Monday, February 27, 2017
GateHouse adopts unified platform for producing, sharing content
GateHouse adopts unified platform for producing, sharing content: GateHouse Media kicked off 2017 with a resolution to upgrade its Web CMS platform across more than 400 websites serving some 35 million unique users.
Today in Labor History

Legendary labor leader and socialist presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs becomes charter member and secretary of the Vigo Lodge, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. Five years later he is leading the national union and in 1893 helps found the nation’s first industrial union, the American Railway Union - 1875
Birth of John Steinbeck in Salinas, Calif. Steinbeck is best known for writing The Grapes of Wrath, which exposed the mistreatment of migrant farm workers during the Depression and led to some reforms - 1902
Thirty-eight miners die in a coal mine explosion in Boissevain, Va. - 1932
Four hundred fifty Woolworth’s workers and customers occupy store for eight

The Supreme Court rules that sit-down strikes, a major organizing tool for industrial unions, are illegal - 1939
Mine disaster kills 75 at Red Lodge, Mont. - 1943
Heart of Jesus,
Jimmy Hoffa Jr.,
labor movement,
Pete Seeger,
Ronnie Pineda,
Today in Labor History,
Union Communications Service,
James Moors Rest in Peace
November 15, 1935 - December 30, 2016 James Moors worked 33 years (1966-1999) in Los Angeles Times Pressroom. He strongly believed that the newspapers are the world's mirrors.
"Hello all,I was reading the LA Times Saturday and in the obituary section noticed the James Moors passed away on December 30,2016. James worked the press-room for 33 years from 1966 to 1999.He was born in Nov.15,1935 and passed on Dec.30,2016. His favorite line was " I take my orders directly from the office". I'm sure some of you have some stories to tell about James. The obit says he believed that the newspapers are the worlds mirrors. May he rest in peace."
Friday, February 24, 2017
WAN-Ifra Women conference in Southeast Asia
WAN-Ifra Women conference in Southeast Asia: Newsroom management training at the February 16 event was led by Paula Fray, WAN-Ifra Women in News lead trainer.
Newspaper Production in 1937 - Educational Documentary - Ella73TV
Trees to Tribune shows how newspapers were produced during the 1930's. We see the complete process beginning in the forest with the felling of trees, the transport of logs to the sawmill, chipping and pulping of the wood, processing of the pulp to form paper, and all the behind the scenes work required to print on the newspaper. .
NYT shares change hands
NYT shares change hands: Retirement Systems of Alabama lowered its stake in shares of The New York Times Co. by 1.3 percent during the third quarter, Holdings Channel reported.
Friday Morning in the Blogosphere
The $10 harbor cruise is so worth the price - visit Ports O'Call in San Pedro
Facebook's anti-Trump news surge - Politico
It’s Knight time for tronc’s digital division - Robert Feder
psssst, The New York Times still wants your tips - Poynter
anti-SLAPP Hearing Dates Are Set in LA Times Case - Rall
Tronc seeks to boost digital media presence - New York Post
The art of the obituary: It’s a dying one - Nieman Storyboard
To maintain and grow our audience, video is a necessity - Editors Weblog
Dramatic Washington Post slogan recalls another era for newspapers - CJR
FROM THE EDITOR: Why we printed those KKK flyers - Press Enterprise
Legal Ad Revenue Will Disappear Soon Unless Newspapers Innovate - E and P
Advice Goddess Blog
Advice Goddess Blog
Don't Assume Your Doctor Practices Evidence-Based Medicine
I talk regularly with an epidemiologist who emphasizes what the headline of this post says, so I'm especially sensitive to this notion -- that maybe your doctor isn't acting in your (evidence-based) best interest.
Don't Assume Your Doctor Practices Evidence-Based Medicine
I talk regularly with an epidemiologist who emphasizes what the headline of this post says, so I'm especially sensitive to this notion -- that maybe your doctor isn't acting in your (evidence-based) best interest.
Today in Labor History
February 24 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
U.S. Supreme Court upholds Oregon state restrictions on the working hours of women, justified as necessary to protect their health. A laundry owner was fined $10 for making a female employee work more than 10 hours in a single day - 1908
Women and children textile strikers beaten by Lawrence, Mass., police during a 63-day walkout protesting low wages and work speedups - 1912
Congress passes a federal child labor tax law that imposed a 10 percent tax on companies that employ children, defined as anyone under the age of 16 working in a mine/quarry or under the age 14 in a “mill, cannery, workshop, factory, or manufacturing establishment.” The Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional three years later - 1919
February 23
W.E.B. DuBois, educator and civil rights activist, born - 1868
The National Marine Engineers Association (now the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association), representing deck and engine officers on U.S. flag vessels, is formed at a convention in Cleveland, Ohio - 1875
The Journeyman Bakers’ National Union receives its charter from the American Federation of Labor - 1887
William Randolph Hearst’s San Francisco Examiner began publishing articles on the menace of Japanese laborers, leading to a resolution in the California legislature that action be taken against their immigration - 1904
Woody Guthrie wrote “This Land Is Your Land” following a frigid trip—partially by hitchhiking, partially by rail—from California to Manhattan. The Great Depression was still raging. Guthrie had heard Kate Smith’s recording of “God Bless America” and resolved to himself: “We can’t just bless America, we’ve got to change it” - 1940
(Woody Guthrie: A Life: Folksinger and political activist Woody Guthrie contributed much to the American labor movement, not the least of which are his classic anthems "Union Maid" and "This Land Is Your Land." This is an easy-to-read, honest description of Guthrie’s life, from a childhood of poverty to an adulthood of music and organizing—and a life cut short by incurable disease. Guthrie’s life and work inspired millions while he lived and continues to do so through musicians such as his son Arlo, Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Billy Bragg and Bruce Springsteen, to name just a few. Guthrie is portrayed as he was—an imperfect being but one with a gift that helped millions as they struggled toward better lives.)
Association of Flight Attendants granted a charter by the AFL-CIO - 1984
Following voter approval for the measure in 2003, San Francisco’s minimum wage rises to $8.50, up from $6.75 - 2004
February 22
Representatives of the Knights of Labor and the United Mine Workers meet in St. Louis with 20 other organizations to plan the founding convention of the People’s Party. Objectives: end political corruption, spread the wealth, and combat the oppression of the rights of workers and farmers - 1892
Albert Shanker dies at age 68. He served as president of New York City’s United Federation of Teachers from 1964 to 1984 and of the American Federation of Teachers from 1974 to 1997 - 1997
Responding to a 15 percent wage cut, women textile workers in Lowell, Mass., organize a “turn-out”—a strike—in protest. The action failed. Two years later they formed the Factory Girl’s Association in response to a rent hike in company boarding houses and the increase was rescinded. One worker’s diary recounts a “stirring speech” of resistance by a co-worker, 11-year-old Harriet Hanson Robinson - 1834
U.S. Supreme Court upholds Oregon state restrictions on the working hours of women, justified as necessary to protect their health. A laundry owner was fined $10 for making a female employee work more than 10 hours in a single day - 1908

