Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thursday Morning in the Blogosphere


What’s the Matter with the Knight Foundation? - Second Rough Draft

Oklahoma sports website, went from anticipated startup to heartbreaking disaster in 8 months - Poynter

Today in Labor History October 17th, 2024


John D. Rockefeller cut a contract with the Pennsylvania Railroad, giving his Standard Oil Company a rebate on all freight carried by the line. This arrangement allowed him to monopolize virtually all oil production and transportation in the U.S. – 1877
Labor activist Warren Billings was released from California’s Folsom Prison. Along with Thomas J. Mooney, Billings had been pardoned for a 1916 conviction stemming from a bomb explosion during a San Francisco Preparedness Day parade. He had always maintained his innocence. – 1939

The “Salt of the Earth” strike began by the mostly Mexican-American members of the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union Local 890 in Bayard, New Mexico. Strikers’ wives walked picket lines for seven months when their men were enjoined during the 14-month strike against the New Jersey Zinc Company. The strike inspired the film “Salt of the Earth,” which was blacklisted. – 1950

Twelve New York City firefighters died fighting a blaze in midtown Manhattan. – 1966
The International Printing Pressmen’s & Assistants’ Union of North America merged with the International Stereotypers’, Electrotypers’ & Platemakers’ Union to become Printing & Graphic Communications Union. – 1973
The Industrial Union of Marine & Shipbuilding Workers of America merged with the International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers. – 1988

Important Events From This day in History October 17



17 Oct, 1973 Kuwait Oil Embargo

1973 : Members of OPEC announced an oil embargo and that they would discontinue all oil shipments to those countries that supported Israel in its war against Syria and would decrease oil production by 5 per cent a month until Israel gave up all territory it seized in the 1967 war and restores the rights of the Palestinian refugees. As oil prices rose American consumers sought out more fuel efficient cars mostly from Japanese car makers whose cars gave nearly twice the miles per gallon as the existing American built cars did.

17 Oct, 1907 U.S.A. Telegraph

1907 : The first commercial wireless telegraph is sent over the Atlantic Ocean.

17 Oct, 1927 U.S.A. Air Mail

1927 : With the increase in air mail traffic the post office is encouraging people to use the service more by making it easy with a flat rate of 10 cents for letters weighing less than 1/2 ounce to anywhere in the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom. All that is needed is to include the word Air Mail next to the 10 cent stamp and put into any post box and the post office will do the rest.

17 Oct, 1931 U.S.A. Al Capone

1931 : Scarface Al Capone well known gangster is found guilty of income tax evasion. One week later he was sentenced to 11 years in prison and a fine of $50,000.

Scar Face Al Capone Public Domain Photo

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17 Oct, 1933 U.S.A. Dr. Albert Einstein

1933 : Dr. Albert Einstein and his wife fleeing from Nazi Germany arrive in Princeton, New Jersey, where he will continue his scientific work at the Institute of Advanced Study.

Dr. Albert Einstein Public Domain Photo

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17 Oct, 1937 U.S.A. Poultry Farmer Protection

1937 : The federal farm and administration is again stepping in to protect poultry farmers by offering to buy fresh and storage eggs ,in the spring of this year following the purchase of $2,000,000 of eggs they managed to help poultry farmers survive.

17 Oct, 1943 Thailand to Burma Railway Completed

1943 : The 415-km Thailand Burma railroad (Death Railway) between Bangkok, Thailand and Rangoon, Burma is completed. During the construction of the railway approximately 13,000 prisoners of war and 100,000 civilians died due to the living and working conditions with most dying due to malnutrition, and diseases like cholera, malaria, and dysentery. Part of the railway was “The Bridge on the River Kwai” which was later made into a movie.

17 Oct, 1947 Burma Independence

1947 : Britain and Burma signed an agreement today giving Burma full independence outside of the British Commonwealth if it chooses. This ends 300 years of British Rule over the country.

17 Oct, 1947 U.S.A. Fire

1947 : A major fire in Maine caused more than a couple of hundred thousand acres of land along with several hundred of homes and at least a few hundred cottages were destroyed before it ended on November 14th.

17 Oct, 1952 U.S.A. Mechanical Heart

1952 : The worlds first successful use of a mechanical heart on July 3rd during a heart operation was announced today, it kept a mans blood going through his body for a total of 50 minutes and he is still alive and well today.

