Thursday, December 03, 2020

Important Events From This day in History December 3rd


1984 - India - - Bhopal Chemical Accident
Thousands of people die from the effects of toxic gases which leaked from Bhopal Union Carbide Factory near the central Indian city of Bhopal. The leak also caused injuries to nearly 250,000 more with over 10,000 have since died from toxic gas related diseases. The cause of the leaks was traced to most of the safety systems not working and the deaths and injuries were caused by exposure to the highly toxic gasses.

1967 - South Africa - - First Heart Transplant
Surgeons at the Groote Shuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, led by Dr. Christiaan Barnard, perform the first human heart transplant. Find More What happened in 1967

1900 - South Africa - - The Boer War
The Boer War in South Africa was dominating the news of the day and the British had 400 soldiers captured. One British official said, "Undoubtedly the situation is serious. It resembles in many ways America's trouble with the Filipinos. We cannot expect to crush the opposition for some time."

- U.S.A. - - A Warless World
All over the United States members of the United Societies for Christian Endeavour were advocating a war-less world. They circulated petitions to send to President Harding so he could influence members of the disarmament meeting that was being held in Washington.

1933 - France - - Gold Goes Missing
France's loss of gold was 1,160,000,000 francs or $57,200,000 in the space of a short time and its economy was based on it. Although it was not completely certain where all the gold went, some of it ended up in Britain, Holland, Switzerland, and private French citizens accounts. All the worry about gold diminished its price on the London open market.

1943 - Hungary - - Concentration Camps
In Budapest more than 2,000 citizens in cafes and restaurants were arrested allegedly to "combat a wave of defeatism" a Turkish report said. Those captured were held on trumped up charges of spreading lies about what was happening in Africa and Russia. Some prisoners were released, but most went to concentration camps.

1944 - Greece - - Civil War
Following the liberation of Greece by British forces from German forces a civil war breaks out in Athens as communist guerrillas battle democratic forces for control of a liberated Greece.

1957 - Algeria - - Independence
France was struggling to hold Algeria and it was costing the French government $2,380,000 a day. The issue of Algerian independence was a contentious one and was debated constantly. Premier Maurice Bourges-Maunory's government fell because it was against Algeria's autonomy.

1964 - U.S.A. - - Students Arrested
Police arrested some 800 students at the University of California at Berkeley, one day after the students stormed the administration building and staged a massive sit-in.

1965 - U.S.A. - - Ku Klux Klansmen Convicted of Murder
An all-white jury in the southern US state of Alabama has convicted three Ku Klux Klansmen over the murder of white civil rights activist Viola Liuzzo.

1967 - U.S.A. - - 20th Century Limited
The express passenger train "20th Century Limited" ends over 60 years of service when it takes its last run from New York City to Chicago.

1971 - India / Pakistan - - War
Border battles between India and Pakistan erupt into full-scale war when jets from West Pakistan attack at least four Indian airports.

1974 - England - - Economic Crisis
In the midst of a terrible economic crisis, the Labor government of Britain was going to slash defense budgets by $464 million initially and then up to $1.74 billion by 1980. The areas most affected would be east of the Suez.

1979 - U.S.A. - - Who Concert
Eleven Who fans are killed and dozens are injured in a crush of people trying to get into the Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio. when thousands of fans (with first-come, first-served festival seating tickets) rush towards the locked doors when they mistook the sound check for the concert having started.
1986 - China - - MBA Courses
After President Reagan's historic visit to China in 1984, an MBA course was sponsored by both Chinese and American governments. Thirty-nine Chinese students were to be become "experts in capitalism" and U.S. businesses were partnering with them. Chairman Deng Xiaoping was moving China further down the road to capitalism and industrialization.
1988 - U.K. - - Salmonella in Eggs
Health minister Edwina Currie declares during a television interview "Most of the egg production in this country, sadly, is now affected with salmonella," . This caused a major storm with many calling for her resignation.

1989 - Malta - - Summit Ends Cold War
The leaders of the two world superpowers, the US President George Bush and Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev declare an end to the Cold War ( The Malta summit is regarded as the official end of the Cold War ).

