Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Would Gannett dish off LA Times to a local buyer?
Would Gannett dish off LA Times to a local buyer?: Sounds like mostly wishful thinking, since the prospect of Gannett management won't cause much excitement.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Today in Labor History

Songwriter, musician and activist Hazel Dickens dies at age 75. Among her songs: “They’ll Never Keep Us Down” and “Working Girl Blues.” Cultural blogger John Pietaro: "Dickens didn’t just sing the anthems of labor, she lived them. Her place on many a picket line, staring down gunfire and goon squads, embedded her into the cause" - 2011
April 21
New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller signs Taylor Law, permitting union organization and bargaining by public employees, but outlawing the right to strike - 1967

Some 12,500 Goodyear Tire workers strike nine plants in what was to become a 3-week walkout over job security, wage and benefit issues - 1997
Mary Doyle Keefe, who in 1943 posed as “Rosie the Riveter” for famed painter Norman Rockwell, dies at age 92 in Simsbury, Connecticut. Published on the cover of the Saturday Evening Postin May 1943, Rosie came to symbolize women factory workers during World War II. (The Rockwell painting is sometimes conjoined in peoples’ memories with a similarly-themed poster by Pittsburgh artist J. Howard Miller, “We Can Do It!” created the year before.) - 2015
April 20 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
Nearly 10,000 demonstrators celebrate textile workers’ win of a 10-percent pay hike and grievance committees after a one-month strike, Lowell, Mass. - 1912
Ludlow massacre: Colorado state militia, using machine guns and fire, kill about 20 people—including 11 children—at a tent city set up by striking coal miners - 1914

An unknown assailant shoots through a window at United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther as he is eating dinner at his kitchen table, permanently impairing his right arm. It was one of at least two assassination attempts on Reuther. He and his wife later died in a small plane crash under what many believe to be suspicious circumstances - 1948
National Association of Post Office Mail Handlers, Watchmen, Messengers & Group Leaders merge with Laborers - 1968
United Auto Workers members end a successful 172-day strike against International Harvester, protesting management demands for new work rules and mandatory overtime provisions - 1980

Filthy McNasty, LA club owner of lore
Filthy McNasty, LA club owner of lore: The original Filthy McNasty's occupied the Sunset Strip spot now the Viper Room. He also ran FM Station in the Valley.
History Of Printing - How Newspapers, Magazines & Books Were Made
In this edition of free documentaries, we are going to take you through a journey in the history where you can learn how newspapers, magazines and books were made or printed. Learn all about the history of printing by watching this documentary.
Watch History Of Printing - How Newspapers, Magazines & Books Were Made (Documentary) in high definition (HD) here.
If you would like to watch more free documentaries about education, history, science, space, nature, wildlife, etc., subscribe to our channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZcG...
Watch History Of Printing - How Newspapers, Magazines & Books Were Made (Documentary) in high definition (HD) here.
If you would like to watch more free documentaries about education, history, science, space, nature, wildlife, etc., subscribe to our channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZcG...
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Today in Labor History
April 19 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
In Grand Rapids, Michigan, the nation’s “Furniture City,” more than 6,000 immigrant workers—Germans, Dutch, Lithuanians and Poles—put down their tools and struck 59 factories for four months in what was to become known as the Great Furniture Strike - 1911
(Mobilizing Against Inequality:Are immigrant workers themselves responsible for low wages and shoddy working conditions? Should unions expend valuable time and energy organizing undocumented workers? Unions in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States have taken various approaches to confront the challenges of this significant segment of the workforce. As U.S. immigration policy is debated, readers will gain insight into how all workers benefit when wages and working conditions for immigrant workers are improved.)
An American domestic terrorist’s bomb destroys the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, 99 of whom were government employees - 1995
In Grand Rapids, Michigan, the nation’s “Furniture City,” more than 6,000 immigrant workers—Germans, Dutch, Lithuanians and Poles—put down their tools and struck 59 factories for four months in what was to become known as the Great Furniture Strike - 1911

An American domestic terrorist’s bomb destroys the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, 99 of whom were government employees - 1995
Two newspapers, two approaches to Pulitzer brags
Two newspapers, two approaches to Pulitzer brags: The LA Times turns its most valuable website acreage over to its own Pulitzer Prize, while the Washington Post stays with news of more interest to non-journalists.
Monday, April 18, 2016
2016 Pulitzer Prizes
Associated Press
For an investigation of severe labor abuses tied to the supply of seafood to American supermarkets and restaurants, reporting that freed 2,000 slaves, brought perpetrators to justice and inspired reforms.
Los Angeles Times Staff
For exceptional reporting, including both local and global perspectives, on the shooting in San Bernardino and the terror investigation that followed.
Gutless city hall wants to bury planning reform
Gutless city hall wants to bury planning reform: Mayor Eric Garcetti and several city council members have decided that the issue of a high- rise Los Angeles is too hot to handle and want to throw it into the bottomless pit that is the city hall bureaucracy.
Today in Labor History
April 18 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
West Virginia coal miners strike, defend selves against National Guard - 1912
After a four-week boycott led by Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr., bus companies in New York City agree to hire 200 Black drivers and mechanics - 1941
West Virginia coal miners strike, defend selves against National Guard - 1912