17 Oct, 1956 Sellafield Nuclear Power Station

October 17th, 1956 : Queen Elizabeth II officially opens Sellafield Nuclear Power Station although the power station had been providing electricity to the National Grid since 27th August 1956.

17 Oct, 1961 France Algerian Independence

1961 : Paris police shoot and kill more than 200 Algerians marching in the city in support of peace talks to end their country's war of independence against France.

17 Oct, 1965 U.S.A. Worlds Fair

October 17th, 1965 : The New York World's Fair ended which had started in 1964.

New York Worlds Fair 1964 to 1965 Domain Photo

17 Oct, 1968 Black Power Salute at the Olympics

1968 : Two black athletes make the Black Power Salute " when they bow and raise a black gloved hand as the American National Anthem played during the victory ceremony for the 200m final in Mexico" as a silent protest against racial discrimination in the United during the Mexico Olympics Ceremony. On the 17th they were both sent home by the U.S.A. national team and many were upset that politics had been bought into the Olympics.

Black Power Salute Olympics Domain Photo

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17 Oct, 1978 Scotland Grey Seal Cull

October 17th, 1978 : The Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior spends two weeks trailing the Norwegian boat Kvitungen preventing the start of the Grey Seal cull. And public opinion forces the Scottish Secretary Brian Millan to reduce the cull from 4,600 Grey Seal to 2,000 and local fisherman will perform the cull not the Norwegian boat.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Today in Labor History October 16th, 2024


John Brown

Abolitionist John Brown leads 18 men, including five free blacks, in an attack on the Harper’s Ferry ammunition depot, the beginning of guerrilla warfare against slavery. – 1859

After the French Revolution began, Marie-Antoinette, queen consort of Louis XVI, was targeted by agitators who, enraged by her extravagance and attempts to save the monarchy, ultimately guillotined her on this day in 1793.

China, eager to join the nuclear race, successfully detonated its first atomic bomb. 1964

Important Events From This day in History October 16



16 Oct, 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis Timeline

1962 : Cuban Missile Crisis Timeline

1. 15th October: United States reconnaissance photographs taken by an American U-2 spy plane revealed missile bases being built in Cuba.

2. 16th October: President Kennedy is informed that reconnaissance photographs revealed the presence of missile bases in Cuba.

3. 18th October: President Kennedy met Andrei Gromyko, who denies the existence of missiles in Cuba.

4. October 22nd: President Kennedy, in his first public speech tells the American public that missiles have been discovered in Cuba which had the potential to attack the United States with nuclear warheads. And gives warning that. "It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union."

5. 23rd October: Options for removing missiles from Cuba are discussed with Joint Chiefs of Staff recommending a full-scale invasion, but President Kennedy opposed the Invasion concerned that the U.S. would not gain support around the world and opted for a naval blockade of Cuba.

6. 23rd October: The US Joint Chiefs of Staff instructed Strategic Air Command to go to DEFCON 2, for the only time in history.

7. 24th October: The Naval Blockade of Cuba by United States begins.

8. 27th October: EXCOMM Meetings in Washington

9. 27th October: Private, public and diplomatic communication between the US and Soviet Union continue following the shooting down of a U-2 spy plane.

10. 27th October: The U.S. informs its NATO allies that the United States may find it necessary within a very short time in its interest and that of its fellow nations in the Western Hemisphere to take whatever military action may be necessary.

11. October 27th: Nikita Khrushchev offered to remove Soviet missile bases in Cuba if the U.S. removed its missile bases in Turkey.

12. 28th October: Nikita Khrushchev informed the United States that he had ordered the dismantling of Soviet missile bases in Cuba.

13. 28th October: The US informs the Soviet Union that the US would remove all missiles set in Turkey on the border of the Soviet Union.

14. 28th October: The US informs the Soviet Union that they will not invade Cuba.

15. 2nd November: President Kennedy tells the American people that Soviet missile bases in Cuba were being dismantled.

16. November 20th: USSR agreed to remove bombers from Cuba and US lifted its blockade.

This is the closest the world's two superpowers came to war, but one important safety mechanism did come from this episode, the Moscow-Washington hotline which puts the president of the United States and the leader of the Soviet Union in direct contact linking the White House via the National Military Command Center with the Kremlin during the Cold War.

