Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Important Events From This day in History March 24th

 1989 - U.S.A. Exxon Valdez

1989 : The Exxon Valdez, a 987-foot oil tanker, ran aground on a reef and ripped holes in its hull, spilling crude oil into Alaska's Prince William Sound. The Tanker spilled over 200,000 Barrels of Oil or more than 11 million gallons of crude oil leaving a Five Mile Slick making it one of the largest and most devastating environmental disasters at sea. After 3 months when environmentalists and biologists did a study it was found that nearly 250,000 seabirds,3,000 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles and up to 22 killer whales died as a result of the spill, and the fish stocks in the area were also devastated due to the oil.

1941 - U.S.A. Glenn Miller
1941 : Glenn Miller began production on “Sun Valley Serenade.” This would be his first motion picture for the film company 20th Century Fox.

1958 - U.S.A. Elvis Presley
1958 : Elvis Presley is inducted as US Army as a private #53310761 and completed basic training at Fort Hood, Texas, before being posted to Friedberg, Germany with the 3rd Armored Division. It was while in the army he studied Karate which he continued to study after his term in the army finished as a sergeant on March 2, 1960.


1973 - England Dark Side of the Moon
1973 : Pink Floyd the British Progressive rock band release the album "Dark Side of the Moon" which has became the 6th best selling album of all time with sales exceeding 40 million copies worldwide. What many do not know is it was produced at the Beatles famous Abbey Road Studios in London. Below are the tracks recorded on the album:
Speak to Me
On the Run
The Great Gig in the Sky
Us and Them
Any Colour You Like
Brain Damage

1900 - U.S.A. New York Subway
1900 : Work on the New York subway begins on the first section from City Hall to the Bronx, financed by the issue of rapid transit bonds issued by the City of New York and because no company was willing to take the risk of such a large project. They decided to build the subways itself by subcontracting with the IRT who ran the elevated railways in the city to equip and operate the subways, sharing the profits with the City and guaranteeing a fixed five-cent fare.

1920 - U.S. Women Have Most Freedom
1920 : A woman from South America completed studies on women around the world. She had determined that women from the United States enjoy the most freedom of all the women around the world.

1921 - U.S.A. Bullet
1921 : W.B. Meadows, a 78-year-old Civil War veteran coughed up a bullet. It had been stuck in his body since 1863 , which he was shot during the Battle of Vicksburg. Despite the fact that Meadows had a bullet stuck in his head for 58 years, he seemed to be in reasonably good health at the time he disposed of it. This man was a part of the “G” 37th infantry of Alabama.

1935 - Oklahoma Education
1935 : An educational bill was being considered in Oklahoma. A major portion of this new bill involved the requirement of each county to divide areas up into separate districts. Another very important part of this bill would be that pertaining to defining school districts, by way of creating area maps. Further studies of each county were proposed by this bill as well.

1940 - Norway Lochassator Sunk
1940 : Reports indicate that the British Ship Lochassator sunk into the waters of the Scandinavian Peninsula after it struck a German mine. During the same time period, Great Britain also sunk a carrier operated by the Germans in the North Sea. This action was taken in an attempt to cut Germany off from Swedish iron ore.

1944 - Italy Nazi Reprisals
1944 : Following the murder of 32 German soldiers by Italian Resistance in Rome, Italy, Nazi execute 300 civilians. Just three months later the allied troops took back Rome on June 4th 1944.

1949 - Palestine US Aid
1949 : President Harry S. Truman authorizes $16 million in aid for Palestinian refugees displaced and facing starvation as a result of Israel’s War of Independence in 1948.

1950 - Canada Airforce C54
1950 : A message simply read as “I-s” was found in the snow. This is Air Force code for “serious injury, doctor required, food and water needed”. This signal brought hope that perhaps there were yet people alive aboard this buried plane Airforce C54 that had been missing for two months.