Women and children textile strikers beaten by Lawrence, Mass., police during a 63-day walkout protesting low wages and work speedups - 1912
Congress passes a federal child labor tax law that imposed a 10 percent tax on companies that employ children, defined as anyone under the age of 16 working in a mine/quarry or under the age 14 in a “mill, cannery, workshop, factory, or manufacturing establishment.” The Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional three years later - 1919
February 23
W.E.B. DuBois, educator and civil rights activist, born - 1868

The National Marine Engineers Association (now the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association), representing deck and engine officers on U.S. flag vessels, is formed at a convention in Cleveland, Ohio - 1875
The Journeyman Bakers’ National Union receives its charter from the American Federation of Labor - 1887
William Randolph Hearst’s San Francisco Examiner began publishing articles on the menace of Japanese laborers, leading to a resolution in the California legislature that action be taken against their immigration - 1904
Woody Guthrie wrote “This Land Is Your Land” following a frigid trip—partially by hitchhiking, partially by rail—from California to Manhattan. The Great Depression was still raging. Guthrie had heard Kate Smith’s recording of “God Bless America” and resolved to himself: “We can’t just bless America, we’ve got to change it” - 1940

Association of Flight Attendants granted a charter by the AFL-CIO - 1984
Following voter approval for the measure in 2003, San Francisco’s minimum wage rises to $8.50, up from $6.75 - 2004
February 22

Albert Shanker dies at age 68. He served as president of New York City’s United Federation of Teachers from 1964 to 1984 and of the American Federation of Teachers from 1974 to 1997 - 1997
February 21
A state law was enacted in California providing the 8-hour day for most workers, but it was not effectively enforced - 1868

A state law was enacted in California providing the 8-hour day for most workers, but it was not effectively enforced - 1868
Transportation-Communication Employees Union merges with Brotherhood of Railway, Airline & Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express & Station Employees - 1969
United Farm Workers of America granted a charter by the AFL-CIO - 1972
February 20

Rally for unemployed becomes major confrontation in Philadelphia, 18 arrested for demanding jobs - 1908
Thousands of women march to New York’s City Hall demanding relief from exorbitant wartime food prices. Inflation had wiped out any wage gains made by workers, leading to a high level of working class protest during World War I - 1917
(If your last serious read of American history was in high school—or even in a standard college course—you’ll want to read this amazing account of America as seen through the eyes of its working people, women and minorities. Howard Zinn (1922-2010) was a widely respected historian, author, playwright, and social activist. In A People’s History of the United States: 1492-Present, he turns history on its head with his carefully researched and dramatic recounting of America and its people—not just its bankers, industrialists, generals and politicians.)

United Mine Workers settle 10-month Pittston strike in Virginia, Kentucky and West Virginia - 1990
Heart of Jesus,
Jimmy Hoffa Jr.,
labor movement,
Pete Seeger,
Ronnie Pineda,
Today in Labor History,
Union Communications Service,
LA Times launches glossy design mag
LA Times launches glossy design mag: The glossy print magazine will launch on May 21 with a second issue planned for the fall, the newspaper reported.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Today in Labor History
February 19 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
American Federation of Labor issues a charter to its new Railroad Employees Department - 1909
A few weeks after workers ask for a 25¢ hourly wage, the Philadelphia Rapid Transit (streetcar) Co. fires 173 union members “for the good of the service” and brings in replacements from New York City. Striker-scab battles and a general strike ensued - 1910
(In this expanded edition of Strike! you can read about labor-management conflicts that have occurred over the past 140 years. Here you’ll learn much about workers’ struggle to win a degree of justice, from the workers’ point of view. Brecher also examines the ever-shifting roles and configurations of unions, from the Knights of Labor of the 1800s to the AFL-CIO of the 1990s.)

(In this expanded edition of Strike! you can read about labor-management conflicts that have occurred over the past 140 years. Here you’ll learn much about workers’ struggle to win a degree of justice, from the workers’ point of view. Brecher also examines the ever-shifting roles and configurations of unions, from the Knights of Labor of the 1800s to the AFL-CIO of the 1990s.)
Journeymen Stonecutters Association of North America merges with Laborers’ Int’l Union - 1968

Int’l Union of Police Associations granted a charter by the AFL-CIO - 1979
Farm Labor Organizing Committee signs agreement with Campbell Soup Co., ending 7-year boycott - 1986
February 18
One of the first American labor newspapers, The Man, is published in New York City. It cost 1¢ and, according to The History of American Journalism, “died an early death.” Another labor paper, N.Y. Daily Sentinel, had been launched four years earlier - 1834

Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29¢ an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903 - 1918
Heart of Jesus,
Jimmy Hoffa Jr.,
labor movement,
Pete Seeger,
Ronnie Pineda,
Today in Labor History,
Union Communications Service,
Friday, February 17, 2017
Help Wanted
Press operator position
The Delta Democrat Times (Greenville, MS) has a Full time position running a six unit Goss Urbanite press.
Mostly day shift with Saturday evening
Must have experience running press and all maintenance of the press
Please send resume to:
Dean Francisco
Production Manager
Delta Democrat Times
Emmerich Newspapers
(662) 378-0772
Plant Closings - News & Tech: Stats
Plant Closings - News and Tech: Stats
Among newspapers that have said they will close, or have already closed, production plants, since 2004 (some dates approximate). List as of January 2015.
Among newspapers that have said they will close, or have already closed, production plants, since 2004 (some dates approximate). List as of January 2015.
Today in Labor History
February 17 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.