After a four-week boycott led by Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Jr., bus companies in New York City agree to hire 200 Black drivers and mechanics - 1941
Monday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
Congratulations to the Los Angeles Times
Tribune Publishing buys Splash from Sun-Times - Robert Feder
Decision to hide UAlbany student newspapers 'inappropriate' - Times Union
Pennysaver back in publication thanks to former employees - Eyewitness News
L.A. Times wins Pulitzer for San Bernardino terrorist attack coverage - L.A. Times
Tribune Publishing Schedules First Quarter 2016 Earnings on May 4 - Business Wire
Regional publisher wins contracts to print 30 weekly newspapers - HoldTheFrontPage
The founder of a small Florida newspaper died days before its first Pulitzer win - Poynter
Newspaper Publishers Launch Nucleus, National Ad Network - MediaPost Communications
Tribune Publishing Co (TPUB) Receives Consensus Recommendation of “Hold” - Vista Voice
LA Times wins Pulitzer for coverage of San Bernardino shootings
LA Times wins Pulitzer for coverage of San Bernardino shootings: The Times swarmed the story from the start and the effort pays off.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Los Angeles Skid Row- The Emergency That Cannot Wait
The video, titled “Emergency,” contains disturbing images of inhumane conditions on public sidewalks with vivid descriptions of Skid Row as told by the people who live and work there.
We cannot rely on 10- and 20-year plans, the urgency is here now. Lives are at risk now. Violence, addiction and rampant illness are a crisis that can’t wait a decade to be solved.
This is not compassion. Los Angeles is not the city of angels as long as Skid Row remains the way it is today.
For nearly three decades CCEA has been the voice of DTLA’s industrial district, representing property owners in the 49-block area that includes Skid Row. CCEA hopes this video will bring the immediacy of Skid Row’s crisis into focus for the entire city and beyond.
We cannot rely on 10- and 20-year plans, the urgency is here now. Lives are at risk now. Violence, addiction and rampant illness are a crisis that can’t wait a decade to be solved.
This is not compassion. Los Angeles is not the city of angels as long as Skid Row remains the way it is today.
For nearly three decades CCEA has been the voice of DTLA’s industrial district, representing property owners in the 49-block area that includes Skid Row. CCEA hopes this video will bring the immediacy of Skid Row’s crisis into focus for the entire city and beyond.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Today in Labor History
April 16 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
Employers lock out 25,000 New York City garment workers in a dispute over hiring practices. The Int’l Ladies’ Garment Workers Union calls a general strike; after 14 weeks, 60,000 strikers win union recognition and the contractual right to strike - 1916
Five hundred workers in Texas City, Texas die in a series of huge oil refinery and chemical plant explosions and fires - 1947
(Are You Prepared? A Guide to Emergency Planning in the Workplace: Today’s headlines are filled with disaster, from the natural—fire, flood, hurricane, tornado and the like—to the man-made, such as workplace shootings, explosions, accidental releases of toxic chemicals or radiation, even nightmares such as bombings. Are you and your co-workers prepared to respond quickly and safely if disaster strikes? Steps you take today can save lives tomorrow, from having escape plans to knowing how to quickly turn off power and fuel supplies.)
An estimated 20,000 global justice activists blockade Washington, D.C., meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund - 2000
Employers lock out 25,000 New York City garment workers in a dispute over hiring practices. The Int’l Ladies’ Garment Workers Union calls a general strike; after 14 weeks, 60,000 strikers win union recognition and the contractual right to strike - 1916
Five hundred workers in Texas City, Texas die in a series of huge oil refinery and chemical plant explosions and fires - 1947

An estimated 20,000 global justice activists blockade Washington, D.C., meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund - 2000
Saturday Morning in the Blogosphere
Downtown Los Angeles
Could Tampa Bay lose a daily newspaper? - WTSP
What would we do without newspapers? - Salina Journal
Detroit newspapers make tentative contract deal - Crain's
Power outage created hellish night - The San Diego Union-Tribune
With new roadblocks for digital news sites, what happens next? - NiemanLab
Unearthed newspapers offer us a time capsule of memories - Chicago Tribune
Newspapers Gobble Each Other Up to Survive Digital Apocalypse - Bloomberg
What's next for Orange County Register buyer Digital First? - Los Angeles Times
Digital First Media’s real price for southern California papers: A paltry $16 million - Politico
Friday, April 15, 2016
Today in Labor History
April 15 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
A. Philip Randolph, civil rights leader and founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, born in Crescent City, Fla. - 1889

