Friday, December 07, 2012

Winning at the Race of Life

There are a lot of people in need in our own backyards and across the country. According to a recent Los Angeles Times article, tens of thousands of homeless people make Los Angeles the regions fastest-growing homeless population with 6,500 being entire families! We really need everyone on your Facebook page and email list to give just $20 to make a difference. We have found that if we give people an option to give, they won't. Water always takes the path of least resistance and satan talks to the ear gates and says, "Don't give, everyone else gives, so you don't need to." Click this link and give today: Thankyou for supporting the families that are in BIG TIME need on your end and on ours!
We are providing appx. 300 fresh, hot meals for the homeless on skid row. We are told there are over 5,000 living on the streets in Los Angeles alone. In this challenging economy, you are helping us make a big difference to those who are in desperate need. Many of the homeless asked for their picture to be taken in hopes to help Winning at the Race of Life receive more funding for this project. They really look forward to seeing "brother Sammy" and our Winning Team to get a barbecued meal, clothing, bibles, live music, fellowship & prayer. If you would like to make a donation (of any amount) please do so on this page. (Bible's and blankets are also requested). Thank you. 
TOGETHER we ARE making a difference.

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