Thursday, July 30, 2009
Confusion About 'Cash for Clunkers'
Los Angeles Times autos reporter Martin Zimmerman says watch out for rule changes, tax issues and scams. Read more at Los Angeles Times Business
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Which Way LA? Tonight RE: Lily Burk & Parole Policy
Here’s the information from Celeste:
This evening at 7 p.m, I’ll be on Warren Olney’s Which Way LA? along with LAPPL President Paul Weber.
We’ll be talking about the tragedy of Lily Burk’s death, the media coverage of the crime, and whether or not it’s being used as a political football.
We will also discuss prison and parole policy as those topics relate to the proposed $1.2 billion in cuts to the CDCR budget to be decided upon in August by the California State Leg.
Tune in at 7 p.m. at KCRW - 89.9 FM - to hear it live.
Or listen to the podcast when it goes up here.
Wednesday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Times to deliver OC Register - Kevin Roderick
- The Post vs. AMC Theatres - Washington Post
- Sam Zell on Tribune Company - Chicago Tribune
- Who needs newspapers when you have Twitter? - Salon
- Average Time Spent For Top 30 Newspaper Sites - E&P
- Obama Admin to Newspapers: 'Drop Dead' - Tina Dupuy
- Pondering a brutal killing as the risk of violence rises - Steve Lopez
- Taking a Fresh Look at Reader Revenue - Newspaper Death Watch
- Lily Burk & Parole Policy On 'Which Way LA?' Tonight - Pandora Young
- Boston Cop Fired for calling Prof. Gates a 'Jungle Monkey' - Electronic Village
Register, Times announce joint distribution agreement
From the Orange County Register:
The Orange County Register will be delivered to homes and vending machines by the Los Angeles Times starting in September, the two newspapers announced this morning.
The distribution agreement is anticipated to give the Register seven-figure savings a year in payroll and warehousing costs, said Larry Riley, vice president of circulation and distribution.
For the Times, the Register will become its largest commercial delivery contract.
The change will impact 721 independent contractors who currently deliver the Register and approximately 55 full-time and 143 part-time workers, who will be laid off, Riley said.
“We are facing challenges and we have to find efficiencies,” he said
Continue article here
Executive Appointment at Los Angeles Times
From: Hartenstein, Eddy
To: zzTrbAllHandsLAT; zzMediaGroups
Sent: Wed Jul 29 06:01:35 2009
Subject: Executive Appointment
I am pleased to announce effective immediately that Bill Nagel will be joining the Los Angeles Times, as Executive Vice President/Business Services. In this new role, Bill will focus on growing alternative revenue streams through the marketing and sales of our world-class print distribution system, production services and call center operations to other media entities in Southern California. As part of this role, Bill will assume the leadership of the circulation efforts.
Bill is uniquely qualified for this role, with experience including over seven years at the San Diego Union-Tribune where he was most recently Senior Vice President, Business Channels and oversaw both consumer and advertising revenue development. Prior to that, as Vice President, Circulation and Consumer Marketing, Bill was instrumental in developing and executing the Union-Tribune’s business strategy, including managing the launch of several new revenue-generating products.
Bill began his career in 1988 at the Chicago Tribune where he spent more than 12 years in a variety of sales, circulation, and operations roles.
Please join me in welcoming Bill to the or ganization.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
ECM Newspaper Printing Plant
A video tour of ECM Publishers newspaper printing facility in Princeton, MN. Produced by Jeff Achen.
New Vice-president of Circulation at LAT Named?
The Los Angeles Times Grapevine claims a replacement for Jack Klunder has been selected a few hours ago, from our neighbor newspaper in San Diego. My question, will Kevin Roderick of LAObserved or the Los Angeles Times Readers Representative Blog have the memo up first?
Facebook Page In Memory Of Lily Burk
By Pandora Young
Friends of Lily set up a Facebook page honoring her memory over the weekend. The organizers of the page are collecting notes and memories left in the comment section for a book to be presented to the Burks. They are also accepting emails. If you have any memories or stories of Lily that you would like to share - or if you would like to read some - please visit the FB page.
Thought for Today 7-28-2009
Do not let yourself be bothered with the inconsequential. One only has so much time in this world, so devote it to the work and the people most important to you, to those you love and things that matter.
- - - Louis L'amour
Tuesday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Seeing the news sausage - Kevin Roderick
- Pay = “mass delusion”: Schiller - Buzz Machine
- About 100 AP Staffers Take Buyout - Editor & Publisher
- Publishers Profit for Wrong Reasons - Newspaper Death Watch
- TV, newspaper stocks rise as investors bet on ad rebound - Reuters
- A "Recovery" Damage Assessment Quiz for Publishers - Ken Doctor
- The Death of Lily Burke….What We Do NOT Know - Celeste Fremon
- Tribune Co. seeks extension of reorganization plan - Chicago Tribune
- Dr. David McKalip Resigns for Sending Racist Emails - Electronic Village
Monday, July 27, 2009
Save Our Trade: Tribune Company Bonuses to Managers
By Ronnie Pineda
"Wake up, this is insane......"The payouts will be between $21.5 million to $66.7 million, with 9 of the top 10 executives dividing $3.1 million among themselves".