IWW union Agricultural Workers Organization formed in Kansas City, Mo. - 1915
Teacher unionists gather at the City Club on Plymouth Court in Chicago to form a new national union: the American Federation of Teachers - 1916
Start of ultimately successful six-day strike across New England by one of the earliest women-led American unions, the Telephone Operators Department of IBEW - 1919
Transport Workers Union founded - 1934
The first McDonald’s restaurant opens, in Des Plaines, Ill., setting the stage years later for sociologist
Amitai Etzioni to coin the term "McJob." As defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, a McJob is "an unstimulating, low-paid job with few prospects, especially one created by the expansion of the service sector" - 1955
Teacher unionists gather at the City Club on Plymouth Court in Chicago to form a new national union: the American Federation of Teachers - 1916
Start of ultimately successful six-day strike across New England by one of the earliest women-led American unions, the Telephone Operators Department of IBEW - 1919
Transport Workers Union founded - 1934
The first McDonald’s restaurant opens, in Des Plaines, Ill., setting the stage years later for sociologist

April 14
More than 100 Mexican and Filipino farm workers are arrested for union activities, Imperial Valley, Calif. Eight were convicted of “criminal syndicalism” - 1930

John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath published - 1939
The United Steelworkers and the Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers unions merge to form the largest industrial union in North America - 2005
More than 100 Mexican and Filipino farm workers are arrested for union activities, Imperial Valley, Calif. Eight were convicted of “criminal syndicalism” - 1930

John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath published - 1939
The United Steelworkers and the Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers unions merge to form the largest industrial union in North America - 2005
Brian Lowry to CNN and more media notes
Brian Lowry to CNN and more media notes: Job moves, hires, book news, awards and other items I've been saving up on the media beat.
Friday Morning in the Blogosphere
Los Angeles Times pressmen from many decades ago
Newspapers in paperless world - Technique
How New York Media Balances Print and Digital - MIN
BuzzFeed slashes forecasts after missing 2015 targets - FT
Why invest in weekly newspapers? - Clare County Review
Gowan backs down on de-facto press ban - Tucson Sentinel
Newspaper kingpins launch marketing consortium - Poynter
HSSC 2016 Conference - Journalism in Southern California - Eventbrite
New York Times pours $50 million into reaching international readers - Poynter
Dale Maharidge wins April Sidney for downsized journalists - Hillman Foundation
Journalist Matthew Keys Sentenced To 24 Months For Tribune Media Hack - BuzzFeed
Do you know anyone who needs food, send them to God Provides Ministry Native American Food Bank for a CRATE OF FREE FOOD. Fresh Eggs, Breads, and Mixed Produce. Free cookies for kids, free lunch.
Celebrating 20 years of Service Free Crate of food Thursday thru Friday 4-14-16 till 4-16-16
Amazing Ministry: No boundaries, No proof of Income, open from 8am till 4pm Thursday, Friday, and Saturday till 2pm. We don't deliver individual crates, our address is 2453 Troy Ave, South El Monte, CA 91733
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Today in Labor History
April 13 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
Int’l Hod Carriers & Building Laborers’ Union (today’s Laborers’ Int’l Union) is founded, as 25 delegates from 23 Local Unions in 17 cities—representing 8,186 Laborers—meet in Washington, D.C. - 1903
A 17-year-old Jimmy Hoffa leads his co-workers at a Kroger warehouse in Clinton, Indiana, in a successful
job action: by refusing to unload a shipment of perishable strawberries, they forced the company to give in to their demands. Among other things: the “strawberry boys” had to report to work at 4:30 a.m., stay on the job for 12 hours, and were paid 32¢ an hour—only if growers arrived with berries to unload. Plus, they were required to spend three-fourths of any earnings buying goods from Kroger - 1930
Labor leader and Socialist Party founder Eugene V. Debs is imprisoned for opposing American entry into World War I. While in jail he ran for president, received 1 million votes - 1919
(The Bending Cross: A Biography of Eugene V. Debs: Eugene V. Debs was a labor activist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who captured the heart and soul of the nation’s working people. He was brilliant, sincere, compassionate and scrupulously honest. A founder of one of the nation’s first industrial unions, the American Railway Union, he went on to help launch the Industrial Workers of the World—the Wobblies. A man of firm beliefs and dedication, he ran for President of the United States five times under the banner of the Socialist Party, in 1912 earning 6 percent of the popular vote.)

