Friday, May 02, 2008

Save Our Trade: Negotiation Update

By Ronnie Pineda

Negotiations continued on Wednesday April 30th and Thursday May 1st at which time several tentative agreements were reached. As tentative agreements are reached, they will be posted here so everyone will be aware of what we are discussing at the table.

I really apologize that more has not been reported on the actual negotiations but language in our proposals as well as the company's proposals can, and do change from each proposal and counter proposal given back and forth. We have presented and received numerous proposals and are continuing to discuss language that both sides can be comfortable with and agree to.

As far as the tentative agreements we have reached, they pertain to:

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Save Our Trade: Negotiation Update

1 comment:

grandspud said...

Ronnie Pinata said,
"... [we] are continuing to discuss language that both sides can be comfortable with and agree to..."

I heard that the language the union guys are insisting on limits words to no more than two syllables and fewer than seven letters. Rumor also has it the union conceded all punctuation to the company as most members can't distinguish a hyphen from a hymen anyway. This true Ronnie?