Friday, September 15, 2006

Times Editor Openly Defies Owner’s Call for Job Cuts

The editor of The Los Angeles Times appears to be in a showdown with the paper’s owner, the Tribune Company, over job cuts in the newsroom.

In a highly unusual move, Dean P. Baquet, who was named editor last year, was quoted yesterday in his own newspaper as saying he was defying the paper’s corporate parent in Chicago and would not make the cuts it requested.

Source New York Times

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As an employee of the Los Angeles Times Operations Department, it would be refreshing to read that someone stood up for the employees of our departments and said enough is enough as Mr. Baquet has done. My hats off to our editor.



Anonymous said...

Well they just earned my respect. It is about time that someone stands up to the TRB .

Anonymous said...

Its about time someone in Corporate had some cajones.

Jess Espinoza said...

Way to go, Mr. Baquet!

Anonymous said...

Priciples seem to be the order of the day for Mr. Baquet....

Hallelujah...A Obama at the helm of a major publication...

More power to the people!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Question...... what usually happens when one disobeys ones boss ???.....thats right just give it a lil more time