What the F**k is "Incentivizing"? Is that even a word? Did Tribune hire Don King and Mike Tyson to write their memos? I understand the corporate drive to dumb down America but give us a break!
Screw their incentives, the average Joe's and Jane's incentive is to keep their F****N jobs!"
Continue reading by clicking on link below.
Save Our Trade: Tribune Company Bonuses to Managers
New publisher at LAT magazine
Subject: New Publisher - LA, The Los Angeles Times Magazine
Sales and Marketing Colleagues and Magazine Enthusiasts–
Please join me in welcoming Steve Gellman to the Los Angeles Times Media Group as Publisher of our magazine. There will be a larger/external announcement over the next few weeks, including the launch of the LATM website, and the Wellness/Health Conversations Event in October, and other changes/additions, but I have attached his resume for your background/FYI as this core group will have the most interaction with him.
With Nora on vacation next week, Dina, Nalini and I will be contacting you individually to arrange time in the next 2 weeks as part of his orientation to meet with you, understand how the magazine fits (or doesn’t) into your clients’ needs, how its being pitched, rates/packages, pipeline prospects for Q4 and the overall 2010 planning calendar.
Steve will be located on the 1st floor, off the Globe Lobby in the Magazine office suite area, 213-237-4973, and effective Monday. More to come!
John T. O'Loughlin
EVP and CMO/Targeted Media and Marketing
Los Angeles Times Media Group
Source: Kevin Roderick
Richard Rushfield to leave
Here's the memo from Meredith Artley, managing editor, online:
I come bearing sad news. Richard Rushfield, entertainment editor for, has been wooed away by Gawker.
Richard is perhaps best known for covering a little TV show called "American Idol" like no one else, bringing unique coverage and discussion of a popular culture juggernaut to But that’s just one part of his legacy – his leadership and contributions to our online entertainment effort are countless and something that our talented team of producers and editors will continue to build upon.
Richard’s last day is Aug. 4. Please join me in thanking/kicking him in the meantime. We will miss him, and even though we thought we’d never say it, we’ll miss that green plaid jacket.
Meredith Artley
Managing Editor, Online
Source: Los Angeles Times
Jack Klunder out at Los Angeles Times
From: Hartenstein, Eddy
To: zzTrbAllHandsLAT; zzMediaGroups Cc: Michaels, Randy; Spector, Gerry; Weitman, Gary
Sent: Mon Jul 27 11:42:32 2009
Subject: Employee Announcement
We are announcing today a change of leadership in The Times’ circulation department. Effective immediately, Jack Klunder, EVP Circulation & Distribution, will be leaving The Times after working for the company from 1976 to 1996 and then returning in 2005.
During his tenure, Jack’s extensive newspaper circulation management experience has been instrumental to our subscriber and customer service efforts. I hope you will all join me in thanking Jack for his contributions and in wishing him the best in his new endeavors.
Memo Source: LAObserved
Monday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- July 27, 2009 News - Los Angeles Media Moves
- The death of snail mail & Sunday papers - Jeff Jarvis
- That's one way to get in the NY Times - Kevin Roderick
- Journalist's Daughter Murdered, Arrest Made - Pandora
- Tribune Company Bonuses to Managers - Ronnie Pineda
- Redefining Journalism’s Value - Newspaper Death Watch
- What's going on at the Orange County Register - Mark Lacter
- Layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers in 2009 - Paper Cuts
- Newspapers across the country have resorted to cuts - Gary Scott
- As It Cuts Jobs, Gannett Also Cuts Severance Pay - New York Times
Friday, July 24, 2009
Save Our Trade: Six Pressmen Recalled To Work
Save Our Trade: Six Pressmen Recalled To Work
By Ronnie Pineda
There have been murmurings lately that there would be several of our brothers returning to work. Well, this week 6 people with the highest seniority of the 63 recently departed were notified by the company that their services are once again needed.
This was welcome news to those involved that I have spoken with.Our Local was officially informed by management last week that there would be a need to recall 6 pressmen at this time. the recall of the 6 is unprecedented considering no one has ever come back after being let go? This recall is a direct result of, and in compliance with the recall language of our contract. What would the company have been able to do had we not negotiated recall? Our contract guarantees recall for nine (9) months from the last day of employment. The current recall period for the remaining 57 expires in January 2010.
Continue reading at Save Our Trade
Tribune Company Bonuses to Managers
Tribune Company CEO Randy Michaels and CAO Gerry Spector sent a memo out on Wednesday July 22, 2009 regarding the motions filed with the bankruptcy court regarding bonuses to 700 managers. The payouts will be between $21.5 million to $66.7 million, with 9 of the top 10 executives dividing $3.1 million among themselves.