Labor leader and Socialist Party founder Eugene V. Debs is imprisoned for opposing American entry into World War I. While in jail he ran for president, received 1 million votes - 1919

April 12
A group of "puddlers"—craftsmen who manipulated pig iron to create steel—met in a Pittsburgh bar and formed The Iron City Forge of the Sons of Vulcan. It was the strongest union in the U.S. in the 1870s, later merging with two other unions to form what was to be the forerunner of the United Steel Workers - 1858
Birth of Florence Reece, active in Harlan County, Ky., coal strikes and author of famed labor song “Which
Side Are You On?” - 1900
The Union Label and Service Trades Department is founded by the American Federation of Labor. Its mission: promote the products and services of union members – 1909
A group of "puddlers"—craftsmen who manipulated pig iron to create steel—met in a Pittsburgh bar and formed The Iron City Forge of the Sons of Vulcan. It was the strongest union in the U.S. in the 1870s, later merging with two other unions to form what was to be the forerunner of the United Steel Workers - 1858
Birth of Florence Reece, active in Harlan County, Ky., coal strikes and author of famed labor song “Which

The Union Label and Service Trades Department is founded by the American Federation of Labor. Its mission: promote the products and services of union members – 1909
Twenty “girl millworkers,” attempting to relieve striking pickets at the Garfield, New Jersey, mill of Forstmann and Huffmann, were beaten “when they did not move fast enough to suit” 30 special deputies who ordered them off the site, according to a news report - 1912
Chris Turner is born in Floyd, Va. He went on to become a NASCAR driver and attempted, along with Fireball Roberts and Tim Flock, to organize the other drivers into a union in 1961 in the hope of better purses, a share in broadcasting rights and retirement benefits for the drivers. He was banned by NASCAR and was unsuccessful when he sued for reinstatement. The court said he was an individual contractor, not an employee of NASCAR or any track - 1924
The Toledo (Ohio) Auto-Lite strike begins today with 6,000 workers demanding union recognition and higher pay. The strike is notable for a 5-day running battle in late May between the strikers and 1,300 members of the Ohio National Guard. Known as the "Battle of Toledo," the clash left two strikers dead and more than 200 injured. The 2-month strike, a win for the workers’ union, is regarded by many labor historians as one of the nation’s three most important strikes - 1934
Chris Turner is born in Floyd, Va. He went on to become a NASCAR driver and attempted, along with Fireball Roberts and Tim Flock, to organize the other drivers into a union in 1961 in the hope of better purses, a share in broadcasting rights and retirement benefits for the drivers. He was banned by NASCAR and was unsuccessful when he sued for reinstatement. The court said he was an individual contractor, not an employee of NASCAR or any track - 1924

April 11
Ford Motor Company signs first contract with United Auto Workers - 1941
Jackie Robinson, first Black ballplayer hired by a major league team, plays his first game with the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbetts Field - 1947
United Mine Workers President W. A. "Tony" Boyle is found guilty of first-degree murder, for ordering the 1969 assassination of union reformer Joseph A. "Jock" Yablonski. Yablonski, his wife and daughter were murdered on December 30, 1969. Boyle had defeated Yablonski in the UMW election earlier in the year—an election marred by intimidation and vote fraud. That election was set aside and a later vote was won by reformer Arnold Miller - 1974
Some 34,000 New York City Transit Authority workers, eleven days into a strike for higher wages, end their walkout with agreement on a 9-percent increase in the first year and 8 percent in the second, along with cost-of-living protections - 1980
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issues regulations prohibiting sexual harassment of
workers by supervisors in the workplace - 1980
Police in Austin, Minn., tear-gas striking Hormel meatpacking workers. Seventeen strikers are arrested on felony riot charges - 1986
Some 25,000 marchers in Watsonville, Calif., show support for United Farm Workers organizing campaign among strawberry workers, others - 1997
(Farmworker’s Friend: The story of Cesar Chavez is a thoughtful and moving book about the inspiring life of the founder and long-time leader of the United Farm Workers of America. This sympathetic portrayal of Chavez and his life’s work begins with his childhood, starting from the time his family’s store in Arizona failed during the Great Depression and his entire family was forced into the fields to harvest vegetables for a few cents an hour.)
Ford Motor Company signs first contract with United Auto Workers - 1941

United Mine Workers President W. A. "Tony" Boyle is found guilty of first-degree murder, for ordering the 1969 assassination of union reformer Joseph A. "Jock" Yablonski. Yablonski, his wife and daughter were murdered on December 30, 1969. Boyle had defeated Yablonski in the UMW election earlier in the year—an election marred by intimidation and vote fraud. That election was set aside and a later vote was won by reformer Arnold Miller - 1974
Some 34,000 New York City Transit Authority workers, eleven days into a strike for higher wages, end their walkout with agreement on a 9-percent increase in the first year and 8 percent in the second, along with cost-of-living protections - 1980
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issues regulations prohibiting sexual harassment of