16 Oct, 1924 U.S.A. Airship

1924 : The new ZR-3 Dirigible Airship from the Zeppelin Corporation has today set a new world record for transatlantic flight from Germany to the United States covering 5,066 miles and averaging 62.35 MPH, she is now tied securely at Lakehurst, New Jersey swaying from side to side and has proved the feasibility of Trans Atlantic Flight.

16 Oct, 1935 East Africa Italian Expansion

1935 : Despite moves by the League of Nations earlier this week the Italian Fascist army continues it's goal of East African Territorial expansion by looking beyond Ethiopia.

16 Oct, 1937 China Japan

1937 : Bitter fighting in the Shanghai district continues with Japanese Artillery bombarding the area in preparation for their drive south along the Ping-Hankow and Tientsin-Pukow Railways.

16 Oct, 1940 U.S.A. Register for Draft

1940 : American men are registering for draft and signing up at a rate of 1 million or more an hour.

16 Oct, 1946 Germany Nazis Hung For War Crimes

1946 : Ten Nazi leaders were hung today after a military tribunal sentenced them to death for war crimes including crimes against humanity.

16 Oct, 1946 U.S.A. Price Controls

1946 : President Truman lifts the price controls placed during the war on the sale of meat.

16 Oct, 1947 Great Britain Palestine

1947 : Great Britain has told the United Nations that unless a UN force is agreed quickly to help with the problems in Palestine between fighting Jews and Arabs Britain will pull out completely. Current proposals include creating a partition in the area with United Nations forces controlling the border area.

16 Oct, 1951 Prime Minister of Pakistan Assassinated

1951 : The first Prime Minister of Pakistan (office created during partition, not elected), Liaquat Ali Khan, is assassinated by Saad Akbar Babrak, an Afghan.

16 Oct, 1952 Iran Oil Fields Dispute

1952 : Iran has broken off diplomatic relations with great Britain following the continued dispute and lack of agreement over oil fields in Iran.

16 Oct, 1961 U.S.A. Railways Segregation

1961 : Segregation on railways in the south will end as 3 of the major railroads have stated they will end segregation on all trains immediately.

16 Oct, 1964 China New Atomic Power

1964 : The People's Republic of China becomes the fifth country in the world with atomic bomb capability joining the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France.

16 Oct, 1967 U.S.A. Vietnam Protests

1967 : Protest rallies and demonstrations across America have taken place in 30 US cities, from Boston to Atlanta, in protest against the continuing war in Vietnam. During a sit in at a military induction center in Oakland, California the folk singer Joan Baez is arrested together with a number of anti war supporters.

16 Oct, 1968 Rodney Riots In Kingston

October 16th, 1968 : Following the Jamaican government decision to ban Guyanese university lecturer Dr. Walter Rodney from returning to his teaching position at the University of the West Indies (UWI), students from UWI, begin a demonstration closing down the campus. later while marching to the parliament building in Kingston more demonstrators joined in and as the day progressed the March turned from a peaceful protest into a full scale riot spreading across the city causing millions of dollars in property damages and the death of several innocent bystanders.

16 Oct, 1973 U.S.A. Credit Card Catholics

1973 : A roman catholic church in Buffalo, New York has started accepting donations via credit cards in an attempt to increase it's income. A senior member of the Coronation of the Blessed Mary Church has explained that donations of 50 cents which is all it's parishioners have left after paying weekly bills is not enough to fund the churches budget and it is already proving a success as donations of $10 to $25 are forthcoming.

16 Oct, 1974 Northern Ireland Maze Prison

October 16th, 1974 : Rioting prisoners set fire to the Long Kesh Maze prison near Belfast.

16 Oct, 1978 Vatican New Pope Elected

1978 : The Roman Catholic church has elected it's first non Italian Pope in 455 years today when it elected the Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla as Pope John Paul II . He is also one of the youngest Popes in modern times at 58 yrs old.

16 Oct, 1986 Israel Terrorist Attack

October 16th, 1986 : A terrorist attack on Israeli soldiers and their families at the wailing wall by throwing grenades into the crowd yesterday caused the death of 1 person and injured a further 69. The PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) has claimed responsibility.

