Sunday, June 02, 2024

Important Events From This day in History June 2


1953 England Queen Elizabeth II

1953 : Following the death of her father Queen Elizabeth II is formally crowned as The Queen in England with hundreds of millions listening on radio and for the first time watched the proceedings on live television. After the coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey , millions of rain-drenched spectators cheered the 27-year-old queen born in 1926 and her husband, the 30-year-old duke of Edinburgh, as they passed along a five-mile procession route in a gilded horse-drawn carriage.

1935 USA Babe Ruth Retires

1935 : Babe Ruth, retires ending his Major League playing career after 22 seasons, 10 World Series and 714 home runs.

1921 USA Colorado Flash Floods

1921 : Flash Floods caused by Torrential rains leaves more than 100 people dead and millions of dollars in property damaged Pueblo County in Colorado.

1924 USA Indian Citizenship Act

1924 : The Indian Citizenship Act, which confers citizenship on all Native Americans born within the territorial limits of the country is passed in Congress.

1924 Canada Japanese Immigrants

1924 : The Canadian government considers making an agreement with Japan that would essentially ban the majority of Japanese immigrants coming into the country. The Canadian government would permit a total of 150 Japanese immigrants to come into he country each year to work as farm laborers or household servants.

1931 France Suspension Bridge Collapses

1931 : Ten people were killed in France during the testing of a new suspension bridge that was built. Nine trucks fell into the Gironde river when the bridge collapsed at its opening. The builder of the bridge was included among the dead.

1949 USA Uranium-235 Missing

1949 : An atomic bottle holding one ounce of uranium-235 that was missing was found. Seven-eighths of the uranium-235 that was in the bottle was accounted for, while one-eighth was still missing. The laboratory in Chicago which originally lost the bottle reported it lost in February.

1956 USA Matthew Woll

1956 : Matthew Woll, a man associated with the American labor movement dies at age 76. He was a leader in the labor movement for nearly 50 years and served as Vice President of the AFL-CIO and International Photoengravers Union.

1965 Vietnam Australian Troops Arrive

1965 : The first contingent of Australian combat troops arrives by plane in Saigon as Australia takes a more active role in the Vietnam War.

1966 Space Surveyor 1 Moon Landing

1966 : First US space probe to land on the moon, "Surveyor 1" has a soft landing on Moon. The Soviet Union was the first when the Russian probe Luna 9 had a successful soft landing on the moon on February 3rd earlier in 1966.

1972 USA United Airlines Plane Hijack

1972 : In Reno, Nevada a United Airlines jet was hijacked by one man. He demanded a $200,000 ransom while the plane remained grounded. His only hostages were crew members since passengers had not boarded yet.

1979 Poland Pope John Paul II

1979 : Pope John Paul II returns home to his native Poland as the first Roman Catholic pontiff to visit a Communist-ruled country.

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