Police in Austin, Minn., tear-gas striking Hormel meatpacking workers. Seventeen strikers are arrested on felony riot charges - 1986
Some 25,000 marchers in Watsonville, Calif., show support for United Farm Workers organizing campaign among strawberry workers, others - 1997

Wednesday Morning in the Blogosphere
Volunteers needed twice per month for one hour or eight hours, contact me to get started.
Trump blasts fake Boston Globe front page - Politico
Al Jazeera America signs off for good at 9 p.m. - Politico
Newspaper reporter is the ‘worst job,’ study says - Poynter
On Facebook Live, news outlets take a cue from TV - Nieman Lab
Tribune Media Company Resurrects Television Without Pity - IB Times
Associated Press, Guardian among top Headliner Award winners - Chron
Tribune Publishing Reported Comprehensive Income Of $-3.906 - Vanguard Tribune
Next level robot journalism: more than automatically written stories - Editors Weblog
Could Tribune Publishing Co See a Reversal After This Very Strong Session? - Stock Caller
Register land already flipped, making papers a real bargain
Register land already flipped, making papers a real bargain: After sale of the real estate, the net cost for buying the OC Register and Riverside's Press-Enterprise is just $15.8 million.
Saturday, April 09, 2016
Today in Labor History
April 09 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
IWW organizes the 1,700-member crew of the Leviathan, then the world’s largest vessel - 1930
IWW organizes the 1,700-member crew of the Leviathan, then the world’s largest vessel - 1930

Saturday Morning in the Blogosphere
The Glendora Country Club
Tribune Publishing adds board directors - Crain's
U.S. newspapers to ad blocker: Drop dead - Poynter
Could Tribune Publishing Co Crash Even More? - Wired
After 45 years, the Observer is moving - Charlotte Observer
U.S. newspapers to ad blocker: Drop dead - Poynter
Could Tribune Publishing Co Crash Even More? - Wired
After 45 years, the Observer is moving - Charlotte Observer
Think papers’ websites are gaining? Think again. - Media Life
New Analyst Ratings On Tribune Publishing - Risers and Fallers
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books begins today - Los Angeles Times
Panama Papers: cross-border journalism comes of age - Editors Weblog
Boston Globe editor announces initiative to reinvent newspaper - Poynter
Arizona House bans reporters who won’t consent to background checks - AZ Capitol Times
Steve Julian and love in the digital age
Steve Julian and love in the digital age: Checking in on the KPCC morning host, who is under hospice care for a brain tumor, and his wife Felicia.
Friday, April 08, 2016
Today in Labor History
April 08 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
A total of 128 convict miners, leased to a coal company under the state’s shameful convict lease system, are killed in an explosion at the Banner coal mine outside Birmingham, Ala. The miners were mostly African-Americans jailed for minor offenses - 1911
President Wilson establishes the War Labor Board, composed of representatives from business and labor, to arbitrate disputes between workers and employers during World War I - 1918
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) is approved by Congress. President Franklin Roosevelt proposed the WPA during the Great Depression of the 1930s when almost 25 percent of Americans were unemployed. It created low-paying federal jobs providing immediate relief, putting 8.5 million jobless to work on projects ranging from construction of bridges, highways and public buildings to arts programs like the Federal Writers' Project - 1935
(Agitate! Educate! Organize! American Labor Posters: WPA artists’ depictions of workers can be seen in
labor posters of that era. In Agitate! Educate! Organize!, Lincoln Cushing and Timothy W. Drescher share their vast knowledge about the rich graphic tradition of labor posters. Here you will find lavish full-color reproductions of more than 250 of the best posters that have emerged from the American labor movement on topics ranging from core issues such as wages and working conditions to discrimination to international solidarity.)
President Harry S. Truman orders the U.S. Army to seize the nation’s steel mills to avert a strike. The Supreme Court ruled the act illegal three weeks later - 1952
April 07
National Labor Relations Board attorney tells ILWU members to “lie down like good dogs,” Juneau, Alaska - 1947
Some 300,000 members of the National Federation of Telephone Workers, soon to become CWA, strike AT&T and the Bell System. Within five weeks all but two of the 39 federation unions had won new contracts - 1947
Fifteen thousand union janitors strike, Los Angeles - 2000
A total of 128 convict miners, leased to a coal company under the state’s shameful convict lease system, are killed in an explosion at the Banner coal mine outside Birmingham, Ala. The miners were mostly African-Americans jailed for minor offenses - 1911
President Wilson establishes the War Labor Board, composed of representatives from business and labor, to arbitrate disputes between workers and employers during World War I - 1918
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) is approved by Congress. President Franklin Roosevelt proposed the WPA during the Great Depression of the 1930s when almost 25 percent of Americans were unemployed. It created low-paying federal jobs providing immediate relief, putting 8.5 million jobless to work on projects ranging from construction of bridges, highways and public buildings to arts programs like the Federal Writers' Project - 1935
(Agitate! Educate! Organize! American Labor Posters: WPA artists’ depictions of workers can be seen in

