Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Important Events From This day in History June 12


1994 USA O.J. Simpson

1994 : Nicole Brown Simpson, O.J. Simpson's ex-wife, and her friend Ron Goldman are brutally stabbed to death outside Nicole's home in Brentwood, California. OJ Simpson was later tried for the murders and although the evidence against Simpson was extensive he was found not guilty.

1917 Greece King Constantine I

1917 : King Constantine I of Greece, abdicates his throne in the face of pressure from Britain and France and internal opponents.

1922 USA Ferris Wheel

1922 : An unusual Hurricane and Tornadoes hit the New York Metropolitan Area causing billions of dollars in damage and loss of life. The storm hit suddenly and in Clasons Point a pleasure park near city Island a Ferris wheel with a large number of young riders broke away from it's mountings and crashed to the ground.

1929 Mexico Students

1929 : 2000 Students on strike take over the main building of the Mexican National University. The students held hostages and put a red flag over the building. They demanded the university rector to resign, but he refused. Eventually the students let the hostages go, but they still kept guard over the building.

1935 USA Ella Fitzgerald

1935 : At age 17, Ella Fitzgerald recorded her first songs - "Love and Kisses" and "I'll Chase the Blues Away." They came to be big hits for her.

1942 World War II Coral Sea

1942 : The news of A great Naval Battle between Naval forces from the United States and Japan in the Coral Sea between March 19th and May 9th resulted in the loss of the US aircraft carrier Lexington and 2 other US ships and the loss of 15 ships from the Japanese Navy. The naval battle is considered a major win for the US Navy.

1964 South Africa Nelson Mandela

1964 : The leader of the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa, Nelson Mandela, is jailed for life for sabotage.

1965 Vietnam Phan Huy Quat Resigns

1965 : South Vietnamese Premier Phan Huy Quat resigns following civil unrest and a military government is put in place headed by Army General Nguyen Van Thieu.

1967 USA Interracial Marriages

1967 : Interracial marriages declared constitutional by the Supreme Court and barred Virginia and by implication other states from making interracial marriage a crime.

1975 India Indira Gandhi

1975 : Indira Gandhi , the prime minister of India, is found guilty of electoral corruption in her successful 1971 campaign. Gandhi refused to give up India's top office and later declared martial law in the country when public demonstrations threatened to topple her administration.

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