Tuesday, November 19, 2013

And the departures from the Los Angeles Times grows

Here is Kathy Thomson's statement to the staff.

Colleagues –

From the groundbreaking journalism and ongoing community events to the task of creating the largest fully responsively designed news site ever built, the work being undertaken in every corner of the LA Times is amazing. Millions of people count on that work every day. It matters.

I am honored to be associated with such an outstanding team of people who are dedicated and committed to excellence. I am inspired by you. So it is with mixed feelings that I am writing to tell you I am leaving The Times and moving on to another challenging opportunity. My last day will be November 29th.

I am proud to have helped lead the company out of bankruptcy and into a new era. There is much promise on the road ahead. Our journalism is read more now than at any time in our 131 year history. Our readers and advertisers rely on us to inform, delight, engage and entertain throughout each day. As The Times continues to navigate its migration into a digital world, remember the importance and value of the people on the team and the immense power of the brand. While change is inevitable, the LA Times is here to stay.

Thank you for all that you do and for letting me be a part of a truly incredible company.

Best wishes,

SOURCE: Kevin Roderick

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