President Harry S. Truman orders the U.S. Army to seize the nation’s steel mills to avert a strike. The Supreme Court ruled the act illegal three weeks later - 1952
April 07

Some 300,000 members of the National Federation of Telephone Workers, soon to become CWA, strike AT&T and the Bell System. Within five weeks all but two of the 39 federation unions had won new contracts - 1947
Fifteen thousand union janitors strike, Los Angeles - 2000
Wednesday, April 06, 2016
Detroit News: "Both Sides of the Question" 1970 The Detroit News
Public domain film from the Library of Congress Prelinger Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and one-pass brightness-contrast-color correction & mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).
The Detroit News is one of the two major newspapers in the U.S. city of Detroit, Michigan. The paper began in 1873, when it rented space in the rival Detroit Free Press's building. The News absorbed the Detroit Tribune on February 1, 1919, the Detroit Journal on July 21, 1922, and on November 7, 1960, it bought and closed the faltering Detroit Times. However, it retained the Times' building, which it used as a printing plant until 1967, when a new facility opened in Sterling Heights and the Times building was demolished. The street in downtown Detroit where the Times building once stood is still called "Times Square." The Evening News Association, owner of The News, merged with Gannett in 1985.
At the time of its acquisition of The News, Gannett also had other Detroit interests, as its outdoor advertising company, which ultimately became Outfront Media thorugh a series of mergers, operated many billboards across Detroit and the surrounding area, including advertising displays on Detroit Department of Transportation and Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority buses, with its only competitor, primarily along Metro Detroit's freeway network, being 3M National Advertising (now Lamar Advertising).
The News claims to have been the first newspaper in the world to operate a radio station, station 8MK, which began broadcasting August 20, 1920. 8MK is now CBS-owned WWJ. In 1947, it established Michigan's first television station, WWJ-TV, now WDIV-TV.
In 1989, the paper entered into a 100-year joint operating agreement with the rival Free Press, combining business operations while keeping separate editorial staffs. The combined company is called the Detroit Media Partnership (DMP). The Free Press moved into The News building in 1998 and until May 7, 2006, the two published a single joint weekend edition. Today The News, which has won three Pulitzer Prizes, is published Monday–Saturday, and has an editorial page in the Sunday Free Press...
he Detroit News was founded by James E. Scripps, who, in turn, was the older half-brother and one-time partner of Edward W. Scripps. The paper's eventual success, however, is largely credited to Scripps' son-in-law, George Gough Booth, who came aboard at the request of his wife's father. Booth went on to construct Michigan's largest newspaper empire, founding the independent Booth Newspapers chain (now owned by S.I. Newhouse's Advance Publications) with his two brothers.
The Detroit News building was erected in 1917. It was designed by architect Albert Kahn, who included a faux-stone concrete building with large street level arches to admit light. The arches along the east and south side of the building were bricked-in for protection after the 12th Street Riot in 1967. The bricked-in arches on the east and south ends of the building were reopened during renovations required when the Free Press relocated its offices there 20 years later.
In 1931, The Detroit News made history when it bought a three place Pitcairn PCA-2 auto-gyro as a camera aircraft which could take off and land in restricted places and semi-hover for photos. It was the ancestor of today's well known news helicopter...
Public domain film from the Library of Congress Prelinger Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and one-pass brightness-contrast-color correction & mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).
The Detroit News is one of the two major newspapers in the U.S. city of Detroit, Michigan. The paper began in 1873, when it rented space in the rival Detroit Free Press's building. The News absorbed the Detroit Tribune on February 1, 1919, the Detroit Journal on July 21, 1922, and on November 7, 1960, it bought and closed the faltering Detroit Times. However, it retained the Times' building, which it used as a printing plant until 1967, when a new facility opened in Sterling Heights and the Times building was demolished. The street in downtown Detroit where the Times building once stood is still called "Times Square." The Evening News Association, owner of The News, merged with Gannett in 1985.
