Last Saturday I was the guest of the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club’s second annual event titled “Party in the Pit”. This was my second visit and I was not let down as groups from as far away as Oakland, California were in attendance.
The group rented the go-cart track for the night and filled the area with motorcycles, but what caught my attention was how many female riders rode in from different parts of the Southern California.
Far enough away from homes not to bother anyone the music blared at high decibels, while the aroma of barbecue filled the area with the sweet smell of ribs, meats, and hot links.
The media gives a misconception about motorcycle riders, something like the Hells Angels, but this is so far from the truth as I spoke with many about their professions. One rider told me he’s a registered nurse; my friend Dr. Gilmore (AKA Doc Gee) is an oral surgeon. They may dress like their rough and tough, yet they all have regular jobs like you and I. In my two years of attendance I have yet to see any trouble at their event.
As their name hints, this is a group of African American men and women, and I was hugged and given much love from everyone I came into contact with, I was welcomed and accepted to their party even though I’m not Black or not a motorcycle rider. I have also been invited to their Compton event, and a weekly gathering in Inglewood at a donut shop on Tuesday nights that I cannot remember the location at this time, which I plan to attend.
At next years event I will get the word out to the Los Angeles Times motorcycle riders, as this group is growing rather quickly, and the Times riders would have a great time as I did.
Additional photos can be viewed on Flickr
I think this is the best pix yet! Wish I were there!
Great Pix; Keep telling that history:
Read the novel, Rescue at Pine Ridge, "RaPR", where Buffalo Bill Cody meets a Buffalo Soldier. A great story of black military history...the first generation of Buffalo Soldiers.
How do you keep a people down? ‘Never' let them 'know' their history.
The 7th Cavalry got their butts in a sling again after the Little Big Horn Massacre, fourteen years later, the day after the Wounded Knee Massacre. If it wasn't for the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers, there would of been a second massacre of the 7th Cavalry.
Read the novel, “Rescue at Pine Ridge”, 5 stars Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the youtube trailer commercial...and visit the website http://www.rescueatpineridge.com
I know you’ll enjoy the novel. I wrote it from my mini-series movie of the same title, “RaPR” to keep my story alive. Hollywood has had a lot of strikes and doesn't like telling our stories...its been “his-story” of history all along…until now. The movie so far has attached, Bill Duke directing, Hill Harper, Glynn Turman, James Whitmore Jr. and a host of other major actors in which we are in talks with…see imdb.com at; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0925633/
When you get a chance, also please visit our Alpha Wolf Production website at; http://www.alphawolfprods.com and see our other productions, like Stagecoach Mary, the first Black Woman to deliver mail for Wells Fargo in Montana, in the 1890's, “spread the word”.
Edward, I am so happy you attended the PARTY IN THE PIT....again! You are such a delightful presence and we love giving you Big Soldier Love and Love from ALL the motorcycle clubs, social clubs, fans, family and friends. Thank YOU for your wonderful article on sharing the love from THE SET. Congratulations on your success with the Los Angeles Times! I agree with Nubia, that is the best pix and yes we look forward to seeing you on THE SET.
Big Love, DOC GEE
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