Expecting some type of descent from the working class at Tribune properties across the country, their memo explains the need for bonuses, for us simple-minded folks to understand. As usual I could not locate anyone from my department that was allowed access to their message, so here it is.
From: Tribune Communications
Sent: Wed Jul 22 13:56:02 2009
Subject: Message from Randy Michaels & Gerry Spector/Motion Filed Today
Today we filed a motion asking the United States Bankruptcy Court in Delaware to approve the implementation of a comprehensive performance-based incentive plan for 2009 for key employees across the company. This plan has been reviewed and approved by the Compensation Committee of our board of directors and has the support of the Official Unsecured Creditors Committee and our senior lender Steering Committee. This motion will certainly draw some media attention, so we’d rather you hear about it from us first.
Importantly, this is a pay-for performance plan that pays nothing if our companywide and/or business unit operating goals are not met. The plan is more conservative than in past years in that it requires the company to meet its 2009 operating goals before recipients are eligible for any payout, instead of allowing for a smaller payout in the event of reduced operating performance. In fact, a full payout can only be achieved by significantly exceeding the company’s 2009 operating plan.
As submitted to the court, the plan has three components, including:
- A management incentive program (MIP) with performance metrics based on our 2009 operating plan as approved by our board of directors earlier this year. This is consistent with our long-standing practice of incentivizing and rewarding employees for exceptional performance. More than 700 employees will be eligible for incentive pay under this part of the plan. This program is generally consistent with the 2008 program that was paid out following court approval earlier this year, with certain aspects that are more conservative than prior years’ programs.
- A transition management incentive program which is tied to the same operating metrics and is designed to incentivize key managers to continue to focus on maximizing operating cash flow while performing substantial duties related to our restructuring efforts.
- A supplemental program designed to incentivize business unit leaders to maximize cash flow for their particular operations.
We have also asked the court for approval to pay the earned 2008 MIP awards to our top executives. As you may recall, in May we deferred requesting authorization to pay the top executives following discussions with our key constituents to avoid delays in paying the other 710 employees in the program. The court approved these payments and now, after further discussions with our key constituents, we are seeking payment for the remaining employees so that they will be treated the same as other MIP participants. (Sam is not part of this group, and is not seeking a 2008 MIP award. He is also not a participant in any of the 2009 incentive plans.)
For those who don’t participate in this plan, the company still offers a variety of other incentive programs. Earlier this year the company paid out approximately $8.8 million in various local incentive payments to more than 3,000 employees companywide. We fully expect to continue this practice.
Incentivizing employees is essential to Tribune’s future success. Our employees are committed and working harder than ever to make improvements happen across the company. We must continue motivating our people to overcome obstacles, achieve our performance goals and take the company to the next level.
As a company we are making progress—it is slow, but sure. Looking around the media industry, thanks to your hard work and dedication, we are more competitive than we’ve been in some time. Let’s keep it up.
Randy and Gerry
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Why We Need Editors - Jour Mo2
- Paying for journalism - Mark Lacter
- Hyperlocal sites: Please help - Jeff Jarvis
- Scenes from a Blogger Prom - Franklin Ave.
- Sanfield leaving the Daily Breeze - Gary Scott
- The Ann Arbor News hits the streets for last time - AJC
- Associated Press Sets Up Registry To Protect Content Online - Pandora
- Clarion-Ledger mails erroneous letters to Columbus residents - Dispatch
- Five Reasons to Advertise on Newspaper Web Sites - Newspaper Project
- Tribune Co. asks bankruptcy court to allow bonus payments - Chicago Tribune
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Times and Register to publish ad supplement
The supplement, OCSaver/Local Values, will be inserted into the Friday editions of the newspapers that will go to subscribers in Orange County beginning Aug. 28.
The Times and Orange County Register will together launch a weekly advertising supplement to be distributed in both papers.
The supplement, OCSaver/Local Values, will be inserted into the Friday editions of the newspapers that will go to subscribers in Orange County beginning Aug. 28, said representatives of the Los Angeles Times Media Group and Orange County Register Communications on Tuesday.
Eddy Hartenstein, publisher of The Times, said the venture by the two newspaper companies will be "harnessing the unparalleled reach of our distribution systems."
Complete story can be read here.
Related story: OC Register Produced by LA Times?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Star Tribune returns to red ink in June - MinnPost
- Editor-in-Chief To Depart Us Us Weekly - Pandora
- 2009 total: 11,762+ newspaper jobs lost - Paper Cuts
- Cox sells 13 North Carolina Newspapers - Gary Scott
- Boston Globe Workers Agree to Cuts - New York Times
- Globe Union Faces the Music - Newspaper Death Watch
- Geek Dinner Ignites Tonight; Are Newspapers in Peril? - LAist
- What Will Journalism Look Like in the Year 3000? - Meta Printer
- 25 Taser-Related Deaths in the United States - Electronic Village
Monday, July 20, 2009
Buffalo Soldiers Party at the Pit
I’m rather lucky when it comes to being invited to events around the Southland, and last Saturday was no exception as I was invited to a motorcycle event in Riverside. The motorcycle club called The Buffalo Soldiers invited yours truly to their first annual event, so I donned my Los Angeles Times Reading by Nine-motorcycle vest and hit the hot roads to Riverside at 6:30pm.
