scenes - Elizabeth Snead
5. Gold Derby - Tom O'Neil
6. Bottleneck - Shelby Grad
7. Political Muscle - Robert Salladay
8. Movable Buffet - Richard Abowitz
9. LA Land - Peter Viles
10. Dodgers Blog - Andrew and Brian Kamenetzky

Source: LAObserved

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