Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Tuesday Night in the Blogosphere
Downtown Los Angeles
Some Facts About the Listicle - The Morning News
Newspapers Still Key in Reaching Rural - Daily Yonder
It would have been silly to censor the word - Romenesko
Sun Sentinel launches next-generation website - Sun Sentinel
Teacher talks up newspapers in the classroom - Florida Today
KBA to share distribution of single-width newspaper web - What They Think
The FT's Gillian Tett on separating digital from print - Nieman Journalism Lab
News Corp. to buy parent of Realtor.com for $950 million - Los Angeles Times
Are Desperate Publishers Selling Their Souls With Native Advertising? - Forbes
Thank you to the residents of La Verne, California for your help
On May 10th, 2014 our volunteers gathered at Sowing Seeds
For Life in La Verne , California , for the United States Post
Office annual food drive called Stamp Out Hunger.
As the volunteers waited for the food to arrive for sorting,
we drove the two large bobtail trucks to the La Verne Post Office.
The first truck was backed into position on the loading
dock, ready to receive the donations of food from the ever growing caring
populace. Having never done this before I had no clue what I was in store for.
As the first carriers arrived in their small trucks I was
amazed to see the trucks completely loaded with bags of food, not only the rear
of the trucks were overflowing, but also in the driver area.
We unloaded truck after truck, with the bagged food placed into
large boxes, that weighed in excess of eight-hundred pounds after being filled;
each box was weighed before being moved into the back of our trucks, as each
post office competes with one another around the country.
With the help of each mail carrier unloading their own
truck, many teens from a halfway house in Chino ,
and the founder of Sowing Seeds For Life, Ms.
Vicki Brown, we unloaded twenty-three thousand pounds of food in six hours.
Needless to say everyone was exhausted, and our plans to have a few cold drinks
after completing the work were completely abandoned to get home to shower and
As I drove the last load of pallets to the food bank, which
is but a short two miles away, my
partner and I could not get the pull down gate to release and drop into place,
and decided to drive back with the gate open, a very big mistake.
While driving South on White Avenue , I missed the signal at
Bonita, and decided to turn right as Bonita has so many lovely trees, hence the
name. Little did we know the pallet jack we used was faulty, and did not drop
down completely to the bed of the truck. After making the right turn I noticed
we lost a large box of bagged food in the middle of the street with the pallet
jack attached, it rolled out the back of the open truck.
My mouth and eyes doubled in size as I let out an "OH MY GOD",
and immediately pulled over to the curb, while my rider was yelling, "don't stop Ed". I quickly called
Jorge, and explained what had just happened, and the group that worked with us
at the post office quickly headed to our location to help us retrieve the
spilled food.
Most people just look the other way when things like this
occur, not the residents of La Verne ,
California . Cars pulled over on
both sides of Bonita Avenue ,
while residents came out of their homes and helped us move the bagged canned
goods to the sidewalk. I would have captured more photographs, but with the
westbound lane completely blocked, I was directing traffic.
I estimate we had somewhere near forty strangers come to our
aid, all the food was picked up within twenty minutes, and loaded into the back
of a pickup truck, when the La Verne Police Department arrived, the only trace
that something had happened was some crushed cereal and pasta in the street.
This was nothing short of a miracle, and I want to thank the
citizens of La Verne
for stepping forward, and getting involved.
I also learned a valuable lesson, never drive a loaded truck
with the gate up, or something like this can occur.
As for my helper that asked me not to stop, he said he had a
warrant and was fearful the police would give him a free ride to jail.
Today in Labor History
September 30 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
Seventy-year-old Mother Jones organizes the wives of striking miners in Arnot, Pa., to descend on the mine with brooms, mops and clanging pots and pans. They frighten away the mules and their scab drivers. The miners eventually won their strike - 1899
(Mother Jones: The Most Dangerous Woman in America: Her rallying cry was famous: "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living." A century ago, Mother Jones was a celebrated organizer and agitator, the very soul of the modern American labor movement. At coal strikes, steel strikes, railroad, textile, and brewery strikes, Mother Jones was always there, stirring the workers to action and enraging the powerful. In this first biography of "the most dangerous woman in America," Elliott J. Gorn proves why, in the words of Eugene V. Debs, Mother Jones "has won her way into the hearts of the nation's toilers, and... will be lovingly remembered by their children and their children's children forever.")