The mercury was at 95 degrees as I departed San Dimas, and rose slowly as each mile of my journey brought me closer to my destination. I arrived just five minutes past seven and it was a scorching 100 degrees in Riverside, but luckily for me there was plenty of cold water, soda, and beer available.
The only other motorcycle event I had attended before this was the Los Angeles Times sponsored Love Ride, so I wasn’t really certain of what to expect.
As I walked the quarter mile from the top of the hill to the event the music could be heard blaring away from the DJ on hand. Must have been at a minimum of twenty people on hand, but since this was the motorcycle clubs first event a large crowd might not be in order.
The area where the event was held is called The Pit, with a nice track for go-carts and a straight away for drag racing. With no homes nearby it was an ideal area where the sound of the motorcycles and go-carts would bother no one. And the motorcycles were very loud as they raced and did stunts for the crowd.
As the night progressed the motorcycle clubs filled the area, with at least 2,000 in attendance, as I left for home just after midnight. And the bikes were still rolling in as I departed for home, but then it was a nice cool 80 degrees at that hour.
What I found most awesome were all the female riders, not riding on the back of a motorcycle, but riding their own bikes.
I have not ridden a motorcycle for twenty-nine years, but wouldn’t hesitate to ride on the back of Dr. Gilmore’s Harley.
Edward with Dr. Gilmore
Mike James named Sports editor at Los Angeles Times
Here's the memo from Editor Russ Stanton:
Mike James, deputy sports editor for the past three years, is our news sports editor, effective today.
Mike has been instrumental in maintaining our award-winning Sports section in print while expanding its reach to the Web and beyond. He was an early convert to working in other media, having spent 2000 to 2002 as coordinating producer for and then on the television side as executive editor of Fox Sports Net. Mike has drawn on those experiences in managing the ongoing transition of The Times’ Sports section to a multimedia operation.
He joined The Times in 1985, supervising daily sports coverage of the Orange County edition as an assistant sports editor. He moved downtown in 1989 as a news editor and later was promoted to assistant sports editor and then senior assistant sports editor. After leaving Fox, Mike returned to The Times as senior copy chief. He was named deputy sports editor in April 2006. He also has written extensively for The Times, primarily on golf.
Mike began his newspaper career as a sportswriter for the Burlington Free Press, where he worked from 1978 to 1981 before moving to the Hartford Courant, where he ran the sports desk. He has a BA in psychology, which has served him well in newspaper management.
Of course, no announcement involving Sports would be complete without a statistic, so here’s this: Mike is only the seventh editor of The Times’ Sports section since 1928.
Russ Stanton
SOURCE: Los Angeles Times
h/t Kevin Roderick
Monday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Charity or collaboration? - Jeff Jarvis
- LAT Outside the Box Thinking - Bob Baker
- July 15, 2009 News - Los Angeles Media Moves
- Lee Abrams innovates his hobby - Kevin Roderick
- Banner to Accept City’s Loan Offer - Boston Globe
- Journal Sentinel plans more buyouts - Business Journal
- Ad Picture Brightening At Last - Newspaper Death Watch
- “And That’s the Way It is” Good Night, Walter - Celeste Fremon
- Americans Rely On Newspaper Advertising - Newspaper Project
- Government bailout of newspapers is a bad idea - South Bend Tribune
L.A. Press Club Mourns Loss of Walter Cronkite
Friday saw the passing of “the most trusted man in America ,” Walter Cronkite. He was 92 years-old and surrounded by family at his Manhattan home at the time of his death. Below is a statement by the Los Angeles Press Club who honored him with the Joseph M. Quinn Award in 1981. You may also click here for the online version.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
For Immediate Release
Contact – Edward Headington , Publicist
L.A. Press Club Mourns the Loss of America’s Premiere Anchorman
Walter Cronkite was honored with the Joseph M. Quinn Award for lifetime achievement in 1981 HOLLYWOOD, CA. The Joseph M. Quinn Memorial Award for journalistic achievement and distinction is the highest honor bestowed by the Los Angeles Press Club. Winners join a select group of distinguished journalists, including a number of Pulitzer Prize and Peabody Award winners.
"In giving him our highest award, the Los Angeles Press Club was proud to have recognized Cronkite as America 's premiere anchorman,” said Press Club President Chris Woodyard , a reporter for USA TODAY. “His credibility, talent and objectivity will be sorely missed."
