Friday, February 05, 2010

On the Job with a Pressman

Kenda Williams from the Savannah Morning News wrote an interesting article on pressroom supervisor Daren Howard that I'm certain my colleagues at the Los Angeles Times will enjoy reading.

The article explains how and what a pressman does to create the magic of a newspaper daily, in Mr. Howard's own words.

Included are still photographs and an entertaining short video.

I would enjoy it if our publisher Eddy Hartenstein sent a reporter over to the Olympic Production Facility for an article on our pressroom, with an interview of our press manager Johnny Walker. How about it Eddy?

Click here or on title to enjoy this article.

Photo Credit: John Carrington/Savannah Morning News


NikonSniper said...

what a small world. i believe i will see mr. johnny walker on monday or tuesday.
nikonsniper steve

Edward Padgett said...

Send a few photos over Stephen. Enjoy the game!