Railroad shopmen in 28 cities strike the Illinois Central Railroad and the Harriman lines for an 8-hour day, improved conditions and union recognition, but railroad officials obtain sweeping injunctions against them and rely on police and armed guards to protect strikebreakers - 1915
Black farmers meet in Elaine, Ark., to establish the Progressive Farmers and Householders Union to fight for better pay and higher cotton prices. They are shot at by a group of whites, and return the fire. News of the confrontation spread and a riot ensued, leaving at least 100, perhaps several hundred, blacks dead and 67 indicted for inciting violence - 1919
(Mother Jones: The Most Dangerous Woman in America: Her rallying cry was famous: "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living." A century ago, Mother Jones was a celebrated organizer and agitator, the very soul of the modern American labor movement. At coal strikes, steel strikes, railroad, textile, and brewery strikes, Mother Jones was always there, stirring the workers to action and enraging the powerful. In this first biography of "the most dangerous woman in America," Elliott J. Gorn proves why, in the words of Eugene V. Debs, Mother Jones "has won her way into the hearts of the nation's toilers, and... will be lovingly remembered by their children and their children's children forever.")
Railroad shopmen in 28 cities strike the Illinois Central Railroad and the Harriman lines for an 8-hour day, improved conditions and union recognition, but railroad officials obtain sweeping injunctions against them and rely on police and armed guards to protect strikebreakers - 1915
Black farmers meet in Elaine, Ark., to establish the Progressive Farmers and Householders Union to fight for better pay and higher cotton prices. They are shot at by a group of whites, and return the fire. News of the confrontation spread and a riot ensued, leaving at least 100, perhaps several hundred, blacks dead and 67 indicted for inciting violence - 1919
Cesar Chavez, with Delores Huerta, co-founds the National Farm Workers Association, which later was to become the United Farm Workers of America - 1962
Monday, September 29, 2014
L.A. on Cloud9 is having our "ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY" fundraising breakfast!
L.A. on Cloud9 is having our "ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY" fundraising breakfast! Sat Oct 25th 8am-10am. We will be serving pancakes, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, 2 slices of bacon, orange juice and coffee at "Applebee's | BELL GARDENS" Tickets are $10 each and goes to helping us continue to serve the homeless people and animals of Los Angeles.
LAC9 Team! we need you...
If you cannot make it but still want to donate please go to our websitewww.LAC9.org
Subscribe to the New York Times
Monday Morning in the Blogosphere
My daughters employed an Uber driver a few nights ago and the driver was
former pressman Raoul Ostrom, with Lauren and Margaret Padgett
Going native at the NY Times - Capital New York
Police in China Detain Editor of Paper - NY Times
Would you advertise in print in this day and age? - Scoop
China censors images of Hong Kong protests - The Guardian
Press problem delays paper delivery - The Spokesman Review
The Los Angeles Times, Film Industry Reporter - Gorkana Jobs
Penny Movers to Watch: Tribune Company (TRBAA) - Techsonian
More than 400 university newspapers vandalized - KCCI Des Moines
Times website wins Online News Assn.'s General Excellence award - LA Times
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Today in Labor History
The Old 97, a Southern Railway train officially known as the Fast Mail, derails near Danville, Va., killing engineer Joseph “Steve” Broady and ten other railroad and postal workers. Many believe Broady had been ordered to speed to make up for lost time. The Wreck of the Old 97 inspired balladeers; a 1924 recording is sometimes cited as the first million-selling country music record - 1903
The first production Ford Model T leaves the Piquette Plant in Detroit, Mich. It was the first car ever manufactured on an assembly line, with interchangeable parts. The auto industry was to become a major U.S. employer, accounting for as many as one of every eight to 10 jobs in the country - 1908
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Promoting Natural Healthy Living and Supporting Charities
I meet some of the nicest people in my daily travels around the San Gabriel Valley, last week I met Anne and Claudia, distributors of healthy teas, at the Los Angeles County Fair. As we all melted with the last day of the extreme heat wave on Wednesday, the ladies kept everyone around them hydrated with different teas, and I thank them for their concern. Visit their website and see what they offer, might be just what you need. OPC N More
A good day starts with a cup of OPC.