The award was named in honor of Joe Quinn, a veteran reporter, war correspondent and wire service editor who took over a floundering City News Service in the mid-1950s and built it into a successful newsgathering organization. Daily News city hall reporter, Rick Orlov, was this year’s recipient.
The Los Angeles Press Club stands as an organization devoted to improving the spirit of journalism and journalists, raising the industry’s standards, strengthening its integrity and improving its reputation all for the benefit of the community at large. For more information, go to
PR Newswire, co-sponsor for all Los Angeles Press Club events, is the global leader in news and information distribution services for professional com municators. For more information, go to
Headington Media Group is a full-service communications firm dedicated to promoting public affairs in Southern California , specializing in image management, branding and public relations. For more information, go to and/or visit
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Chandlers and Their Times
A preview of the PBS documentary "INVENTING LA: The Chandlers and Their Times." Premiering October 5th, 2009, the film chronicles the epic saga of the most powerful family in Los Angeles history: the Chandlers. For four generations, they wielded unique influence through their newspaper, the Los Angeles Times. In their pursuit of personal agendas and civic ideals, they built the city of the future and exposed the dark side of the American Dream.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Help looking for Apartment needed
I'm helping a Friend look for an Apartment in the Hollywood area or close to it. She is an aspiring makeup artist who is very responsible and mature. If anyone knows of a 1 bedroom apartment ~($700.usd)that is available please e-mail: Any females interested in a roommate that live close to that area are also encouraged in contacting Jenn. Thank you and may you have a great day.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
WGN-America's 'Sky Dives' Signs as Sponsor
WGN-America's 'Sky Dives' Signs as Sponsor
Program Highlights Weekend Travel
CHICAGO, July 13 -- WGN-America, Tribune Company's national cable network, today announced that has signed a 10-week sponsorship deal for its Sky Dives series hosted by Lee Abrams, Tribune's chief innovation officer and resident pilot.
Sky Dives, a WGN-America original program, stars Abrams, his Cirrus SR22, a lucky three-person crew, a Midwestern city, and a unique restaurant or two (usually a local treasure). The 60-second show, which airs in-between regular programming, inspires viewers to look for hidden dining gems they can discover in a weekend, providing a perfect sponsorship opportunity for and its half-price hotel deals.
"Given today's economy, weekend getaway trips and domestic travel is a major focus for consumers," said David Diederich, vice president/western region for WGN-America. "The weekend escape is an attractive and affordable travel option." gives leisure travelers the inside track to the best travel deals and discounts around. "With our broad array of tens of thousands of hotels in every star category, including the most luxurious 4- and 5-star properties, has the perfect hotel for any budget in virtually any city or town around the U.S.," said Brian Ek,'s vice president/public relations. "Our Name Your Own Price hotel reservation service enables travelers to save even more - up to 50% over published rates. With those savings, you'll have plenty of money left over to sample the unique restaurants featured in Sky Dives."
The charm of Sky Dives is its simplicity--the show simply showcases a locale and its food.
"Sky Dives explores America's passion for the character and soul of our regional food," says Abrams. "We're delighted joins us in our travels."
TRIBUNE is America's largest employee-owned media company, operating businesses in publishing, interactive and broadcasting. In publishing, Tribune's leading daily newspapers include the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, The Baltimore Sun, Sun Sentinel (South Florida), Orlando Sentinel, Hartford Courant, Morning Call and Daily Press. The company's broadcasting group operates 23 television stations, WGN America on national cable, Chicago's WGN-AM and the Chicago Cubs baseball team. Popular news and information websites complement Tribune's print and broadcast properties and extend the company's nationwide audience. At Tribune we take what we do seriously and with a great deal of pride. We also value the creative spirit and nurture a corporate culture that doesn't take itself too seriously.
SOURCE Tribune Company
Seeking Invitation for the Ponyo screening
"My daughter, who's interning at Cartoon Network and heading to Ringling in the fall, worships Hayao Miyazaki with a passion. How can I get her on the invitation list for the Ponyo screening on July 27th? Or me, and I can take her?
Anyone got any great contacts at Disney that they'd be willing to exploit for me?
All favors paid back triple, with extra whipped cream and sprinkles."
Wednesday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Is This the Future of Journalism? - Jour MO2
- Musings On a Layoff - Newspaper Death Watch
- Eight questions for Jacob Weisberg - Economist
- Now the FCC cares about journalism - Jeff Jarvis
- Michael Jackson's Ghost on Larry King - Jour MO2
- Ex-LAT photogs hang out shingle - Kevin Roderick
- James Rainey is Terrified of Nikki Finke - Tina Dupuy
- Tell Congress: Repeal "Don't Ask Don't Tell" - Electronic Village
- Wellness Foundation Has $$$ for Homeboy Industries - Celeste Fremon
- San Diego U-Tribune Threatens San Diego Reader With Lawsuit - Pandora
Sledding at White Sands National Monument
Video and music credit: Mark Milian / Los Angeles Times
The stretch of land in the middle of New Mexico that is White Sands National Monument is situated next to a missile range (comforting, I know). Buried behind a $3-per-person toll collector is an incredible sight. Expansive, white dunes roll on for miles. By appearances, you'd think you were in snow-covered Alaska -- until you step out of your car and feel the sweltering heat.