16 Oct, 1987 England Hurricane Storm Winds

1987 : Hurricane storm winds batter southern England during the night killing 13 after the worst night of storms in living memory.

16 Oct, 1991 Killeen, Texas Massacres

October 16th, 1991 : George Jo Hennard drives his pickup truck through the front window of a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas and shot and killed 23 people, wounded another 20 and after being cornered and wounded by police committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Morning in the Blogosphere

 A Saudi cartoon showing Israel prime minister @netanyahu

 as a surgeon removing Hezbollah cancer from Lebanon 

Wednesday's webinar: Make the most of your 4th quarter sales efforts - America's Newspapers

Today in Labor History October 15th, 2024


Woodrow Wilson

President Woodrow Wilson signed the Clayton Antitrust Act, often referred to as “Labor’s Magna Carta”, establishing that unions are not “conspiracies” under the law. It for the first time freed unions to strike, picket and boycott employers. In the years that followed, however, numerous state measures and negative court interpretations weakened the law. – 1914

Important Events From This day in History October 15th



15 Oct, 1973 Iceland Cod Wars

1973 : The Iceland Foreign Secretary has announced that Iceland is taking it's case against Great Britain in the current Cod War to the UN General Assembly in October in an attempt to settle the ongoing dispute.

15 Oct, 1917 France Mata Hari

1917 : The exotic dancer Mata Hari is executed by a French firing squad at Vincennes, outside of Paris, for espionage.

Mata Hari Public Domain Photo

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15 Oct, 1924 U.S.A. Chinese Tong Wars

1924 : The Chinese Tong Wars in New York and other major cities in the US continue to worsen with Tong leaders attempting to obtain machine guns and many more unsolved murders in the Chinese community.

15 Oct, 1928 U.S.A. Graf Zeppelin

1928 : The Graf Zeppelin rigid airship completes its first transatlantic crossing when it arrives in the United States at NAS Lakehurst, New Jersey four days after leaving Friedrichshafen, Germany.

Graf Zeppelin Public Domain Photo

15 Oct, 1935 Ethiopia Holy War

1935 : Emperor Haile Selassie has called for the greatest army ever assembled in Ethiopia to wage a holy war and recapture the sacred city of Aksum back from the Italians. He has now based his headquarters in Addis Ababa. The Italians are armed with machine guns, field guns and artillery while the tribesman of Ethiopia are fighting with guns and the advantage of numbers. Casualties have been high and have already reached 20,000 with many Ethiopian fighters killed by bombardments from Italian aircraft. But hundreds of thousands are coming from all over Ethiopia after the call from their Emperor.

Haile Selassie Public Domain Photo

15 Oct, 1937 U.S.A. The Flying Fortress

1937 : The worlds largest Military aircraft "The Flying Fortress " built by Boeing had it's first test flight today. It has a wingspan of over 140 ft and is estimated will fly at 250 MPH using its 1,000 HP engines.

Flying Fortress Public Domain Photo

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15 Oct, 1940 U.S.A. Charlie Chaplin

1940 : Charlie Chaplin's satirical comedy The Great Dictator opens.

15 Oct, 1945 France Vichy Puppet

1945 : Following the end of World War and freedom for the French people they execute Pierre Laval the Vichy puppet leader put in place by Germany during occupation for treason.

15 Oct, 1946 Germany Herman Goering

1946 : Herman Goering the former head of the Gestapo commits suicide rather than facing the death sentence he had been given of being hung the next day.

15 Oct, 1947 Great Britain Nationalisation

1947 : The government has stated that the nationalization of the Gas industry will occur before the Iron and Steel industries are nationalized as it is more important to the British economy and it provides the fuel needed to run the Iron and Steel industries.

15 Oct, 1954 Canada Hurricane

1954 : Hurricane Hazel strikes southern Ontario, Canada causing the Humber River to flood with entire neighborhoods were washed away and 81 people were killed.

15 Oct, 1964 Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev

1964 : While on holiday in in Pitsunda, Abkhazia, Georgia a band of conspirators call a special meeting of the Central Committee in which Khrushchev is removed from his positions. He is replaced by by Alexei N. Kosygin as premier and by Leonid I. Brezhnev as Communist Party secretary.