Thursday Night in the Blogosphere
Plate cylinder of the newspaper printing press at the L.A. Times
Los Angeles Register Stops the Presses - Ken Broder
How Is News Corp's Print Media Business Trending? - Trefis
Why Every Media Website Redesign Looks the Same - Mashable
Two Los Angeles Times' staffers trapped in empty building - Bill Lucey
The newsonomics of auctioning off Digital First’s newspapers - Ken Doctor
Fake subscription bills for Seattle Times, other newspapers reported - Q13 Fox
Could a Bay Area news nonprofit take over its biggest newspapers? - Steve Katz
Knight foundation restructures to encourage use of digital tools - Editors Weblog
Three Australian Newspapers Had Front-Page Disasters Today - Business Insider
Today in Labor History
September 25 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
American photographer Lewis Hine born in Oshkosh, Wisc. – 1874
(Kids at Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor: Your heart will be broken by this exceptional book’s photographs of
children at backbreaking, often life-threatening work, and the accompanying commentary by author Russell Freedman. Photographer Lewis Hine – who himself died in poverty in 1940 – did as much, and perhaps more, than any social critic in the early part of the 20th century to expose the abuse of children, as young as three and four, by American capitalism.)
(Kids at Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor: Your heart will be broken by this exceptional book’s photographs of
Two African-American sharecroppers are killed during an ultimately unsuccessful cotton-pickers’ strike in Lee County, Ark. By the time the strike had been suppressed, 15 African-Americans had died and another six had been imprisoned. A white plantation manager was killed as well - 1891
The City of Ontario residents in Archibald Ranch are petitioning the City of Ontario, to join forces with City of Chino Hills and have these Tehachapi Project power lines removed from above ground. The City of Chino Hills fought Edison in court, and the outcome was reported by CPUC, that these towers will come down in their city, and the wiring will be installed underground, instead.
The residents of Archibald Ranch are concerned with their property values being affected, and the growing concern of health issues that can stem from the reported 400,000 to 500,000 volts of electricity, these towers generate, which are within 75 to 400 feet from many of these neighbors back yards, and neighboring residents.
- Wendy Hamilton
As of July 2013, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) did approve the TEHACHAPI TRANSMISSION LINES to be installed underground in the City of Chino Hills, California. This was requested by the residents of the City of Chino Hills after they had sought out legal action against Southern California Edison’s huge project, where monstrous, 200 feet tall (approx.) power lines had already been installed throughout a section of the City of Chino Hills.
In part, the city’s residents were concerned with city values, property values and health concerns, amongst other issues, that these towers represent. The huge utility conglomerate was still installing these towers as the court was deciding on whether the residents of Chino Hills even had a legal case, where the legal costs have been in upward of $4.5 million dollars.
Wendy R. Hamilton
Resident of Archibald Ranch, Ontario, CA.
Three Startups Worth Watching
In a fast paced world that is getting more complicated by the second, the average consumer is changing and so is the business world as a whole. Whether you can't live without your smartphone, love the night life, or maybe you are just too busy to go grocery shopping, these are a few businesses you might want to keep your eye on.
Brandon Howard
We have all had a phone break at least once, and going without your phone is tough. Luckily there is a company out there that allows you to quickly find a Smartphone & Tablet repair store in your area. If that wasn't enough Speed Fix It can have a tech meet you anywhere you would like to fix your device on demand. The most common repairs are glass or LCD with a price ranging from $40-$80.Klinkdelivery.com
At nighttime the road is a dangerous place, but because of Klink, it is a little less dangerous. Klink is a nighttime alcohol delivery service. The user visits their website, enters their location, if there is a participating store in their area they then can choose the products online, pay, and soon have a delivery man at their door keeping the party alive. It is important to keep as many drunk drivers off the road, and Klink is a step in the right direction.Netgrocer.com
When you’re just too busy to go to the grocery store, why not have the groceries delivered directly to your home? With a simple website similar to the style of many major online shopping sites, its quick and easy solution to get your grocery needs satisfied. That means no more fits from the kids when you pass up the ice cream isle, and no more waiting in line. In a world that is evolving you can expect Netgrocer to be a top contender in the online grocery market.Brandon Howard
6629 Wynn ln
Groveland, FL 34736Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Newspapers To Charge More For Black Friday Ads
Some newspapers will be charging a premium for their Black Friday edition. TC Newman (@PurpleTCNewman) tells you all about it.
