Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
January, 2008 in Retrospect
Tribune Co. Retirees New Years Gift
Producing the Los Angeles Times - It Isn't Easy
David Hiller Speaks to Everyone But Operations
Operations Left in the Dark at the Los Angeles Times
Poor Dennis FitzSimons Grabs another $3 Million
Sam Zell the Billionaire the Blogger
Blogosphere Comments on Dennis FitzSimons
The Passing of Johnny Grant - 84
Take Back the Times: Many Small Papers Are Tanking As Year Begins
Barack Obama to Visit the Los Angeles Times
Sam Zell on Tribune Employee Handbook
Advertising Migrating to the Internet
Sam Zell Communicates with Everyone
Los Angeles Times Editor Is Fired After 14 Months on Job
LA Cowboy: What Really Happened At The LA Times! He Just Wasn't That Into You!
Sam Zell: No censoring of the Web
Barack Obama at the Los Angeles Times
Take Back the Times: Hiller Firing 2 Men Of Principle, Looks For A Fool
Colorful Language in the Pressroom
Non Verbal Message from Sam Zell
Joseph Mailander Published in The Times
Sam Zell to Visit the Los Angeles Times
Colorful Language in the Workplace
February, 2008 in Retrospect
David Hiller on Sam Zell Visit to the LA Times
Take Back the Times: LAT and Other California papers Support Obama
LA Cowboy: If You Only Read One Article All This Week...
LAist Election Party at Seven-Grand
Sam Zell to Visit THIS Thursday
Sam Zell a Hit at LAT Olympic Plant
Sam Zell, Newspaper Super Hero
Sam Zell Videos from LAT Olympic
A Conversation with Otis Chandler
Let Sam be Sam, but you be nice
Message from Russ Newton SVP Production
Another Round of Buyouts at the Tribune Company
Messages from David Hiller & Sam Zell
Laughter Therapy for Tribune Newspaper Workers
David Hiller Names New Editor at the Times
Message from David Hiller Publisher Los Angeles Times
Car hits Md. street-race crowd; 8 killed
Tribune Employees Being Axed Today
You Can't Fix Something You Don't Understand
Pancake Breakfast To Benefit Fallen LAPD SWAT Officer
What's New at the Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times Buyout Files or EVSP
Outsourcing Production to the Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times Axed Employee Recognition Dinner
March, 2008 in Retrospect
$4 a Gallon Gasoline Coming Soon
Missing Pool Table at Times Mirror Square
Darrell Kunitomi Leaving the Los Angeles Times
LA Times / GCC/IBT Negotiations
In Memory of Kevin Riley Clawson
Thirty-one Pressmen Axed at Los Angeles Times
Downsizing at the Los Angeles Times
Do Tribune Employees Really Own The Company?
Los Angeles Times Union Negotiations Update
WGN Weatherman flips out - "I Own This Place"
An Homage to the Last Great Newspaper Editor
Filming of the Soloist at the Los Angeles Times
Former Colleague Needs Our Help
Tribune takes the Sun Times' prize
Tribune Profits Spent on Golden Parachutes
Sam Zell to Partners (Tribune Employees)
Tribune Appoints Chandler Bigelow CFO
Sam Zell approves of Sun-Times ribbing
Tribune's KSWB-TV, San Diego, to Join Fox Network
Tribune Employees May Need to Refile Taxes
The latest from Uncle Sam Zell
Los Angeles Firefighter Killed in the Line of Duty
Los Angeles Times Writers Say Goodbye
Unofficial Departure List of Production Employees
April, 2008 in Retrospect
Tribune Company Announces Name Change
Darrell Kunitomi Staying With Los Angeles Times
Tribune to Hold Conference Call with Lenders
Another Video podcast for The Pressmen
Tribune Co faces default threat in '09
Surely You Can’t Be Serious?Marc Chase - President Of Tribune Interactive!
Russ Stanton Taking LAT Editors on Retreat
Memo From David Hiller Publisher LA Times
In Memory of William Robert Miller
Tribune Announces Executive Appointments
The Fanatic Printer Speaks Out
Save Our Trade: Recent Negotiations
Tribune Tobacco Use Fee Rescinded
Departures at the Los Angeles Times
The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class
San Francisco Peninsula Press Club: New Chron printer moves ahead with plant
This year's I.O. Award winners
Los Angeles Times Operations Buyouts
Lee Abrams Explains His Vision For Tribune Co.