1992 - U.K. - - Manchester Bombing
Two bombs planted by the IRA explode in the centre of Manchester injuring 65 people, A telephone warning of other devices force police to evacuate the whole of the city centre causing widespread disruption.

1996 - Japan - - US Soldiers
After three American soldiers sexually assaulted and kidnapped a young Okinawan girl in 1995, military changes were promised by the U.S. . One of the changes was to relocate the heliport from Futenma on Okinawa to Camp Schwah.

1997 - Canada - - Anti-personnel Landmine Treaty
121 countries sign the treaty prohibiting manufacture and deployment of anti-personnel land mines in Ottawa, but the big three refuse to sign the treaty, the United States, People's Republic of China, and Russia.

1999 - Space - - Mars Polar Lander
NASA loses contact with Mars Polar Lander shortly before it's planned atmospheric entry, the failure of the mission was blamed on a software error.


2002 - U.S.A. - - Priests Abuse Uncovered
Thousands of personnel files released under a court order showed that the Archdiocese of Boston went to great lengths to hide priests accused of abuse, including clergy who allegedly snorted cocaine and had sex with girls aspiring to be nuns.
2006 - Iran - - Missile Testing
Iran made a show of strength by testing missiles some of which could reach Israel. The tests occurred after an American-led warship did military exercises in the Persian Gulf. Iran and the West continue to be in conflict over Iran's nuclear power program.

2006 - Chile - - Augusto Pinochet in Hospital
Chile's former leader, Augusto Pinochet, is reported as being in a serious condition after his heart attack. He is currently in a military hospital in Santiago, and recovering from the operation he had. He had been put under house arrest a few days before the heart attack. Medical staff have reported that he will be needing a ‘second intervention.

2007 - Bali - - Climate Summit
Participants in the U.N. climate summit are discussing how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions after the Kyoto Protocol's targets expire. Talks will center on whether a further set of targets is needed. This is the first such meeting since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (I.P.C.C.) warned that evidence for global warming was 'unequivocal.' The two- week gathering in Bali, Indonesia, will also be debating on how to help poorer nations cope in a warming world.

2007 - U.S.A. - - National Intelligence Estimate on Iranian Development of Nuclear Weapons Published
The National Intelligence Estimate (N.I.E.) has judged with a high degree of confidence that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003. It does, however, assess that Tehran is keeping the option to develop nuclear weapons open. There is confidence that the halt, and Tehran's announcement of its decision to suspend its declared uranium enrichment program, as well as sign an Additional Protocol to its Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Safeguards Agreement, was made in response to the increasing international scrutiny and pressure on its previously undeclared nuclear work. Iran has welcomed the N.I.E. report that suggests that its government is not trying to develop nuclear weapons at this time.

2008 - U.S.A. - - Congresswoman hangs up on Obama
U.S. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen assumed that she was being hoaxed when a man who purported to be Barack Obama called her. She hung up on him. The man was the President-elect, and it took him two further calls before Ms Ros- Lehtinen was convinced that the call was genuine.

2011 - Burma - - Burmese President Signs Law to Allow Protests
President Thein Sein of Burma has signed a law that would allow peaceful demonstrations to take place in the country for the first time. The new law would allow people to protest as long as they asked for approval at least five days prior to the scheduled protest. The law is seen as a step forward towards democracy after the military handed over power to a civilian government earlier in 2011.

2011 - United States - - Herman Cain Announces Suspension of Presidential Campaign
Republican hopeful for the US presidency, Herman Cain, announced that he was suspending his campaign after facing increased pressure on himself and his family after allegations of sexual harassment and affairs marred his campaign.

2011 - Slovenia - - Pahor Wins Slovenia Presidency
Former Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor won the country's presidential election with sixty-seven percent of the vote against the incumbent in a run-off election.

2013 - U.S.A. - - Plastic Gun Ban Slovenia Presidency
A law that banned plastic guns that were undetectable in metal detectors was set to expire by the end of the year unless the US Congress passed it again. The US House passed it on November 3rd and the US Senate passed it on December 10th. The law requires all plastic guns to have at least one metal part that cannot be removed in the firing mechanism. Gun control advocates were hoping to expand the law.

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