Today in Labor History
September 24, 1918: The Canadian government outlaws the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and other organizations. Penalty for membership was set at five years in prison. The ban on the IWW was lifted after World War I ended.
Wednesday Night in the Blogosphere
The Blogging Pressman with former publisher of the LA Times Eddy Hartenstein.
Believe it or not; Eddy made $2.6 million as publisher of the Times in 2013
New York Times mulls buyouts - Politico
Kushner's bold bet on newspapers teeters - USA Today
Knight Foundation announces new journalism division - Poynter
Tribune problem solver Jon Yates leaving ‘dream job’ - Robert Feder
Two California newspapers meet different fates - Portland Press Herald
More shrinkage at OC Reg as layoffs go national - Veronique de Turenne
Norwegian paper banking on all-access subscription model - Editors Weblog
Facebook Fills The Void Left By Local Newspapers - Business 2 Community
Dean Baquet: Our traditional N.Y. Times masthead no longer works - Romenesko
What we know (and don’t know) to make San Diego’s daily a nonprofit - NiemanLab
To Los Angeles Register Subscribers
Freedom Communications, parent company of the Register, announced it is ending print delivery of the Los Angeles Register. We launched in April with the ambition to tell the local stories that make Los Angeles great. You and other subscribers told us how much you enjoy our locally focused approach to newspapering. Unfortunately, not enough readers took us up on our offering, and we have decided to shift our focus toward growing our newspapers in coastal Los Angeles, Orange County and Inland Southern California. You have the following options concerning your subscription moving forward: 1) If you do nothing, you'll be automatically refunded the balance of your subscription. 2) Or take this opportunity to continue with a 7-day digital subscription, which includes full access to all of our regional news products (losangelesregister.com, ocregister.com, ocvarsity.com, pe.com). Plus you receive all the benefits from the Register Connect membership program, which includes free tickets to sporting events and local attractions, and chances to win VIP experiences and free dining at local restaurants. As always, we encourage your feedback and questions. Please feel free to call us at 844-527-3447. |
We appreciate your support of the Register and our community-building mission. |
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
OC Register Death Watch
By Gustavo Arellano
And now comes news--no, seriously, like right NOW; emails are flooding my inbox from sources--of layoffs at the mothership and beyond. How many? No word yet, but a trusted source says to expect "tons."
Continue reading by clicking here
Tuesday Morning in the Blogosphere
Final edition of the Los Angeles Register
LA Register ends short-lived print run - USA Today
New Cape township newspaper hits market - The Media Online
About the Plan to Make the U-T a Nonprofit - Voice of San Diego
Freedom Communications ceases publication of L.A. Register - LA Times
Los Angeles Register To Cease Publication Immediately - Huffington Post
Russian MPs back initial proposal to curb foreign media ownership - Reuters
Newspaper has lived through San Bernardino's Hardships - San Bernardino Sun
LA Register Shuts Down 'Cause it Couldn't Pay Bills to LA Times - OC Weekly
Moody's paints a bleak picture for newspapers and magazines - Talking New Media
Today in Labor History
September 23 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
The Workingman's Advocate of Chicago publishes the first installment of The Other Side, by Martin A. Foran, president of the Coopers' Int’l Union. Believed to be the first novel by a trade union leader and some say the first working-class novel ever published in the U.S. - 1868
A 42-month strike by Steelworkers at Bayou Steel in Louisiana ends in a new contract and the ousting of scabs - 1996
California Gov. Gray Davis (D) signs legislation making the state the first to offer workers paid family leave - 2002
September 24
Canada declares the Wobblies illegal - 1918
Canada declares the Wobblies illegal - 1918
The Kushner-Spitz memo - Los Angeles Register
When purchasing Freedom Communications a little more than two years ago, we committed to investing in and improving upon the quality of the Register and its two-dozen community newspapers. We’ve recruited some amazing journalism talent, added new sections, and acquired a wonderful portfolio of family, business and golf-themed magazines.