Sixty-three sit-down strikers, demanding recognition of their union, are tear-gassed and driven from two Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. plants in Chicago. Two years later the U.S. Supreme Court declared sit-down strikes illegal. The tactic had been a major industrial union organizing tool - 1937

Sixty-three sit-down strikers, demanding recognition of their union, are tear-gassed and driven from two Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. plants in Chicago. Two years later the U.S. Supreme Court declared sit-down strikes illegal. The tactic had been a major industrial union organizing tool - 1937
Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int'l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university - 1992
Heart of Jesus,
Jimmy Hoffa Jr.,
labor movement,
Pete Seeger,
Ronnie Pineda,
Today in Labor History,
Union Communications Service,
Thursday, February 16, 2017
WSJ debuts redesign
WSJ debuts redesign: The Wall Street Journal has debuted a redesigned paper concentrating on two core weekday sections.
Thursday Morning in the Blogosphere
Los Angeles Times press room apprentice class
History of American newspapers - Wikipedia
‘People get mad at the newspaper all the time’ - Nondoc
School newspapers hanging by a thread - The Star Beacon
‘People get mad at the newspaper all the time’ - Nondoc
School newspapers hanging by a thread - The Star Beacon
Do Imperial Transit Bus Riders Read Newspapers? - Calexico Chronicle
Craig Newmark, journalism’s new Six Million Dollar Man - Nieman Lab
Old-School Media Is Pulling Way More Viewers Than You Think - WIRED
Newspapers aim to ride 'Trump Bump' to reach readers, advertisers - Reuters
This graph perfectly sums up the slow death of British newspapers - Business Insider
Arrest made in uptown shooting death of 65-year-old newspaper carrier - WSOC Charlotte
New York Observer ends print operation
New York Observer ends print operation: The New York Observer quietly shuttered its print operations last week.
Today in Labor History
February 16 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
Leonora O’Reilly was born in New York. The daughter of Irish immigrants, she began working in a factory at 11, joined the Knights of Labor at 16, and was a volunteer investigator of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911. She was a founding member of the Women’s Trade Union League - 1870