Thought for Today 7-15-09
It takes a noble man to plant a seed for a tree that will someday give shade to people he may never meet.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Freedom isn't always free - Gary Scott
- R.I.P. The Printed Blog - Newspaper Death Watch
- 2009 total: 11,057+ newspaper jobs lost - Paper Cuts
- Big Ideas Conference Highlights 'What's Working' - Poynter
- Proposed New Standard for Metadata for News - Jeff Jarvis
- Publishers claiming copyright theft by aggregators - Guardian
- Government Subsidies for Newspapers Circa 1943 - Tina Dupuy
- When Variety Celebrated Its 50th in 1956, Everyone Joined In - FA
- I didn't expect to be blogging about Gannett for this long - Romenesko
- CA political class comes unglued in the face of a citizens' revolt - Reason
Sunday, July 12, 2009
John Arthur Bidding Farewell to Colleagues at LAT
From: Arthur, John
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 9:25 PM
Subject: -30-
For 23½ years I've been a small part of one of the world's greatest news organizations. I can't tell you how much fun it has been, and how wonderful it was to work with some of the best people around. It was an honor to have been one of your leaders. And while the paper's reach is not as wide as it once was, your ambitions must remain as high as ever. This staff must push daily for the highest level of excellence. Accept no substitute.
Be good, be strong and stay in touch.
All my best,
SOURCE: LAObserved
Friday, July 10, 2009
Los Angeles Times Pressroom 1998
Los Angeles Times Pressman Al Albanes discovered a treasure, which he has shared with us, after much editing, of a VHS video filmed by former LAT press operator Jose Diaz. Al has dated the video at or around 1998. Due to limitations of ten minutes per video for non-producers on YouTube the video was split into three parts. Thank you Al for sharing the video and all the effort expended.
Friday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- It ain’t over - Jeff Jarvis
- New Hampshire paper closing - Gary Scott
- 2009 total: 10,939+ newspaper jobs lost - Erica Smith
- Real news still comes from newspapers - Eagle-Tribune
- Freedom Of The Press Means Freedom To Fail - Forbes
- The Buy One (Newspaper) Anyway Campaign - Tina Dupuy
- Union-Tribune Headquarters for Lease - Voice of San Diego
- Claremont's Eagle Times stopping the presses - Union Leader
- Ex-Rockies Launch Another Startup - Newspaper Death Watch
- Meet Kevin Pang, cheeseburger critic for the Chicago Tribune - CJR
Thursday, July 09, 2009
"We Want to Pay Our Fair Share"
The commercial below was produced by a pro-marijuana group and will air about 200 times in California within the next week, but not on KTLA or KABC.
This ad discusses the need to tax and regulate marijuana in the state of California as a means to help ease the budget crisis and bring responsible marijuana consumers into the legal tax base.
Quote for Today 7-9-09
"It is our uniqueness that gives freshness and vitality to a relationship."
- James Dobson
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Wednesday Morning in the Blogosphere
- Murdoch and Google eye Twitter - Guardian
- A frank discussion about Twin Cities media - Citypages
- Senate plans to close Capitol's press room - AZ Central
- Should bloggers sell ads on their web pages - Gary Scott
- Blogs-on-Paper Idea Runs Out of Steam - New York Times
- Layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers in 2009 - Paper Cuts
- Journalism 'salons' needn't be hair-raising - Los Angeles Times
- Ex-Rockies Launch Another Startup - Newspaper Death Watch
- Adiós, Gannett Blog; where are the rest of the watchblogs? - NJL
- Michael Jackson tribute Thursday at Universal City Walk - David Markland
Claire Noland named Obituary Editor at LAT
Here's the memo from Editor Russ Stanton:
Claire Noland, deputy obituary editor, is being named Obituary Editor, effective immediately. She will manage the day-to-day operations and planning of our obituary department, supervising a writing and editing staff of four.
Claire joined the department as deputy editor in January 2006, and her strong editing skills and keen news judgment have served the department well. In addition, she has honed her latent writing skills, contributing dozens of highly readable obituaries on a range of topics.
Previously, Claire spent 11 years in Sports, where she worked as an assignment editor overseeing both short- and long-range coverage planning. She also served as sports copy chief, after having been hired as a copy editor and news editor. She returned to Sports last year to work as an editor at the Beijing Olympics.
Before joining The Times, Claire worked as a sports copy editor at the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the Los Angeles Daily News. She began her journalism career as a copy editor at the Antelope Valley Press.
Claire was born and raised in Lancaster, has a bachelor’s degree in English from Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles and did graduate work at UC Riverside.
She will report to Managing Editor Jon Thurber.