At the time of its acquisition of The News, Gannett also had other Detroit interests, as its outdoor advertising company, which ultimately became Outfront Media thorugh a series of mergers, operated many billboards across Detroit and the surrounding area, including advertising displays on Detroit Department of Transportation and Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority buses, with its only competitor, primarily along Metro Detroit's freeway network, being 3M National Advertising (now Lamar Advertising).
The News claims to have been the first newspaper in the world to operate a radio station, station 8MK, which began broadcasting August 20, 1920. 8MK is now CBS-owned WWJ. In 1947, it established Michigan's first television station, WWJ-TV, now WDIV-TV.
In 1989, the paper entered into a 100-year joint operating agreement with the rival Free Press, combining business operations while keeping separate editorial staffs. The combined company is called the Detroit Media Partnership (DMP). The Free Press moved into The News building in 1998 and until May 7, 2006, the two published a single joint weekend edition. Today The News, which has won three Pulitzer Prizes, is published Monday–Saturday, and has an editorial page in the Sunday Free Press...
he Detroit News was founded by James E. Scripps, who, in turn, was the older half-brother and one-time partner of Edward W. Scripps. The paper's eventual success, however, is largely credited to Scripps' son-in-law, George Gough Booth, who came aboard at the request of his wife's father. Booth went on to construct Michigan's largest newspaper empire, founding the independent Booth Newspapers chain (now owned by S.I. Newhouse's Advance Publications) with his two brothers.
The Detroit News building was erected in 1917. It was designed by architect Albert Kahn, who included a faux-stone concrete building with large street level arches to admit light. The arches along the east and south side of the building were bricked-in for protection after the 12th Street Riot in 1967. The bricked-in arches on the east and south ends of the building were reopened during renovations required when the Free Press relocated its offices there 20 years later.
In 1931, The Detroit News made history when it bought a three place Pitcairn PCA-2 auto-gyro as a camera aircraft which could take off and land in restricted places and semi-hover for photos. It was the ancestor of today's well known news helicopter...
Food Pantry Open Today 11am to 4pm
Sowing Seed For Life will be open today from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. distributing food, if your in need or know of someone that could use a little help, visit us at 1350 Arrow Highway, La Verne, CA. 91750.
With the temperature predicted to reach eighty-eight degrees this afternoon it would be a great idea to bring along a bottle of water as the wait will be from forty-five minutes to over an hour.
Volunteers are welcome as usual, you can work one hour or all day.
LAT photographer charged by Ventura County
LAT photographer charged by Ventura County: Ricardo DeAratanha was charged Tuesday with misdemeanor resisting, obstructing or delaying a peace officer when he was confronted during the Nancy Reagan funeral in Simi Valley.
Today in Labor History
April 06 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
The first slave revolt in the U.S. occurs at a slave market in New York City’s Wall Street area. Twenty-one Blacks were executed for killing nine Whites. The city responded by strengthening its slave codes - 1712
Birth of Rose Schneiderman, prominent member of the New York Women's Trade Union League, an
active participant in the Uprising of the 20,000, the massive strike of shirtwaist workers in New York City led by the Int’l Ladies Garment Workers' Union in 1909, and famous for an angry speech about the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire: “Every week I must learn of the untimely death of one of my sister workers…Too much blood has been spilled. I know from my experience it is up to the working people to save themselves. The only way they can save themselves is by a strong working-class movement” - 1882
A sympathy strike by Chicago Teamsters in support of clothing workers leads to daily clashes between strikebreakers and armed police against hundreds and sometimes thousands of striking workers and their supporters. By the time the fight ended after 103 days, 21 people had been killed and 416 injured - 1905
What was to become a two-month strike by minor league umpires begins, largely over money: $5,500 to $15,000 for a season running 142 games. The strike ended with a slight improvement in pay - 2006
The first slave revolt in the U.S. occurs at a slave market in New York City’s Wall Street area. Twenty-one Blacks were executed for killing nine Whites. The city responded by strengthening its slave codes - 1712
Birth of Rose Schneiderman, prominent member of the New York Women's Trade Union League, an

