Saturday, August 11, 2007

Tell Us What You Can Bring or Help

Pressmen and Bloggers...

We are handling the food, drink and cutlery for the reception which will be at Queen of Heaven Cemetery after the burial. Even though some of us didn't know Bryan, we're helping out because we love Ed and have gotten to know his family over his years of blogging about them.

The mass and cemetery are at TWO different locations. The reception will follow the burial. Update: Ed's sister says the family is huge. Plan for food for 100+. For location and time info go here.

What we need:

Hands on deck: --after the mass to bring the flowers over to the cemetery (Update: The funeral home is going to do this).

Hands on deck before
--people who don't mind skipping the funeral and coming to help set up at 9:45 am.
Hands on deck after --people who will tear down and clean up.

Music --some soft music for after would be nice. (Update: Ed's kids will take care of this)

Nametag Guardian --a sociable person who will give out nametags. I think there will be a fair number of bloggers there and it'd be nice to know who they (we!) are.

Plates -(update: Ed's sister will bring all the plates, napkins, cutlery, cups, etc.)
Cutlery --forks, spoons, knives

Drinks --no alcohol as per requested by the funeral home.
Bottled water (remember --it's going to be hot)
Punch --if someone has a large container they use at soccer practices for the masses

Food --preferably finger foods. Should be brought already laid out on platters. Please put your name on the bottom of your platter.

Sandwiches made on buns --(100) --need two people to do fifty each, or 4 people to do 25 each. These are easy to make.
Fried Chicken --please put on platter prior to leaving your house
Whatever else is your specialty

Salads --please provide serving spoons. Please have things put into a bowl already.
Fruit Salad
Potato or macaroni salads
Pasta salads

Cookies --please put on platter prior to coming
Cakes --please provide something to cut it with

Flowers for the reception are being provided by a family member.

If you are going to the funeral, you can drop off the food at 10:00, then proceed to the funeral. There is very limited refrigerator space, so if you have something that needs to be cold, then drop it off in a cooler. If you don't want to drop off the food, please make sure you have the food in an ice cooler, since it will be a few hours before the reception takes place. If you are a family member attending the viewing, you can drop off your food the night before. Make sure your name is on any platters and serving implements. We won't be there, but Ed's sister Jeanine will.

Please let us know on this blog
1. What you will be bringing --how many it will serve
2. If you can be a Hands On Deck and which shift.

Thank you for helping.
I will be out of town Saturday until Monday. I hope that Jade, Jesse, Wolf and Nubia will be able to keep track of everything and answer questions Deb is also helping and will be there at the cemetery to set up. I will check back when I return --no internet access where I am going. But the three of you have my cellphone. The phones work fine over there.


Kanani said...

1. I will bring bun sandwiches (50).
A platter of cut fruit.

2. I will be at the reception hall at Queen of Heaven at 9:45 or 10:00 am

Nubia said...

I will bring chicken, salads, sodas and water.

Will be around all day to help with whatever.


Nubia said...

Will do a box of cutlery as well. However, it may not be enough.

Others, please respond ASAP.



Kanani said...

Nubia.... are you dropping the stuff off early? I should be there at 10. I figure I'll catch the burial.

Nubia said...

I can do whatever is helpful. Taking the day off.

Will drop the goods off prior to because I'll be bringing items that will need to be refrigerated.

I also have several coolers. Will bring those as well.


Nubia said...

If you would like to reach me, please post with your phone number and I will return the call.

Thank you for supporting Edward, Susan and family.


Edward Padgett said...

You're all the best, thank you.

Kanani said...


Anonymous said...

Kanani, Jesse, Nubia etal,

I will bring assorted desserts as well as serving utensils and extra platters.

My number is (323) 758-2262.

Debi Taylor-Padgett

:: jozjozjoz :: said...

I'm sorry I cannot make it nor can I swing by to help... :(

Nubia said...

You're all great! We'll pull this off without a hitch!

Let's show the family what we've got:-)


Kanani said...

Arghhhh.... I'm just back into town. Great to see things are going as planned. I have to go to work now. I'll make the sandwiches and pick up a fruit platter tonite.

See you around 10:00 a.m.

Kanani said...