Nikita Khrushchev Public Domain Photo

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15 Oct, 1965 US Demonstrations Vietnam War

1965 : Demonstrations organized by the student-run National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam attracted 100,000 people in 40 cities across the country. In New York City, David Miller, becomes the first U.S. war protester to burn his draft card in direct violation of a recently passed law. He was found guilty and sentenced to two years imprisonment.

15 Oct, 1969 U.S.A. Demonstrations Vietnam War

October 15th, 1969 : The US Vietnam Peace Moratorium across towns and cities in the United States is the largest demonstration in US history with an estimated two million people involved, demonstrators wore black armbands to signify their dissent against the Vietnam War and paid tribute to American personnel killed in the war during the demonstration a candlelight march is held around the White House.

15 Oct, 1970 Egypt Anwar Sadat

1970 : Anwar Sadat succeeds Gamal Abdel Nasser as President of Egypt.

15 Oct, 1970 Australia West Gate Bridge Collapse

October 15th, 1970 : A section of the West Gate Bridge over the Yarra River in Melbourne, Australia collapses during construction killing 35 construction workers. Later during an investigation into the accident the structural design and an unusual method of erection was blamed for the accident.

15 Oct, 1984 U.S.A. Colorado Blizzard

1984 : Three feet of snow falls near Colorado Springs. This snowfall was one of the earliest that this region ever experienced. Another foot of snow had fallen in the Central area of Colorado as well. As a result of these storms, numerous drivers were stranded, and a large region of the state was nearly shut down.

15 Oct, 1987 Fiji Republic

October 15th, 1987 : Fiji becomes a republic ending the islands' 113 year British Crown sovereignty.

15 Oct, 1987 UK The Great Storm of 1987

1987 : The great storm strikes Cornwall, Essex and Kent England and the Cotentin Peninsula of Normandy with winds gusts in excess of 100 knots (approx. 115 MPH) causing widespread structural damage to buildings and downing over 15 million trees including six of the seven famous oak trees in Sevenoaks, Kent. The storm left millions in Britain and Southern France without electricity and caused the deaths of 39 people. The powerful winds left many homes without roofs and caused over billions of dollars of damage in France and Great Britain.

1987 Great Storm UK Public Domain Photo

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15 Oct, 1990 Russia Nobel Peace Prize

October 15th, 1990 : Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in helping to end the bitter Cold War between the Soviet Union and Western Powers that had been in place for nearly 50 years. Due to the tensions easing many important changes occurred including the 2 major superpowers agreeing to limit Nuclear proliferation making the world a safer place.

15 Oct, 1993 South Africa Nobel Peace Prize

1993 : Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk win the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end apartheid in South Africa.

15 Oct, 1997 U.S.A. Cassini–Huygens

October 15th, 1997 : The Cassini Huygens probes a joint European / American project designed to study the planet Saturn and its moons launches from Cape Canaveral on the start of it's 7 year journey to Saturn. Cassini-Huygens successfully entered Saturn's orbit on July 1, 2004. It's mission ended on September 15th, 2017 when it purposefully plunged into Saturn's atmosphere.

15 Oct, 2003 China Shenzhou 5

2003 : The People's Republic of China (PRC) launches its first manned space mission "Shenzhou 5" from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (Gobi desert) carrying astronaut Yang Liwei. The flight lasted 21 hours, 22 minutes and landed safely in inner Mongolia.

15 Oct, 2003 Staten Island Ferry Accident

October 15th, 2003 : The MV Andrew J. Barberi crashes at full speed into the concrete pier at the St. George ferry terminal on Staten Island. The pier ripped into the ferry's starboard side and tore into the boat's main deck where many passengers were crowding forward to disembark killing 11 and injuring a further 71 some critically.

Staten Island Ferry Public Domain Photo

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15 Oct, 2005 U.S.A. Toledo Riot

October 15th, 2005 : A riot in Toledo sparked by a planned rally by the National Socialist Movement (NSM), a Neo-Nazi organization, who planned a march to protest over alleged black gang activity in the North End of Toledo, Ohio. The rally was cancelled after Anti-Racist Action groups from other cities, and various street gangs from the north end created a massive protest which turned into a full scale riot when the protesters realized the (NSM) rally was cancelled and turned on police, media vehicles and emergency vehicles which then caused a citywide curfew to be implemented for the remainder of the weekend.