Last November, we added The Press-Enterprise to our portfolio. Freedom expanded its regional footprint even further with the addition of the Easy Reader newspaper and magazine portfolio in January, and the Los Angeles Register in April.
Last November, we added The Press-Enterprise to our portfolio. Freedom expanded its regional footprint even further with the addition of the Easy Reader newspaper and magazine portfolio in January, and the Los Angeles Register in April.
With every new investment, you have risen to the challenge by creating an amazing caliber of product. Freedom’s total revenue has grown in an industry where many of our peers are in perpetual decline. Our local print advertising business isn’t just up, it’s up double digits over last year. Our advertiser account base has increased. So has our circulation and commercial printing revenue. Digital revenue and traffic have also now begun to trend upwards with the successful launch of our Digital Freedom products.
You may have seen today that Freedom just sold the Orange County Register headquarters. This was a sale-leaseback where we will continue to serve Orange County from our current headquarters building. This was another step in our progress to strengthen our balance sheet and focus our finances on our core business of building community through our newspapers.
We have also appointed ACI California LLC as the distributor of the Register beginning October 4th, thus building upon our existing working relationship. While the timing has been updated, this is part of a long-standing transition plan with the Los Angeles Times as the two companies come to the planned conclusion of their delivery contract. We hope and anticipate that it will be an amicable transition as we endeavor to be a good business partner with them, and they do the same.
As we look ahead, we are examining all aspects of our newspapers to determine the geographic areas and news topics that are most profitable and deliver the most value to our subscribers. One of our biggest challenges – and one that our industry continues to wrestle with – is to evaluate our opportunity costs. In other words, we must make difficult decisions on where we should invest our time and resources to grow and where we should not.
To that end, we have made the decision to cease publication of the Los Angeles Register, effective immediately.
This transition allows us to direct more of our focus and energies toward growing and delivering even more value in our core markets of Orange County, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. We have deep relationships with subscribers and advertisers in those markets that extend for decades. Our investments in quality in the past two years have changed the trends of our core business positively. And we are now that much more committed to building upon our foundation in Orange County, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
Our focus in Los Angeles will be on strengthening the Easy Reader portfolio of newspapers and magazines, which have a four-decade history in serving coastal Los Angeles communities, and we have now expanded to serve the communities from Malibu through Santa Monica down the entire coast and including Torrance.
The Easy Reader portfolio has an average weekly distribution of 108,750 and 438,000 monthly. Long Beach Register’s total weekly distribution is 62,522 households. We now deliver more than 170,000 papers every week and more than 685,000 monthly with the combined reach of the Easy Reader portfolio and the Long Beach Register.
The losangelesregister.com website will continue to publish content from our reporters and columnists who cover topics of specific interest to Los Angeles and the region, such as real estate, food, concerts or Lakers basketball. There will be some staff changes with our content team as part of the changes in Los Angeles. For those that will be leaving, we say thank you. We are most grateful for their service to the community.
In previous Town Hall conversations, you have heard us describe our business model as a virtuous circle: the more support we have in a local town, the more in turn we can invest back into that town. In the simplest terms, we grow and adapt our investments based on specific community support.
The production, printing and distribution of a new daily newspaper serving 88 communities within Los Angeles had real cost, and required greater community support than it initially achieved. We will, and should be, regularly making adjustments to align our cost structure with what we believe is achievable in revenue.