Diamond Mine disaster in Braidwood, Ill. The coal mine was on a marshy tract of land with no natural drainage. Snow melted and forced a collapse on the east side of the mine, killing 74 - 1883
Beginning of a 17-week general strike of 12,000 New York furriers, in which Jewish workers formed a coalition with Greek and African American workers and became the first union to win a 5-day, 40-hour week - 1926
Rubber Workers begin sit-down strike at Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. - 1936
American Wire Weavers Protective Association merges with United Papermakers & Paperworkers - 1959
All public schools in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisc., are closed as teachers call in sick to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s plans to gut their collective bargaining rights - 2011
Heart of Jesus,
Jimmy Hoffa Jr.,
labor movement,
Pete Seeger,
Ronnie Pineda,
Today in Labor History,
Union Communications Service,
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Can You Trust The Press?
Published on Oct 3, 2016
Is the press trustworthy? Can we believe what reporters and journalists tell us? Judith Miller, Pulitzer Prize-winning former reporter for the New York Times, explains why Americans' trust in the news media has fallen, and why that matters. Donate today to PragerU:
Join Prager United to get new swag every quarter, exclusive early access to our videos, and an annual TownHall phone call with Dennis Prager!
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Liberal or conservative, male or female, young or old, Americans love to bash the news media. Once among the nation's most trusted institutions, the news media have fallen from grace.
According to Gallup, even as recently as 2000 a majority of Americans trusted the press; by 2015 it had fallen to 40 percent; and lower than that, 36 percent, among those 18 to 49. It's hard to see how this decline will be reversed. The industry has become politically polarized and, in the highly competitive age of multiple 24-hour cable news channels and the Internet, it's under severe financial pressure. And this compounds an even deeper problem – failing journalistic standards.
In the 1950s, the media universe consisted mainly of a few national television broadcast networks, and local TV and radio stations, most of which got much of their “news” from major wire services and the nation's large newspapers. Most journalists were committed to producing “objective” journalism – fact-based stories independent of the government and of political parties. A reporter's job was to report, not offer opinion or advocate. Presented with the facts, it was up to readers to make their own judgments about news events. Opinions were supposed to be confined to editorial and op-ed pages.
That world no longer exists.
This lack of objectivity and the decline of standards is one reason, though not the only one, why newspapers and news magazines are a declining industry. According to Pew Research, print revenue from newspaper sales has declined from $47 billion in 2006 to $16 billion in 2014. Digital sales haven't come close to making up the difference. Most papers have been forced to cut operating expenses: slash staff and close bureaus – overseas, in particular. Ironically, there are more stories than ever to cover and fewer staff than ever to cover them.
This lack of information from professional journalists has been filled by a new source – social media and the blogosphere. When the Iraq war, which I covered for the New York Times, began in 2003, there were roughly one hundred thousand bloggers. Only a few years later, there were an estimated twenty-seven million.
The Internet as a news source has obvious pluses and minuses. On the plus side is that information is spread widely and instantly. The minuses have to do with the fact that the quality of reporting varies dramatically. It's not easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Furthermore, many sites, including mainstream sites, have abandoned traditional journalistic practices and standards in search of more and more “eyeballs.” Objectivity, once the gold standard of reporting, is now often seen as old-fashioned, a ratings loser. When success is measured mainly in terms of “clicks,” the outrageous beats the sober just about every time.
Inserting opinion, even in the middle of a news story, is a way in which journalists can distinguish themselves. And in mainstream media outlets, those opinions overwhelmingly tend to be liberal. This might not be so bad if journalists acknowledged their bias. But they almost never do. Yet the bias is obvious.
Join Prager United to get new swag every quarter, exclusive early access to our videos, and an annual TownHall phone call with Dennis Prager!