15 Oct, 2006 U.S.A. Hawii Earthquake

2006 : An offshore earthquake rumbles through parts of Hawaii. Measuring 6.7 on the Richter Scale, the earthquake created several major aftershocks and caused a great deal of property damages and injuries.

15 Oct, 2006 Italy Immigrants Rescued

October 15th, 2006 : The Italian coast guard rescued 300 illegal immigrants off the island of Lampedusa after it was caught in stormy weather.

15 Oct, 2007 Singapore Airbus A380 Superjumbo

2007 : The first Airbus Superjumbo, currently the largest passenger airliner in the world, is delivered to Singapore Airlines.

15 Oct, 2009 U.S.A. / Pakistan $7.5bn Aid Package

October 15th, 2009 : US President Barack Obama signs into law an aid package of $7.5bn for Pakistan, there are several conditions for the aid to Pakistan including Pakistan is no longer supporting militant groups.

15 Oct, 2011 Occupy London Protesters

2011 : Up to around 3,000 protesters gathered outside St.Paul's cathedral in London to demonstrate against corporate greed in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protesters in the United States. Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, joined the protesters in London and gave a speech talking about Wikileaks, the economy, and police in a day of coordinated mass protests. Other cities that participated include Sydney, Rome, Bucharest, Taipei, Tokyo, Toronto, Berlin, and Madrid.

15 Oct, 2011 Bangkok Tries to Fight Flood Waters

October 15th, 2011 : Military and civilian volunteers continued their attempts to stop flooding from devastating Bangkok, Thailand. The country had been experiencing some of the worst floods it had seen in decades with a death toll of over two hundred. Many villages and towns had been completely engulfed by flood waters.

15 Oct, 2012 Sex Offender Registry Published in Australia

2012 : Australia has published its first sex offender register that would be available publicly and covered the state of Western Australia. The registry would include pictures, names and descriptions of nine offenders of which the police had no whereabouts.

15 Oct, 2013 Burma Bomb Blast Hits Hotel

October 15th, 2013 : The Traders Hotel in Rangoon was hit by a series of small bomb blasts. One guest was injured and three people were taken into custody.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Morning in the Blogosphere


WA media seek overdue fix to public records rules - Save the Free Press

Important Events From This day in History October 14th


1991 Australia Ozone Layer

1991 : Scientists from the International Atmospheric Authority in Australia have said that the Earth's protective Ozone layer has shrunk 4% in the the last ten years compared with 2% in the preceding 10 years.

1879 United States Incandescent Light Bulb

1879 : Thomas Alva Edison filed his first patent application for "Improvement In Electric Lights" on October 14, 1878 (U.S. Patent 0,214,636) The first successful test was on October 22, 1879, and lasted 13.5 hours.

1913 Wales Coal Mine Explosion

1913 : A tremendous explosion ripped through the Sengenhydd coal mine near Cardiff in one of the worst mining disasters in Great Britain and over 400 minors are killed.

1928 U.S.A. Graf Zeppelin

1928 : The small town of Lakehurst NJ is preparing for the arrival tomorrow of the largest dirigible ever made the "Graf Zeppelin" which will complete it's transatlantic flight from Europe to America, this airship will change travel across the Atlantic with it's massive size of 770 ft and it's cruising speed of 60 MPH , this ship is owned by the German People.

1935 Sanctions on Italy

1935 : The League of Nations approved the placing of financial sanctions on Italy.

1938 Germany Nazi's Attacks Clergy

1938 : Adolf Hitler's deputy has attacked the catholic clergy during a massive Nazi rally in Austria telling the cheering crowd of 100,000 that the clergy are seeking to instigate people against the state. Hitler or Christ is not the question, Hitler has never taken a stand against the Church and there is only one Fuhrer and his name is Adolf Hitler, and the clergy should not take orders from Rome but from the Fuhrer.

1941 World War II Russia

1941 : As Panzer divisions approach closer to Moscow, Nazis are telling women and children to leave the city and run for their lives, Although Germany is close to Moscow it is still a long way from the Caspian oil fields which are one of the main objectives in this war. Russia in the meantime has asked England to strike German soil to create a diversion which would mean Hitler would have to move some of the Panzer divisions back to Germany giving the Russian Red Army time to regroup.