Farewell Party at the Los Angeles Times
Take Back the Times: Tale Of Two Newspapers: WSJ and L.A. Times
David Hiller on the Festival of Books
May, 2008 in Retrospect
Message From Russ Stanton Editor LA Times
Save Our Trade: Negotiation Update
San Francisco Peninsula Press Club: Majority signs union cards at CC Times
Meredith Artley and Record Web Traffic at
David Hiller and the Town Hall Meeting
Tribune Names Randy Michaels Chief Operating Officer
Los Angeles Times Employee Recognition Week Video
Tribune Reports 2008 First Quarter Results
Message From Sam Zell 05.07.08
Mark Shapiro Elected to Tribune Board of Directors
Murdoch Pulling His Bid For Newsday
Mayhem at the Times Orange County Facility
Computer To Plate at Times Olympic Facility
Russ Newton SVP Production LA Times
Save Our Trade: Postcard from The Negotiation Table
Innovation at the Los Angeles Times
New Dept. in Editorial - Russ Stanton Memo
Tribune To Hold Conference Call With Lenders On June 5
Memo to Tribune employees from CIO Lee Abrams
Videos of the Los Angeles Times Olympic Facility
Save Our Trade: Advertiser Letter
Message from Russ Newton SVP Production
The Din at the Los Angeles Times
June, 2008 in Retrospect
Operations Managers Under Attack
Passing of Phil Fox - Former Los Angeles Times Employee
Take Back the Times: A Bad Pressmen's Union Letter to LAT Advertisers
Smokers Beware of Enterprise Rental Cars
Revised Letter to LA Times Advertisers
Message from Marty Keegan - Lead Union Organizer
Paul Gillin Visits the Los Angeles Times
Sammy Maloof & Winning at the Race of Life
David Hiller Singing the National Anthem
Tribune Statement Regarding Wrigley Field
Healthcare Survey for Tribune Employees
Los Angeles Times Rumor Control
Tribune Company Promotes John Hendricks to EVP/Interactive and Broadcast Sales
Ernie Hernandez Returns to the LA Times
Kodak Platesetter Beta Testing at Los Angeles Times
Take Back the Times: Harold Meyerson Says Zell Should Be Jailed
Scott Smith retires as Chicago Tribune publisher
Chicago Tribune's Blogger Meetup
Save Our Trade: 52 Annual North American Newspaper Conference
Blogger Boycott and Petition of Associated Press
Lee Abrams Speaks, and Speaks, and Speaks....
Charles G Laird - Father - Pressman - Pilot
Tribune Company in Default by End of Year?
Save Our Trade: June 16th & 17 Negotiations Update
Where's The New Production at Olympic?
Anonymous Comments No Longer Accepted
Shout Out to the Union Members at Newsday
Otis Miller - Father - Pressman - Inventor
Save Our Trade: KFWB 980 AM Radio Spots
Tell Zell: Project 3: The Pension
Fast & Furious Hollywood Stuntman Sammy Maloof
Message from Sam Zell to Tribune Partners
Times Mirror Square Name Restored
David Hiller Pre-Layoff Message
Employees Rate Supervision at Tribune Company
Job Action at Los Angeles Times
Ken Reich Rest In Peace - 30 -
July, 2008 in Retrospect
Tell Zell: In Memoriam, Ken Reich
Memo to Tribune employees from CAO Gerry Spector
Dan Neil's Hands Free Alternatives
Newsroom Job Cuts Los Angeles Times
David Hiller and the Newsroom Job Cuts
Goodbye Ken Reich, We'll Miss You
Pressman David Rascon Hospitalized
Save Our Trade: How Can Partners fire Partners?
Take Back the Times: Eulogy for our Father
Sammy Maloof with Joni Lamb on Daystar TV
Meredith Artley and LATimes Web Traffic
Production Changes at LA Times Olympic Facility
Pressroom Job Action at Los Angeles Times?
Save Our Trade: Well here we go !
Paul Gillin of Newspaper Death Watch
David Hiller Leaving Los Angeles Times?
Russ Stanton Has Just Announced that the Firings Will Commence Immediately
David Hiller Bids Colleagues Farewell at LA Times
Tours of Pressroom by Employees Now Banned
LA Times Employees Welcome to Use Meeting Room
Innovation at Los Angeles Times Olympic Facility
Los Angeles Times Among Ourselves
Los Angeles Times Union Meeting
Employees of the Baltimore Sun rally with chants of SELL ZELL
David Hiller Visits LA Times Production Facilities
More Older Pressroom Photo's Added to Flickr
Winning at the Race of Life with Sammy Maloof
Tribune Appoints Gilbert as EVP/Multi-Media Sales
Selling the News in Mexico City
The Guide Bids LA Times Subscribers Farewell
Meredith Artley to LA Times Bloggers
Editor outlines changes in print version of The Times
Tell Zell: Even God Rests on Sundays
More DownZelling at The Los Angeles Times
Tribune Names Marty Wilke Interim General Manager at WGN-TV
Security Alert At Times Olympic Facility
Couple Chat with Los Angeles Times Circulation
L.A. Times Editor Gives Pep Talk to Staff
August, 2008 in Retrospect
The Jean War at the Daily News
Securing LA Times Olympic Facility From Zell Hell Banners
Jack McGrath Los Angeles Times Subscriber
Condolences to Darleene Powells and Family
Tribune Company Employee Survey
Big Web Picture at the Los Angeles Times
Let's talk about character - Sammy Maloof
A Reader Speaks: Sell Back The Times!
