Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Pope on the USA

"Benedict, who has often spoken favorably about how Americans observe their religious beliefs, was also asked, on the plane, whether he felt America could serve as a model for a Europe, which is far more secularized.
“Certainly Europe can’t simply copy the United States,” he said. “We have our own history.” But he said the United States was interesting because it “started with the positive idea of secularism.”
“This new people was made of communities that had escaped official state purges and wanted a lay state, a secular state that opened the possibility for all confessions and all form of religious exercise,” he added. “Therefore it was a state that was intentionally secular. It was the exact opposite of state religion, but it was secular out of love for religion and for an authenticity that can only be lived freely.” NYT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Open letter to the POPE, who caused 9/11, the chief mourners of the innocent victims of September Eleven, survivors of the Monotheistic ethnic cleansing and GENOCIDE of cultural plurality on our GLOBE, like Indigenous from South America, Lakota Red Indians, Tutsis from Rwanda, professor Kangué Ewané a Herero from Africa, President Bush and Putin, EU, UN, Heads of State, Newspapers, TV stations, Usama bin Ladin etc

Dear Sir

The POPE was a HITLERJUGEND, and now he is back in NY April 20. Back on the place of his crime 9/11 when 3000 died.

He is responsible, because in the year 70 AC, Mark created JESUS as a DemiGod, the Heacles of Christianity, and this started the FANATICISM of MONOTHEISM - the driving force of suicide MARTYR BOMBERS. and Holy wars, Crusades, Janjawid etc
The POPE started the Godblessed Terrorism, and with this weapon, the Monotheism has killed all Cultural plurality on our GLOBE the last 2000 years.

Colonialists or Heads of State, Blessed by God means they can do anything evil in the name of MONOTHEISM, and GOD BLESS you means, you can run away from your own CONSCIENCE.
A luck for us that VOLTAIRE – the CONSCIENCE of EUROPE, did not. Instead he gave some of us the ARISTOTLE Democracy back.
The God fearing President Bush says GOD BLESS AMERICA as the Constitution says: USA – ONE NATION UNDER GOD, which means the Americans are enslaved by the dictatorship of Monotheism, and 95% believe JESUS could walk on water, resurrect and was born as a demi God – the Heracles of Christianity - as a result of a virgin birth where Maria was fertilized by the Monotheistic Christian God.
Unbelievable. Are we talking Harry Potter or Superman? Check JESUSHELL.
In REALITY we all are the unique and proud result after 14 billion years of the NOBEL PRIZED BIG BANG and the EVOLUTION, all equal and free by birth, which is a FACT that CHARLES DARWIN – the first KNOWER – told us 149 years ago, which means there is no God/Allah, Heaven, Hell or Martyrdom. Wake up and be FREE at LAST.
We must finally settle accounts with our awful past as Monotheists, like we did with Hitler and Communism, other false doctrines, and leave the old world order of 2000 years of monotheistic dictatorship, slavery and submission of the POPE, Priests and Imams and their invented UFO God, Heaven, Hell, Devil, original sin and Martyrdom

Lakota Sioux Indians dig up the Tomahawk to fight for their freedom against the American Godblessed Colonialism.

The African Professor Kangué Ewané, a descendant of the “culture of heathens and Satanists” as they were called by the priests of “monotheism of higher value”, says: I can forgive the Westerner for occupying my land, but not that you STOLE OUR AFRICAN SOUL, CULTURE AND TRADITION.

If you are curious, read more about the Godblessed Colonisation of Africa, check http://www.darwintime.com/FAITHHELL.php#TopFaithhell

Are you ready to risk our GLOBE being exterminated by FLYING NUKE (suicide) MARTYR BOMBERS?

I am not. I am a KNOWER, so I have left the madness of FAITH and BELIEVERS of the MONOTHEISTIC Christianity and Islam, to join the CONSCIENCE of the WORLD.
Now we have two problems to solve - the GLOBAL HEATING and the GLOBAL CHEATING from Monotheisms like Christianity and Islam!

I will never try the POPE’s Cocktail – religious stupidiation – Ground Zero

¼ God/Allah
¼ Heaven
¼ Hell

To give it a taste of bitterness, add a dash of Catholic priest paedopholy a la Boston.
Causes 100% brain death, shaken or stirred by the POPE, priests and Imams. Popular among suicide MARTYR BOMBERS. In the sky bar of Twin -Towers NY called God Bless America - before September eleven, now Ground Zero

If you are tired of the violent world of FAITH and BELIVERS, just leave the NERDS behind, and become a clever KNOWER you too and visit http://www.darwintime.com http://darwintime.blogspot.com

Best wishes

ManPeace e-mail ManPeace@DarwinTime.com and confirm you got this mail-please.

199.04.15 DarwinTime – Time of Truth –Time for human beings – Time for you and me - it’s on time.