1944 World War II Desert Fox

1944 : German General Erwin Rommel or "the Desert Fox," is given the option of facing a public trial for treason, as a co-conspirator in the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler, or taking cyanide. He chooses suicide by cyanide.

General Erwin Rommel or the Desert Fox Public Domain Photo

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1947 U.S.A. Chuck Yeager

1947 : Chuck Yeager a World War II fighter pilot ace becomes the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound breaking the elusive "Sound Barrier." His X-1 rocket plane was built by the Bell Aircraft Company, the X-1 was taken to an altitude of 25,000 feet by a B-29 bomber and released through the bomb bay to achieve a speed greater than the speed of sound.

1947 U.S.A. Flying Boat

1947 : An old flying boat attempting to carry the largest number of passengers on a transatlantic flight (63 passengers) in a heavier than air aircraft has failed in its attempt and is stranded 800 miles from the Newfoundland coast in heavy seas and 25 ft - 75 ft waves.

1952 U.S.A. Radar Traps

1952 : As the number of radar speed traps is increased complaints that small towns adjoining main highways are using the traps to provide additional revenue by targeting motorists could become even worse as they install the latest radar traps which take photographs of the cars number plate meaning the local Police do not even need to witness the offence for the town to issue a speeding ticket. A test case is currently underway in New York on the legality of these new radar traps.

1954 U.S.A. Hurricane Hazel

1954 : Hurricane Hazel makes landfall at Haiti leaving three towns totally destroyed and more than 1,000 dead in its wake. From there it moved on to make landfall in North Carolina on October 15 as a Category 4 hurricane (19 dead) and then to Toronto, Ontario (81 dead). It is considered one of the worst hurricanes of the 20th century. This was the third hurricane to hit the United States in 1954 and by far the worst.

1962 Cuba U2 Spy Plane

1962 : Photographs taken by a high-altitude U2 spy plane show Soviet made medium range missiles in Cuba capable of carrying nuclear warheads just 90 miles from the American coastline. This news would bring the United States and the Soviet Union to the closest point to nuclear war in history.

U2 Spy Plane Public Domain Photo

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1964 U.S.A. Martin Luther King, Jr

1964 : Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent resistance to racial prejudice in America.

Martin Luther King Public Domain Photo

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1964 Soviet Union Khrushchev

1964 : Nikita Khrushchev is ousted from power by Leonid Brezhnev after 10 years.

Today in Labor History October 14th, 2024


Samuel Gompers

New York City cigar makers struck against pay cuts and repressive factory rules during October. The strike ended in January 1878 with the pay cuts and repressive rules intact. Samuel Gompers, the strike leader, was blacklisted and unable to find work for four months. – 1877

The two-day founding congress of the International Working People’s Association (IWPA) occurred in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania marking the beginning of the anarchist-trade union movement in the US. The congress endorsed “propaganda by the deed”, which included assassinations. In attendance were two of the future Haymarket Martyrs, August Spies and Albert R. Parsons. – 1883

The Seafarers International Union (SIU) was founded as an American Federation of Labor (AFL) alternative to what was the Congress of Industrial Organization’s (CIO) National Maritime Union. SIU was an umbrella organization of 12 autonomous unions of mariners, fishermen and boatmen working on U.S.-flagged vessels. – 1938
Formal construction began on this date on what was expected to be a five-year, $3.9 billion replacement for the Tappan Zee Bridge on the Hudson River. It was estimated that the project would employ 8,000 building trades workers over the span of the job. – 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday Night in the Blogosphere


The Wenatchee World acquires NCWLIFE television station - Wick Communications

Mission Local distributes 20K Spanish- and Chinese-language newspapers - Mission Local

Lakes Unlimited Learning to present on the "Disappearing Rural Newspaper" - Pine and Lakes

Today in Labor History October 12th, 2024


The Battle of Virden Memorial

The First Industrial Congress of the US (first US national labor congress) met in New York City. – 1845