In Memory of my Son - Bryan Padgett R.I.P.
Tribune Reporters Eat Penis in Beijing
Book About Sam Zell and Tribune to be Published
Staff Cuts at Times Community Newspapers
Tell Zell: Take Back the Times
Collaboration of DC Comics and Marvel Comics
Another New Publisher at the Los Angeles Times
Further Circulation Declines at the LA Times
Mark Kurtich Former SVP Production in the News
Tribune Appoints Hartenstein as Publisher of Los Angeles Times
Former Los Angeles Times Employees
Tell Zell: Bye Lines, LA Times
Kate Coe Back in the Blogosphere
LA Times Publisher Eddy Hartenstein's First Act
Los Angeles Times Media Group Names Scott McKibben Chief Revenue Officer
Mexican Fugitive Nabbed at my Brothers Home
Another Senior VP at Tribune Company
Sam Parks Leaves the Newspaper
Illegal Street Racing Takes the Lives of Three
September, 2008 in Retrospect
Gannett Acquires a Majority Stake in CareerBuilder from Tribune Company
Message from Eddy Hartenstein Publisher LAT
Winning at the Race of Life with Sammy Maloof
Former Los Angeles Times Editor Matt Welch
Tribute to the 2,973 People Who Died 09.11.01
Advice Goddess Now Carried by LA CityBeat
Tribune Says Confusion Over 2002 Article Started with Google Search Agent
Save Our Trade: Don't Sign The Petition!
Metrolink Train Accident Updates
Unprecedented Jobs Losses in the Newspaper Industry
OC Register Produced by LA Times?
Class Action Lawsuit at Tribune Company
Sam Zell reacts to his employees' lawsuit
Tribune Statement on Class Action Lawsuit
Jim Newton Returns to LA Times
Save Our Trade: Targeted for Discipline
Tribune Names Tony Hunter Publisher of Chicago Tribune
Horse Racing Returns to the Los Angeles Times
October, 2008 in Retrospect
1910 Bombing of the Los Angeles Times Building
Los Angeles Times Redesign Update
Nearly 200 arrested at street racing site in Ontario
Union Negotiations at the Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times to Shed 75 in Newsroom Today
Retired Los Angeles Times Pressmens Breakfast
Save Our Trade: Proposed Seniority List
Another Tribune Company Class Action Suit?
Condolences to Al Clark and Family
Brian Quintana Raises Funds for Life Rolls On
Moves at the LAT editorial pages
Save Our Trade: Dick Lipsett needs our help!
Los Angeles Times Blogger Event
Sam Thompson Former Pressman at Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times Redesign Update
Layoffs at the Los Angeles Times
Save Our Trade: our right to labor
Lay Offs at the Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times Layoffs Continue
"If I Can Help a Reporter Out..."
Tribune COO Randy Michaels' memo to employees
Can You Hear me Now Eddy Hartenstein?
Get Lost With Easy-Writer: No On Prop 8
Ten Percent of Staff Let Go at the Los Angeles Times
Message from Eddy Hartenstein Publisher LAT
Los Angeles Times Love Ride 2008
Will the LA Times Release Obama Video?
Outsourcing of Security at the Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times Blogger Peter Viles -30
November, 2008 in Retrospect
LAT no longer has a Washington bureau
McManus responds to LAT staffer's memo
Circulation Increases by 142,000 Copies at the Los Angeles Times
Tribune Sees Huge Demand for Post-Election Newspapers
232,000 Additional Los Angeles Times Nov. 5th Edition
Save Our Trade: SHOW ME THE MONEY!
Outsourcing of Computer Help Desk Not Working at Tribune
Electronic Village: Mississippi Officials Tell Kids Not To Say 'Obama'
Courage Campaign Repeal Prop 8
Tribune Reports 2008 Third Quarter Results
Never Know Whom You Might Meet?