A sympathy strike by Chicago Teamsters in support of clothing workers leads to daily clashes between strikebreakers and armed police against hundreds and sometimes thousands of striking workers and their supporters. By the time the fight ended after 103 days, 21 people had been killed and 416 injured - 1905
What was to become a two-month strike by minor league umpires begins, largely over money: $5,500 to $15,000 for a season running 142 games. The strike ended with a slight improvement in pay - 2006
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Internet running, sometimes
The internet began running again, but for only twenty to forty-five minutes at a time before disconnecting, I suppose this is better than no internet at all for the time being.
There is no Internet connection
Your computer is offline.
Coachella 2016 Do LaB stage - Do LaB’s 12th year on the field!
The Big Fish Returns -- Coachella’s Technicolor Do LaB Stage Reveals Brilliant 2016 Weekend Lineups
Empire Polo Club Grounds - Indio, CA- What happens when 12 years of imagination, creativity, taste-making and ingenuity collide? Los Angeles-based music and event production maestros, Do LaB, announce their masterfully-curated and vivacious 2016 musical lineup for the most exuberant stage at Coachella, “Big Fish”. Known for its vibrant embrace and penchant for splishing and splashing fans by way of strategically-placed misters and flower-adorned super soakers, Do LaB has guaranteed that anyone who enters Big Fish walks into one hell of a non-stop party. The wettest and wildest corner of Coachella reigns supreme as the premiere hotspot for internationally-acclaimed electronic acts, discovering the grooviest and grimiest of the underground, and innovative production.
Each weekend of Coachella will boast a unique and fantastically eclectic lineup at the Do LaB Stage -- a characteristic distinct from other Coachella stages. Among the artists playing Weekend 1 are Foreign Family Collective’s Big Wild, Canadian indie-electro pop duo HUMANS, Washington DC-based downtempo beat-weaver Imagined Herbal Flows, godfather of experimental bass Paper Diamond, pioneer of the TWONK movement, LA-based Brillz, gritty g-house, dubstep, trap hybrid producer/DJ Ghastly, Australian house music maven Dena Amy, hip-hop-dubstep-trap counterculturalist Stylust Beats, producer of euphoric future bass and pixelated funk Wave Racer, techno underground master Lee Foss, plus MartyParty and Ooah (The Glitch Mob) who reunite once again as PANTYRAID.
Weekend 2 unlocks a kaleidoscope of beats as Do LaB matches the caliber of Weekend 1’s soundscape with an entirely new selection of artists. Dirtybird favorites will flock to the warm desert of Indio over Weekend 2 as the famed Northern California label showcases two of its latest headliners - Berlin’s booty shaker and soul music maker Sacha Robotti and the wickedly wry Ardalan whose mixes exude both sass and energy. Also making strong appearances on Weekend 2’s bill are Soulection’s youthful prodigy Sam Gellaitry, Brisbane electronic duo Cut Snake, enthralling Parisian hip-hop/soul future bass blender STWO, soulful Chicago electronica trio Autograf, “Rebel Bass” purveyors and English DJ production duo Stanton Warriors, house/indie-electro duo made up of Candle Weather and Manila Killa Hotel Garuda, drum and bass fusion electronic musician and Do LaB festival staple Kraddy, and West Coast mixer of glitch-a-delic soul whomp and live beatboxer Nico Luminous, musically-diverse instrumentalist and electronic producer NU, Brooklyn-based DJ/producer nomads Bedouin who will bring a comprehensive mix of Middle Eastern and Western sounds -- plus surprise Special Guests who will magically materialize both weekends. 2015 brought surprise sets from Chet Faker and Bonobo, who united under Big Fish for an epic b2b set. See full lineups below for Weekends 1 & 2!
In 2015, Rolling Stone named Do LaB’s Big Fish stage as the “Best Dance Floor” at Coachella. Considering the plethora of ways to cool off, the wide variety of elevated platforms and surfaces to maniacally dance upon, creative lighting production, vividly colored awnings complete with aerial performers, and carefree vibes found within the Do LaB’s man-made oasis...it’s not hard to see why.
Stop over at the Do LaB stage with an open mind and an open heart and you can likely expect to leave with friends that become family and strangers who become friends, all while having the time of your life -- that is, if you manage to leave the Do LaB stage at all. For a quick tease, take a quick dip in the action with Do LaB’s Coachella 2015 Weekend 1 Recap video.
Extend the magic of the Do LaB Stage beyond the confines of the Empire Polo Grounds! A few short weeks following Coachella, Do LaB hosts their own legendary transformational Lightning in a Bottle Festival (LIB) over Memorial Day Weekend and their youngest progeny Woogie Weekend from July 8 - 10. Covering all corners of California, LIB makes its home on California’s Central Coast at San Antonio Recreation Area in Bradley, CA with a 5-day camping festival featuring over 300 musicians, artists, workshops, and speakers including Big Gigantic, Tokimonsta, Chet Faker, Grimes, Jamie XX and many more. Catch Do LaB’s prismatic progeny Woogie Weekend at SoCal’s Oak Canyon Park in Irvine, for a weekend of pure house and techno - tickets on sale April 30th and lineup TBA soon.
Do LaB @ Coachella 2016 Weekend 1:
Active Sun - Big Wild - Brillz - Dena Amy - Dreamers Delight - Everyman - FDVM - Ghastly - Humans - Imagined Herbal Flows - JayKode - Jerry Folk - Job Jobse - KRNE - Le Youth - Lee Foss - Mountain of Youth - PANTYRAID - Paper Diamond - San Holo - Speaker of the House - Stylust Beats - The Drifter - The Funk Hunters - Wave Racer + Special Guests TBA!
Do LaB @ Coachella 2016 Weekend 2:
Ardalan - Autograf - Bedouin - Cut Snake - Ekali - Gilligan Moss - Hotel Garuda - Hunter Leggitt - Jesse Wright - Kraddy - Melvv - Nico Luminous - NU - Oona Dahl - Patricio - Sacha Robotti - Sam Gellaitry - Satori - Shawni - Stanton Warriors - STWO - Sweater Beats - The Human Experience - Walker & Royce + Special Guests TBA!
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