Militia sent to Cripple Creek, Colo., to suppress Western Federation of Miners strike – 1904
Sole performance of Pageant of the Paterson (NJ) Strike, created and performed by 1,000 mill workers from the silk industry strike, New York City – 1913
Striking textile workers battle police in Gastonia, N.C. Police Chief O.F. Aderholt is accidentally killed by one of his own officers. Six strike leaders are convicted of “conspiracy to murder” and are sentenced to jail for from 5 to 20 years - 1929
Founding convention of the United Food and Commercial Workers. The merger brought together the Retail Clerks International Union and the Amalgamated Meatcutters and Butcher Workmen of North America - 1979
[Relations between organized labor and environmental groups are typically characterized as adversarial, most often because of the threat of job losses invoked by industries facing environmental regulation. But, as Brian Obach shows in Labor and the Environmental Movement: The Quest for Common Ground, the two largest and most powerful social movements in the United States actually share a great deal of common ground.In the UCS bookstore now.]
The United Steelworkers and the Sierra Club announce the formation of a strategic alliance to pursue a joint public policy agenda under the banner of Good Jobs, A Clean Environment, and A Safer World - 2006
SOURCE: Union Communications Services, Inc.
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