Russ Stanton
SOURCE: Los Angeles Times
Ready to happen
Be generous with your encouragement and frugal with your
judgment. Learn to gratefully accept whatever comes, and to
make positive use of whatever you have.
Give your love and your kindness just because you can. Do a
little less analyzing and a lot more living.
Become skilled at quickly letting go of those things that
don't really matter anyway. Rise above the distractions and
give the power of your focus to what you know is truly
When you stumble, go ahead and get back up. When you're
making good progress, be sincerely thankful and keep on
Recognize the unique beauty that is in each moment. Fulfill
the value that is in every situation.
Real, meaningful success is ready to happen for you. Smile,
and let it be.
Ralph Marston
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Monday, July 06, 2009
Monday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Could your post office be closing? - MSN Money
- Mythology that News Needs Newspapers - Jeff Jarvis
- Farewell to the Standard's Pressmen - Montana Standard
- San Francisco Chronicle presses roll for the last time - SF Gate
- Tribune Co. profitability continues to deteriorate - Chicago Business
- Los Angeles Times cuts back weather map, comics - Kevin Roderick
- Suburban Dallas chain Today Newspapers to cease publishing - WFAA
- While We Watched Fireworks, LA Times Rewrote Masthead - Pandora
- Conference brings hilarity, inspiration and Twitter - Pasadena Star-News
- Tribune Co. reaches deal to sell Cubs, Wrigley - Chicago Breaking News
Thought for Today
All the adversity I've had in my life has strengthened me. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.
- - - Walt Disney
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Concrete Beach at Camp Pendleton.
Let me know if you want to volunteer. We need volunteers from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parking lot behind the School of Infantry. Afterwards, we can have lunch at Roberto's nearby. To see it please go to this slideshow.
Duties include: barbecuing hot dogs, serving, set up, clean up, and most importantly mingling with the Marines.
The Marines will have completed their 5 day hike, and their reward is coming to Concrete Beach for a bit of fun (and non-MRE food!). To get to the SOI, take the Basilone Rd/ San Onofre Exit from the I-5. Show your ID (Driver's License) to the guard. Drive onto the base and pass the shopping center and housing.
After a scenic bit (probably the prettiest road left in So Cal), you reach "the village." You'll see a church on your right, and the SOI as you continue is on the left. Turn on the road on either side. Turn left before you pass the Medical Dental Clinic! Look for the flag pole, and more than likely people will already be setting up. In addition, you can also just come with me.
Please call Suzanne Tabrum, the event coordinator for the ASYMCA. 760 385 4921 to tell her you're new and will be coming. They really need the help.
Thank you for your consideration!
-Kanani Fong-
Photo from Rick Childers Flickr collection
Friday, July 03, 2009
Michael Jackson Public Memorial Service
Michael Jackson Public Memorial Service
Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 10:00 a.m.
STAPLES Center, Los Angeles, California
The Michael Jackson Public Memorial Service will take place on Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at STAPLES Center in downtown Los Angeles, California and simulcast inside to Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE across the street. A limited number of free tickets to both venues will be made available for Michael Jackson's fans to attend.
Due to the expected overwhelming demand, the following procedures have been set to accommodate registration for the tickets. Please note that by registering for tickets to attend the Public Memorial Service, it does NOT guarantee the registrant tickets.
The opportunity to register for tickets begins at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Friday, July 3, 2009 and ends at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time on Saturday, July 4, 2009.
Click here to register
Thought for Today - 7/3/2009
One of the hardest lessons in life is to know which bridges to cross, and which to burn.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
John Arthur to leave The Los Angeles Times
Editor Russ Stanton sent the following to the staff just after the announcement of masthead changes:
Executive Editor John Arthur will be the leaving The Times after a distinguished 23 years here.
John and I did not agree on the need for the just-announced masthead changes, and we differ on the best approach to reaching our goals.
This decision was a difficult one. John has served in a host of leadership roles at The Times that have included assistant city editor in the Orange County edition, assistant national editor, editor of the Valley edition and managing editor with responsibility for the three regional editions as well as the national edition.
He later served as deputy Page 1 editor/nights, Page 1 editor, managing editor and, most recently, executive editor.
His numerous accomplishments include helping direct coverage of the Northridge earthquake and the North Hollywood bank shootout, for which the Times won Pulitzer Prizes in the breaking-news category.
John has served this newsroom -- and our readers -- with pride and distinction, and for that owe him our gratitude and our best wishes.