Also known as “Miners Day,” October 12 commemorates the seven miners killed in the “Virden Riot” of October 1898, when miners got in a shootout with mine guards attempting to bring in strikebreakers. The riot came in response to the mine owners refusal to accept the 8-hour day, offer raises, abolish the company store and recognize the United Mine Workers. Six security guards were also killed and 35 others wounded.  – 1898

Fourteen miners were killed and 22 were wounded by scab herders at Pana, Illinois. – 1902
2,000 workers demanding union recognition closed down dress manufacturing, Los Angeles. – 1933

Important Events From This day in History October 12


12 Oct, 2000 Yemen USS Cole

2000 : The USS Cole a navy destroyer is attacked by two suicide terrorists believed to be part of (Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network) using a motorized rubber dinghy loaded with explosives which blows a 40ft by 40ft hole in the port side of the USS Cole while it was harbored in the Yemeni port of Aden leaving seventeen sailors dead and 38 wounded.

12 Oct, 1978 U.S.A. Projected Incomes

1978 : Some figures this week released by the Social Security administration give some interesting figures for current and projected incomes and taxes - Average Worker earns $10,500 per year.

1990 Average Worker Projected to earn $22,700 per year (Actual was $28,960)

2000 Average Worker Projected to earn $40,000 per year (Actual was $40,344)

2010 Average Worker Projected to earn $70,000 per year

2025 Average Worker Projected to earn $162,000 per year

2050 Average Worker Projected to earn $656,000 per year

12 Oct, 1931 U.S.A. Johnny Weissmuller

1931 : Olympic gold medal swimmer Johnny Weissmuller is chosen to play Tarzan in a number of films stretching all the way to the Forties.

Johnny Weissmuller Public Domain Photo

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12 Oct, 1937 U.S.A. Brady Gang

1937 : Federal agents shoot and Kill Al Brady and members of the Brady Gang in a shootout at Bangor, Maine on Columbus Day in 1937. They surprised the gang at 8:30 a.m. on a busy street as they left a local store and a shootout between the gang and FBI Agents left a number of dead and wounded.

12 Oct, 1945 Germany Nazi Party Dissolved

1945 : The Nazi party is ordered to dissolve by The Allied Control Council and stated that any attempt at it's revival in any guise would be considered a criminal offense.

12 Oct, 1957 Canada Queens Visit

1957 : Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip arrive in Ottawa, Canada.

12 Oct, 1962 Columbus Day Storm

1962 : The Columbus Day Storm strikes Northern California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia with some of the strongest winds ever recorded during a cyclone and registered wind gusts in excess of 145 mph. The storm blew down many tens of thousands of trees, possibly exceeding the annual timber harvest for Oregon and Washington. Together with the strong winds all time record rain over a 12 hr period caused major flooding and mudslides. The death toll from the storm was 46 but the human cost including homes and property damaged or destroyed makes the storm one of the worst in living memory in the United States.

Columbus Day Storm Public Domain Photo

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12 Oct, 1966 Nobel Peace Prize

1966 : The Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine has been awarded to two American doctors who devoted their lives to combating the dreaded disease of Cancer, Francis Peyton Rous of Rockefeller University in New York City and Charles B Huggins of the University of Chicago.

12 Oct, 1968 Mexico Olympic Games

1968 : The 19th Summer Olympics Games of the XIX Olympiad, open in Mexico City, Mexico.

12 Oct, 1972 US Navy Ship Race Riot

October 12th, 1972 : 46 sailors are injured in a race riot involving more than 100 sailors on the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk.

12 Oct, 1978 Sid Vicious Arrested For Murder

1978 : Punk Rocker Sid Vicious arrested on suspicion of murder after the body of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen found in their New York hotel room . While on bail he overdosed on heroin and died before any trial in February 1979.

12 Oct, 1983 Japan Bribes

October 12th, 1983 : Former Japanese prime minister Kakuei Tanaka is convicted of taking $2.2 million in bribes from American manufacturer Lockheed Aircraft Corp.

12 Oct, 1983 Israel Shekel Devalued

1983 : After just 3 days in office The new Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Sharmir, has devalued the shekel by 23 percent.

12 Oct, 1984 England Conservative Party Conference Bombing

October 12th, 1984 : IRA Terrorists carry out a bomb attack on the British Government at the Conservative party conference at Grand Hotel Brighton

Grand Hotel Bombing 1984 Public Domain Photo

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