Militia sent to Leadville, Colo., to break miners strike - 1896
Mother Jones leads a march of miners' children through the streets of Charleston, W. Va. - 1913
National Football League Players Assn. members begin what is to become a 57-day strike, their first regular-season walkout ever - 1982
Members of five unions at the Frontier Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas begin what was to become the longest successful hotel strike in U.S. history. All 550 workers honored the picket line for the entirety of the six year, four month, ten day fight against management’s insistence on cutting wages and eliminating pensions - 1991
September 20
Upton Sinclair, socialist and author of "The Jungle"—published on this day in 1906—born in Baltimore, MD - 1878
According to folklorist John Garst, steel-drivin’ man John Henry, born a slave, outperformed a steam
International Hod Carriers, Building & Common Laborers Union of America changes name to Laborers' International Union - 1965
September 19
Chinese coal miners forced out of Black Diamond,
400,000 to 500,000 unionists converge on Washington D.C. for a Solidarity Day march and rally protesting Republican policies - 1981
September 18The Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) is formally founded at an Ohio convention, during a period of serious corruption in the union. Two years earlier at an IBT convention in Las Vegas a union reform leader who (unsuccessfully) called for direct election of officers and a limit on officers’ salaries had been beaten by thugs - 1978
Nine strikebreakers are killed in an explosion at Giant (gold) Mine near Yellowknife, in Canada’s Northwest Territories. Miner Roger Warren confessed that he planted the explosives that caused the deaths. He recanted the confession but later confessed once again - 1992
A 20-month illegal lockout of 2,900 Steelworkers members at Kaiser Aluminum plants in three states
One week after the September 11, 2001 attacks, anthrax spores are mailed by an unknown party to several news media offices and two U.S. Senators. Five people exposed to the spores died, including two workers at Washington, D.C.’s USPS Brentwood facility: Thomas Morris Jr. and Joseph Curseen - 2001
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