Join PragerU's text list to have these videos, free merchandise giveaways and breaking announcements sent directly to your phone!
You can support PragerU by clicking here: Free videos are great, but to continue producing high-quality content, contributions--even small ones--are a must!
Do you shop on Amazon? Click and a percentage of every Amazon purchase will be donated to PragerU. Same great products. Same low price. Shopping made meaningful.
VISIT PragerU!
PragerU is on Snapchat!
For Students:
Sponsor a Student:
JOIN our Educators Network!
Liberal or conservative, male or female, young or old, Americans love to bash the news media. Once among the nation's most trusted institutions, the news media have fallen from grace.
According to Gallup, even as recently as 2000 a majority of Americans trusted the press; by 2015 it had fallen to 40 percent; and lower than that, 36 percent, among those 18 to 49. It's hard to see how this decline will be reversed. The industry has become politically polarized and, in the highly competitive age of multiple 24-hour cable news channels and the Internet, it's under severe financial pressure. And this compounds an even deeper problem – failing journalistic standards.
In the 1950s, the media universe consisted mainly of a few national television broadcast networks, and local TV and radio stations, most of which got much of their “news” from major wire services and the nation's large newspapers. Most journalists were committed to producing “objective” journalism – fact-based stories independent of the government and of political parties. A reporter's job was to report, not offer opinion or advocate. Presented with the facts, it was up to readers to make their own judgments about news events. Opinions were supposed to be confined to editorial and op-ed pages.
That world no longer exists.
This lack of objectivity and the decline of standards is one reason, though not the only one, why newspapers and news magazines are a declining industry. According to Pew Research, print revenue from newspaper sales has declined from $47 billion in 2006 to $16 billion in 2014. Digital sales haven't come close to making up the difference. Most papers have been forced to cut operating expenses: slash staff and close bureaus – overseas, in particular. Ironically, there are more stories than ever to cover and fewer staff than ever to cover them.
This lack of information from professional journalists has been filled by a new source – social media and the blogosphere. When the Iraq war, which I covered for the New York Times, began in 2003, there were roughly one hundred thousand bloggers. Only a few years later, there were an estimated twenty-seven million.
The Internet as a news source has obvious pluses and minuses. On the plus side is that information is spread widely and instantly. The minuses have to do with the fact that the quality of reporting varies dramatically. It's not easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Furthermore, many sites, including mainstream sites, have abandoned traditional journalistic practices and standards in search of more and more “eyeballs.” Objectivity, once the gold standard of reporting, is now often seen as old-fashioned, a ratings loser. When success is measured mainly in terms of “clicks,” the outrageous beats the sober just about every time.
Inserting opinion, even in the middle of a news story, is a way in which journalists can distinguish themselves. And in mainstream media outlets, those opinions overwhelmingly tend to be liberal. This might not be so bad if journalists acknowledged their bias. But they almost never do. Yet the bias is obvious.
Wednesday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
A common theme around the globe, unsold newspapers
Editorial: The Force is Still Strong - Editor and Publisher
The next generation of news experience - Editors Weblog
Man killed in uptown Charlotte was delivering newspapers - WBTV
Stop Press: The Future of Newspapers - Professor Richard Sambrook
Times-Shamrock newspapers offer employee buyouts - New Jersey Herald
Whomever runs the Facebook page for the LA Times deserves a raise - imgur
Newspapers welcome more digital subscribers in time of fake news - Financial Times
CNN lawsuit shocker — There’s cursing in newsrooms! - Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Southern NM, El Paso newspapers shrink print editions in shift to digital - NM Politics
Northwest newspaper company offers tablets to subscribers
Northwest newspaper company offers tablets to subscribers: Reaching readers with the right technology at the right time with just the right content is a feat all media players are trying to nail down.
Today in Labor History
February 15 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.