Downsizing Continues at the Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times Pressman Loses Home to Fire
The Future of News with Lee Abrams
Eddy Hartenstein Stops the Presses
Save Our Trade: Almost There! Negotiations Complete
Save Our Trade: Ratification Meeting Information
Congratulations Andrew Nystrom
December, 2008 in Retrospect
It fought the fire the only way it knew how
The Foothill Cities Blog is Back
Follow the Los Angeles Times on Twitter
Los Angeles Times Online Audience
Tribune Company hires FTI Consulting
Tribune Filing for Bankruptcy this week?
Monday Morning Tribune Bankruptcy News
Sam Zell on Tribune Restructuring
Los Angeles Times Pressrooms Ratify Union Contract
street-hassle: LA Times/Trib pageviews their way to bankruptcy
Letter from the publisher Eddy Hartenstein
Tribune Company to Voluntarily Restructure Debt Under Chapter 11
Tribune Employees Biggest Losers in Bankruptcy
Tribune Company Appears in Bankruptcy Court
Employee Payroll and Health Benefits Continue Uninterrupted
Save Our Trade: Labor,Management Forum Held Yesterday
Porchia Brothers Suffer a Great Loss
Christmas Cancelled for Los Angles Times Employees
Save Our Trade: We Want Our Lunch Breaks!
Save Our Trade: Local Officer Nominations Meeting
Mack Reed demonstrates surface at BarCamp
Save Our Trade: Courtesy Call with a Threat on the Side
Easy-Writer: Book Review-The Soloist
JOUR M02 Writing and Reporting for the Media: Creditors Picked in Tribune Filing
HowStuffWorks Show: Paper Pulp
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday Morning News
- Seattle Times freezing nonunion pensions - Seattle PI
- Is the Axe Headed for Newspapers? - Huffington Post
- Can’t Sell Ads? Sell Buildings - Newspaper Death Watch
- Americans prefer news from Web to newspapers - Breitbart
- Is Detroit's Media Gamble the Future of Newspapers? - City Beat
- Coming soon: 'A new newspaper for a new year' - Delmarva Now
- Online news was a thrill - now its feeling the big chill - Star Bulletin
- Tribune Co. seeks permission to fund union pensions - Chicago Tribune
- New York Times Reports November Revenues Down 21% - Business Wire
- What Happens to Print Ad Dollars When Publishing Stops? - Seeking Alpha
Friday, December 26, 2008
GOP memo indicates vendetta against unions
Does the Employee Free Choice Act give workers rights or take them away?
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday Night News
- A danger to journalism - Buzz Machine
- Is The End Near For Editorial Cartoonists? - NPR
- Ad Spending ‘09: In a Word: “Ugh” - Newspaper Death Watch
- Missourian to cut back to five days a week in print - Missourian
- Could Bankrupt Tribune Even Buy the U-T? - Voice of San Diego
- Tim Franklin to step down as editor of The Sun - The Baltimore Sun
- Pressmen Snub Star-Tribune Publisher at Holiday Party - Teamsters
- VistaPrint Revenues Will Exceed NYT Revenue in 2011 - Meta Printer
- Newspaper carrier dies after car gets stuck in showdrift - Wisconsin SJ
- Newspapers to Sell Buildings, But Who's Buying? - Writing for the Media
Officer Nominations
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
We will be hosting two Nomination meetings on Sunday January 4, 2009 at the
Crowne Plaza / Commerce Casino.
6121 Telegraph Rd
Commerce, CA 90040
(323) 728-3600
The meeting times will be:
10:00 am to 11:00 am
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
The purpose of this meeting is to nominate the officers, executive board members and shop stewards. There will not be any voting taking place and is only for casting your
In order to be nominated for one of the following positions you should be present at one of the meetings. If you cannot attend and you want to nominate someone, put it on paper, sign it and have it delivered by someone who will be attending the meeting.
Executive Vice President
Vice President, Los Angeles
Vice President, Orange County
Shop Stewards
3 in L A (1 per shift)
3 in Orange County (1 per shift)
Secretary Treasure
Recording Secretary
Executive Board Member L A
Executive Board Member Orange County
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Mike Huggins – Marty Keegan
Hollywood Producer Brings Christmas to Homeboys
Quintana enlisted companies he does business with to compile a Holiday gift bag that has Hollywood's charitable community buzzing. And that is no easy task in any economy. Warner Bros. Entertainment donated the new Batman DVD, Universal Studios provided the Mummy DVD, Disney furnished the Wall-E DVD, the Spectacle Group supplied the new Guns N' Roses CD, Warner Records contributed an assortment of CDs, Joe Francis gave very tasteful Girls Gone Wild caps, Coffee Bean tossed in $5 gift cards, OPI delivered nail polish, Shorty's and Planet Salon shelled out the cosmetics, and M&M/Mars Inc. dished out the sweets. In total Quintana provided over $30,000.00 worth of merchandise to 500 youth from three charities.