1953 - England Queen Mary Dies
1953 : The British Queen Mother who was 85 dies peacefully in her sleep.

1954 - U.S.A. AMC Formed
1954 : Nash Kelvinator Corporation and the Hudson Motor Car Company merged to form the American Motors Corporation ( AMC ).

1963 - Costa Rica San Jose Volcano
1963 : A report was made concerning the erupting of a San Jose volcano. Hundreds of people had become ill from falling ash after the explosion of the Iraza. Likewise, numerous Costa Rica crops were destroyed, and local farm animals were killed.

1965 - U.S.A. Ranger 9 Moon Lander
1965 : A live broadcast from the Ranger 9 Moon Lander is shown on television as it hurtles to it's destruction on the moons surface. Ranger 9 was the last of the moon probes sent in which they are deliberately aimed at the surface of the Moon to take as many images as possible before being destroyed on impact and the first fitted with a camera that could create film suitable for use on domestic TV's.

1972 - U.S.A. Rocks
1972 : Scientists studying rock from different areas of the world have supported the theory that the continents used to be adjoining. As of this date, rocks have been gathered from Nova Scotia, Connecticut, New Jersey, Georgia, and South Carolina. These rocks were scheduled to be compared and contrasted with rocks from Morocco, which is in Africa.

1978 - France Amoco Cadiz
1978 : The tanker Amoco Cadiz splits in two off the coast of France during strong winds dumping 220,000 tons of crude oil on the Brittany coast line. The spill has created an oil slick 18 miles wide and 80 miles long causing an environmental ecological disaster in the area.

1985 - Germany Major Arthur Nicolson
1985 : Major Arthur Nicolson was shot. Within a few days following this event, Americans had told their side of the story regarding how it happened, which was very different from the story told by the Soviets account of the incident.

1990 - Australia Richard Pryor
1990 : News of Comedian Richard Pryor’s hospitalization the day before went public. He had suffered a mild heart attack the day before and was now considered to be in good condition. He was expected to be released the following week. This was not the only time he had health trouble. In the 1980s he nearly died from a cocaine overdose.

1992 - England Punch Magazine
1992 : The satirical British magazine Punch announces it will publish it's final issue on April 8th after 150 years due to falling sales and subscriptions.

1998 - U.S.A. Middle School Murders
1998 : Mitchell Johnson ( 13 yrs old ) and Andrew Golden ( 11 Years Old ) shoot and kill four fellow students and a teacher and nine other students and a teacher were wounded in Jonesboro, Arkansas. These boys were in a middle school and had set off the fire alarm and set up in the woods overlooking the school with two semi-automatic rifles, one bolt-action rifle and four handguns. As the students and teachers came out the two boys fired on them with devastating results. In August 1998, they were both sentenced to prison until they reached the age of 21. Mitchell Johnson was released on August 11th, 2005, Andrew Golden was released on May 25, 2007. Since those killings laws regarding murder by young offenders have changed in Arkansas and many other states and young offenders who commit horrendous crimes like these are often charged as adults and imprisoned for life.

1999 - Yugoslavia Air Strikes Against Serb Forces
1999 : Following the continued ethnic cleansing by Serbian forces on Kosovar Albanians, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commences air strikes against Yugoslavia bombing of Serbian military positions in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo.

2002 - Germany Mail Service
2002 : The Rhein-Main in Frankfurt has announced its decision to contract out its mail service needs to a company named Pacific Architects and Engineers Government services. This change was expected to take affect by fall of the same year, and this decision was made in order to save the base money.

2006 - Russia Helped Saddam Hussein With US Troop Movements
2006 : A Pentagon report that Moscow gave Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein intelligence on U.S. troop movements after the 2003 invasion of Iraq has been published. The report said that the Russians collected information from sources in U.S. Central Command in Doha and Qatar, which were then delivered to Saddam.