Pundits and local competitors who have closely followed our entry into Los Angeles will be quick to criticize our decision to launch a new newspaper and they will say that we failed. We believe, the true definition of failure is not taking bold steps toward growth. While we tried an important new initiative and determined it did not meet our criteria for success, it does not mean that our business as a whole has failed. Rather we have made and will continue to make the difficult but necessary evaluations of where we focus our team’s energy and resources that will generate the most growth and the most impact for our business and our community.
While there is no silver bullet or clear-cut answer to achieving continual growth in the newspaper industry, we firmly believe newspapers truly matter. The Orange County Register and The Press-Enterprise have a rich history of serving their communities for 109 and 136 years, respectively, and will always have a place in connecting our community and helping it thrive.
From day one, we made an explicit commitment that we were going to take the challenges and opportunities head-on to put our institution on a permanently profitable path of growth. That has not changed. We like many of the trends we are seeing in Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange Counties with our daily and weekly products, and in Los Angeles with our weekly products. We are excited to focus our immediate energies on their growth.
We witness the rewards and impact our products are making on the subscribers and businesses we serve each day. Seeing the fulfillment of our community-building mission and the end result – amazing caliber of product – is hopefully what motivates all of us to come to work each day and perform at a high level.
Thank you for your commitment to pour everything we have into proving that newspapers have a vibrant and healthy future.
Aaron Kushner
Eric Spitz
Eric Spitz
SOURCE: Kevin Roderick at LAObserved
Los Angeles Register ends publication today.
To our subscribers:
Monday, September 22, 2014
Monday Night in the Blogosphere
I ran into former Los Angeles Times pressman Ray Wertz and his wife
at the fair, Ray took the 1999 buyout
Making Money the Mobile Way - Editor and Publisher
The Atlantic will re-absorb The Wire - Kevin Roderick
Tribune Media CEO’s $8.8 million payday - Robert Feder
Media companies rush out iOS 8 updates - Talking New Media
Our goal was to stop the decline in circulation - Editors Weblog
Newspapers changing with times; not going away - Terrell Tribune
Why are newspapers still run by men, asks a leading female executive - The Guardian
MOODY’S: Our outlook for U.S. newspapers and magazines is negative - Romenesko
Tribune Media files documents in preparation for stock exchange listing - Chicago Tribune
Today in Labor History
September 22 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
Emancipation Proclamation signed - 1862
Eighteen-year-old Hannah (Annie) Shapiro leads a spontaneous walkout of 17 women at a Hart Schaffner & Marx garment factory in Chicago. It grows into a months-long mass strike involving 40,000 garment workers across the city, protesting 10-hour days, bullying bosses and cuts in already-low wages - 1910
(Reviving the Strike: How Working People can Regain Power and Transform America: If the American labor movement is to rise again, the author says, it will not be as a result of electing Democrats, the passage of legislation, or improved methods of union organizing. Rather, workers will need to rediscover the power of the strike. Not the ineffectual strike of today, where employees meekly sit on picket lines waiting for scabs to take their jobs, but the type of strike capable of grinding industries to a halt—the kind employed up until the 1960s.)
Great Steel Strike begins; 350,000 workers demand union recognition. The AFL Iron and Steel Organizing Committee calls off the strike, their goal unmet, 108 days later - 1919
Martial law rescinded in Mingo County, W. Va., after police, U.S. troops and hired goons finally quell coal miners' strike - 1922
U.S. Steel announces it will cut the wages of 220,000 workers by 10 percent - 1931
United Textile Workers strike committee orders strikers back to work after 22 days out, ending what was at that point the greatest single industrial conflict in the history of American organized labor. The strike involved some 400,000 workers in New England, the mid-Atlantic states and the South - 1934
Some 400,000 coal miners strike for higher wages in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio - 1935
The AFL expels the Int’l Longshoremen's Association for racketeering; the union was readmitted to the then-AFL-CIO six years later - 1953
OSHA reaches its largest ever settlement agreement, $21 million, with BP Products North America following an explosion at BP's Texas City, Texas, plant earlier in the year that killed 15 and injured 170 - 2005
Eleven Domino's employees in Pensacola, Fla., form the nation's first union of pizza delivery drivers - 2006
San Francisco hotel workers end a 2-year contract fight, ratify a new 5-year pact with their employers - 2006
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