SOURCE: Los Angeles Times
Thursday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Google on Google - Jeff Jarvis
- Murdoch Talks Media - The Street
- Politico: Washington Post selling access - Gary Scott
- Investigative Reporters Move Outside Newsrooms - NPR
- Is Twitter the News Outlet for the 21st Century? - Jour Mo2
- Many Views of Journalism’s Future - Newspaper Death Watch
- Star Tribune asks to end contract with machinists - Star Tribune
- Gannett to cut 1,400 jobs in new round of cuts - Delmarva Media Group
- Chase Carey's return to News Corp. pays $10 Million - Los Angeles Times
- New Ad From The Newspaper Project Available Today - Newspaper Project
Darrell Kunitomi Teaches Steve Lopez Flyfishing
Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez knew absolutely nothing about the art of flyfishing when he accompanied master fisherman Darrell Kunitomi (aka Flykini) into the canyon streams of the San Gabriel mountains. Video journalist John Vande Wege.
Note: Darrell Kunitomi directs tours at the Los Angeles Times.
Save Our Trade: 140-N News
By Ronnie Pineda
I have launched the GCC/IBT Local 140-N members blog at and will send invites to all members I have e-mail addresses for. If you would like an immediate invite or have not provided your e-mail address to the local, please do so in order to gain access to the new site.
You can send your request and e-mail address to by clicking on the link to launch your e-mail program.
Also, as a reminder, Los Angeles E-Board Member Mike Brierley created an e-mail account for our Local and members to ask questions or seek assistance from your Executive Board.
The e-mail address is We will quickly respond so don't hesitate to utilize this communication tool to get help and answers.
I requested Journeyman Cards from the International for all of our members and they have been ordered and are currently being created. I received Journeyman Certificates for all members from the International last week. Should any of our members decide to relocate and seek employment in a union shop, the card will give the cardholder priority in job placement for any available positions. I anticipate receiving the cards shortly and will deliver them as soon as they arrive. We will most likely mail them to your homes so be sure that the Local has your current mailing information.
We are wasting time and money everyday we fail to take action in relation to the Interlocal Pension Fund. A golden opportunity is being allowed to sit on the back burner and we are losing money by not making a decision on participation. Please review the April 22nd Post by clicking on the link and visit the ILPF website or call the ILPF to get immediate answers to your questions. I would like to invite ILPF Chairman John Agenbroad back out to meet with everyone who did not take the opportunity to meet him in April. This is probably the most important thing to do for your future considering there is no longer a viable retirement vehicle offered by the company. Time is money, will you have enough when you retire? If you are already interested in the Plan let us know by using the e-mail and let us know what percentage you would be interested in investing monthly. We are trying to determine an average percentage to arrive at an amount that would be comfortable for all participants to vote on. We first need to vote on participation in the Plan so hurry up and do your homework. Your in shop representatives have literature on the plan as well, all you have to do is ask.
It's never too late to apply for membership, just ask a shop steward or E-Board Member for an application. I have heard all of the complaints, which mostly come from the critics and suggest that you join and get involved. Only Members may attend meetings, vote and run for Office in our Local. Don't get mad, get involved.
Save Our Trade: 140-N News
Tribune Company Press Release
TRIBUNE365 to Serve as National Sales Representative for The Dallas Morning News, Signaling New Model for Industry
Advertisers benefit from consolidated access to top ad markets
DALLAS, July 1, 2009 -- The Dallas Morning News, the flagship subsidiary of A. H. Belo Corporation (NYSE: AHC), today announced that TRIBUNE365 National Solutions Group, the multi-platform sales organization of Tribune Company, will serve as The News’ representative for its full portfolio of print and online products in the top advertising markets nationwide, complementing The News’ local client relationships.
"With TRIBUNE365, The Dallas Morning News is giving our national advertisers an unprecedented level of customer service and industry expertise," said John McKeon, president and general manager of The Dallas Morning News. "We want the most talented and creative national sales force representing us, and we have found that in TRIBUNE365. This relationship will help us be a stronger, more strategic partner with advertisers who are based outside of Dallas."
The Dallas Morning News delivers quality audiences for advertisers through a portfolio of products in addition to its primary print newspaper, including busy families that value the paper but don’t have time for the full version (Briefing), young adults interested in entertainment information (Quick), Spanish-speaking households (Al Día), and readers who consume news and information digitally ( TRIBUNE365 will represent all these products to provide national advertisers the most robust marketing options for the Dallas market.
"This is an important step toward a more efficient and better equipped sales force for our company," said Cyndy Carr, senior vice president, sales of The Dallas Morning News. "Our sales team in Dallas will now be able to remain laser-focused on serving locally based advertisers while assisting TRIBUNE365 to best serve our national advertisers."
"More than ever, the national advertising market is demanding unique and innovative marketing solutions, not just ad schedules," said Don Meek, president of TRIBUNE365. "We’re thrilled to represent The Dallas Morning News, which now joins The Los Angeles Times and The Chicago Tribune to give marketers unprecedented, consolidated access to the nation’s top advertising markets."
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About TRIBUNE365
TRIBUNE365 National Solutions Group is the new national, cross-platform sales team for Tribune Company, offering advertisers customized, innovative, multi-market solutions across all media platforms, including TV, print, digital, mobile, direct and event marketing. For more information about TRIBUNE365, including sales contacts, visit
SOURCE: Tribune Company