Quintana is currently co-producing Superman:Man of Steel for Warner Bros. Pictures. "I am grateful for my success and believe it's my duty to give back," stated Quintana. Quintana once shared a one bedroom home with eleven family members most of whom were gang affiliated. At age fifteen Oprah Winfrey's "A Better Chance" program facilitated him attending The Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Connecticut before graduating from UC Berkeley. His Hotchkiss scholarship was provided by none other than M&M/Mars Chairman Forrest E. Mars, Jr.. Prior to producing, Quintana served President Bill Clinton, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and countless other politicians.
As a member of the Honorary Committee, Quintana enlisted his Hollywood colleagues to support Homeboy's 20th Anniversary dinner earlier this year. Hollywood supporters of that event included Warner Bros. Entertainment, Dreamworks SKG, Wendy & Barry Meyer, Katie Mc Grath & JJ Abrams, Carol & Frank Biondi, Lynda & Stewart Resnick, Kirk Kerkorian, Anjelica Huston, Herb Alpert, Eva Longoria, Martin Sheen, LAPD Chief William J. Bratton, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
To make a Holiday pledge or for more information Quintana asks that you log onto
Monday, December 22, 2008
HowStuffWorks Show: Paper Pulp
Learn the process for making paper pulp in this clip from the "HowStuffWorks" show on Discovery Channel.
Monday Morning News
- Los Angeles Times followup - Jeff Jarvis
- The case for and against Sam Zell - Fortune
- The Examiner Cuts Monday Edition - KMBC - TV
- 2008 total: 15,572+ newspaper jobs lost - Paper Cuts
- The L.A. Times had not yet sent me a check - Joel Stein
- I think big-city newspapers are not long for this world - USC
- Tribune Co. Screws With the Yule Log - Writing for the Media
- Sun-Times to close Plainfield printing plant - Chicago Tribune
- Media big wigs that have lost the most money this year - Tina Dupuy
- In Denver, a Web Site Tries to Save a Newspaper - New York Times
- Economically Sustainable? I don’t think so - Meta Printer
JOUR M02 Writing and Reporting for the Media: Creditors Picked in Tribune Filing
From the Chicago Tribune:
Tribune Co.'s official committee of unsecured creditors will include Wall Street banks and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Merrill Lynch Capital Corp. and Deutsche Bank National Trust also won seats on the eight-member committee of unsecured creditors, which represents the interest of all holding debt not backed by collateral.
Tribune Co., the Chicago-based owner of the Chicago Tribune, filed for bankruptcy Dec. 8, less than a year after real estate billionaire Sam Zell took it private as an employee-owned company in an $8.3 billion deal that saddled it with debt. Most of the company's $13 billion in debt isn't guaranteed by Tribune Co.'s newspapers and broadcasting stations.
> Newspaper Guild Local Named to Creditor Committee in Tribune Bankruptcy Filing
> Sun-Times Media Group: We'll Return to Profitability At A 'Fraction' Of Size
JOUR M02 Writing and Reporting for the Media: Creditors Picked in Tribune Filing
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday Afternoon Links
- Newspaper e-Editions, I don’t get it - Meta Printer
- Can the LA Times turn off its presses? - Jeff Jarvis
- There Are Cartoon Columnists at LAT - Tina Dupuy
- Los Angeles Times Poll fades to black - LAObserved
- Denver Newspaper issues Jan. 16 ultimatum to unions - RMN
- Discontinue Delivering the Monday Paper - Herald and News
- Seattle Times tells 500 employees to take 5 days off - Crosscut
- No denial of latest Los Angeles Times cuts rumor - Kevin Roderick
- 2009 Forecasts Offer Little To Smile About - Newspaper Death Watch
- City Of Los Angeles Now More Corrupt Than Chicago! - Brady Westwater
Easy-Writer: Book Review-The Soloist
By Kanani Fong
Last year, in the Los Angeles Times, columnist Steve Lopez chronicled his accidental fall into the life of a homeless man who played Beethoven, Saint Saëns, Mozart and Brahms on a battered violin while standing near a tunnel in downtown Los Angeles. Lopez's column became the number one read for me, so engrossing was his account of his friendship with a man the world will get to know, former Julliard student, cellist, and schizophrenic, Nathaniel Anthony Ayers.
Entire article can be read here at Easy-Writer.