2006 - Belgium Chirac is upset when English is used during a European summit
2006 : The French President, Jacques Chirac, was upset at the E.U. Summit when a French business leader addressed delegates in English. Chirac walked out of a session when the president of the employers' association U.N.I.C.E., Ernest-Antoine Seilliere, said he had chosen English as the 'the accepted business language of Europe today.' Mr. Chirac told reporters that he was 'deeply shocked' by this. Protectionism was one of the prime topics of the day's meetings.

2007 - The U.N. Security Council agree to sanction Iran
2007 : The U.N. Security Council has unanimously voted to approve a resolution that bans all Iranian arms exports, and freezes some of the financial assets of twenty-eight Iranian individuals and entities linked to Iran's military and nuclear agencies. The 15 to 0 vote came the day after Mahmoud Admadinejad had canceled his plans to travel to New York to confront the Security Council.

2008 - Iraq 4,000 U.S. troops Lost
2008 : A roadside bomb in Iraq kills four U.S. soldiers, bringing the U.S. death toll to 4,000 since the Invasion of Iraq by US forces just over 5 years ago.

2008 - Greece Olympic Torch Relay Begins
2008 : Olympic Torch Relay starts from in Olympia, Greece to take it round the world promoting the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Countries the torch relay will be going through. Greece, China, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Russia, United Kingdom, France, United States, Argentina, Tanzania, Oman, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau. The Olympic Torch Relay will end in China on August 8th at the Olympic Stadium in Beijing.

2008 - Pakistan blocks access to YouTube
2008 : Pakistan is preventing access to the YouTube website because of its content being offensive to Islam. Its telecommunications ministry has ordered Internet service providers to block the site until access is permitted. It is said that the Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed were available there.

2009 - China blocks YouTube
2009 : China is reported to have blocked access to YouTube video-sharing because of it showing videos of soldiers beating Tibetan monks and passers-by. The actual date and location of the footage cannot be confirmed. Google has reported the YouTube video-sharing web site being blocked, although it has not explained why. Information on it was made known by the official Xinhua news agency. The agency has said that it was supporters of the Dalai Lama that had fabricated the clips of Chinese police officers beating Tibetans in Lhasa. Xinhua did not identify the video, but based on their description it appears to match a video that was available on YouTube, which had been released by the Tibetan government-in-exile.

2010 - Saudi Arabia 100 Arrested as possible Al-Qaeda Terrorists
2010 : More than 100 people with possible links to Al-Qaeda are arrested in Saudi Arabia for allegedly planning attacks on oil and security installations in the country.

2011 - US Soldier Sentenced for Afghan Killings
2011 : United States soldier, Jeremy Morlock, was sentenced to twenty-four years in prison for the murder of Afghan civilians after striking a plea deal. Morlock pleaded guilty to three murders as well as other crimes, and is expected to testify against four other soldiers involved in the murders. Morlock stated that the deliberate murders of civilians in Afghanistan had been planned by his units leader, Calvin Gibbs, and that all those involved in the killings knew that the civilians had been innocent. The case came to light after a German magazine printed photographs of US soldiers posing over Afghan bodies.

2012 - Former US Vice President Cheney Gets Heart Transplant
2012 : Former US Vice President Dick Cheney received a heart transplant while at the Inova Fairfax Hospital in the state of Virginia. The seventy-one year old man had suffered from heart problems since the age of thirty-seven and had been waiting for a transplant for over twenty months before receiving it.

2013 - Central African Republic President Flees
2013 : President Francois Bozize fled the Central African Republic after rebels took the capital of Bangui. Rebels announced they had reached their goal and would call on Central Africans to decide what was next for the country, however the UN and other nations were concerned over possible human rights violations.

2014 - Russian Troops Take Over Crimean Naval Base
2014 : Russian troops reportedly seized control of a Crimean naval base, the third in a string of similar attacks reported by Ukrainian officials within two days. There were reports of shots fired and that Ukrainian officers had been tied up by Russian troops.

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