Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another Young Person Killed While Street Racing

Last night as I tuned into KFI 640 AM for Coast to Coast, as I do every night, the news came on and I really wasn't listening until I heard the story about the young man that had lost his life while racing in Whittier. Certain things catch my eye, like black Mustang GT's, or hearing about street racing, causes a brief pause from me now.

I feel for the family of the 19 year old killed last night, and know what they are experiencing at this moment, and it's not a feeling any of you would want to feel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow....we were, I thought, the "muscle car" generation...
During my high school years and before with "hemis" and "409's"; that was license to show it off...make the girls stand up and take notice, if you will.
Maybe I am out of touch, but the fact remains is...we were also the generation that did'nt know about the tragedies that encompassed us..

Ignorance is not always bliss..