Susan B. Anthony, suffragist, abolitionist, labor activist, born in Adams, Mass. "Join the union, girls, and together say: Equal Pay for Equal Work." - 1820
U.S. legislators pass the Civil Works Emergency Relief Act, providing funds for the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, which funneled money to states plagued by Depression-era poverty and unemployment, and oversaw the subsequent distribution and relief efforts - 1934
The Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) expels the Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers; the Food, Tobacco & Agricultural Workers; and the United Office & Professional Workers for “Communist tendencies.” Other unions expelled for the same reason (dates uncertain): Fur and Leather Workers, the Farm Equipment Union, the Int’l Longshoremen’s Union, the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers - 1950
Heart of Jesus,
Jimmy Hoffa Jr.,
labor movement,
Pete Seeger,
Ronnie Pineda,
Today in Labor History,
Union Communications Service,
Union-Tribune lays off journalists
Union-Tribune lays off journalists
Seven on editorial staff lose jobs; hinted that more face same fate
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Pressroom Supervisor at Los Angeles Times
Pressroom Supervisor (Downtown LA) The Pressroom Supervisor is responsible for and maintains efficient operation of the pressroom and plateroom. · Supervises daily schedule of press runs to meet edition deadlines. Make up and alternates crews to cover daily operations. Makes sure crews are fully staffed; · Assures the work environment is safe and all employees are performing duties in a safe and appropriate manner; · Maintains quality assurance throughout entire production process; · Responsible for a timely and comprehensive performance management program; · Dedicates effort to training and development of employees. Requirements: Min of 5 years experience in a Press Supervisory role; requires working knowledge of presses and peripheral equipment; able to work weekends, holidays and various shifts. · Competitive Salary · Great Benefits (Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K, Paid Vacation, Paid Holidays and more)! · Growth Opportunities Apply at: or send resume to No Phone Calls Please
Today in Labor History
February 14 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
Western Federation of Miners strike for 8-hour day - 1903
President Theodore Roosevelt creates the Department of Commerce and Labor. It was divided into two separate government departments ten years later - 1903
Jimmy Hoffa born in Brazil, Ind., son of a coal miner. Disappeared July 30, 1975, declared dead seven years later - 1913
Striking workers at Detroit’s newspapers, out since the previous July, offer to return to work. The offer is accepted five days later but the newspapers vow to retain some 1,200 scabs. A court ruling the following year ordered as many as 1,100 former strikers reinstated - 1996
February 13
A national eight-month strike by the Sons of Vulcan, a union of iron forgers, ends in victory when employers agreed to a wage scale based on the price of iron bars—the first time employers recognized the union, the first union contract in the iron and steel industry, and what may be the first union contract of any kind in the United States - 1865
Some 12,000 Hollywood writers returned to work today following a largely successful three-month strike against television and motion picture studios. They won compensation for their TV and movie work that gets streamed on the Internet - 2008

(Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff is an encyclopedic guide to 350 labor films from around the world, ranging from those you’ve heard of—Salt of the Earth, The Grapes of Wrath, Roger & Me—to those you’ve never heard of but will fall in love with once you see them. Fiction and nonfiction, the films are about unions, labor history, working-class life, political movements, and the struggle between labor and capital.)
Western Federation of Miners strike for 8-hour day - 1903

Jimmy Hoffa born in Brazil, Ind., son of a coal miner. Disappeared July 30, 1975, declared dead seven years later - 1913
Striking workers at Detroit’s newspapers, out since the previous July, offer to return to work. The offer is accepted five days later but the newspapers vow to retain some 1,200 scabs. A court ruling the following year ordered as many as 1,100 former strikers reinstated - 1996

A national eight-month strike by the Sons of Vulcan, a union of iron forgers, ends in victory when employers agreed to a wage scale based on the price of iron bars—the first time employers recognized the union, the first union contract in the iron and steel industry, and what may be the first union contract of any kind in the United States - 1865
Some 12,000 Hollywood writers returned to work today following a largely successful three-month strike against television and motion picture studios. They won compensation for their TV and movie work that gets streamed on the Internet - 2008

(Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff is an encyclopedic guide to 350 labor films from around the world, ranging from those you’ve heard of—Salt of the Earth, The Grapes of Wrath, Roger & Me—to those you’ve never heard of but will fall in love with once you see them. Fiction and nonfiction, the films are about unions, labor history, working-class life, political movements, and the struggle between labor and capital.)
Heart of Jesus,
Jimmy Hoffa Jr.,
labor movement,
Pete Seeger,
Ronnie Pineda,
Today in Labor History,
Union Communications Service,
Tuesday Morning in the Blogosphere
Merly loved the Winter nationals this past weekend
Layoffs Hit Slate - The Huffington Post
Newspapers are the Original Social Media - E and P
Tronc to Union-Tribune: attrit now! - San Diego Reader
Facebook is beginning to reach out to local newsrooms - Poynter
2 Massachusetts daily newspapers cease publication -
Gannett and McClatchy made digital gains at the end of 2016 - Poynter
Newspapers are the Original Social Media - E and P
Tronc to Union-Tribune: attrit now! - San Diego Reader
Facebook is beginning to reach out to local newsrooms - Poynter
2 Massachusetts daily newspapers cease publication -
Gannett and McClatchy made digital gains at the end of 2016 - Poynter
A New Page in the Tribune Bankruptcy Diary - The Legal Intelligencer
2017 Should Be a Prosperous Year for Most Media Entities - Editor and Publisher
Brazil’s newspapers forced to delete reporting; we’re publishing it here - The Intercept
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
Today in Labor History
February 08 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
Vigilantes beat IWW organizers for exercising free-speech rights, San Diego - 1912
Seattle General Strike begins. The city was run by a General Strike Committee for six days as tens of thousands of union members stopped work in support of 32,000 striking longshoremen - 1919
Vigilantes beat IWW organizers for exercising free-speech rights, San Diego - 1912
February 07
Union miners in Cripple Creek, Colo., begin what is to become a five-month strike that started when mine owners cut wages to $2.50 a day, from $3. The state militia was called out in support of the strikers—the only time in U.S. history that a militia was directed to side with the workers. The strike ended in victory for the union - 1894
It took 1,231 firefighters 30 hours to put down The Great Baltimore Fire, which started on this day and
destroyed 1,500 buildings over an area of some 140 acres - 1904
Hockey players formed the NHL Players Association in New York City after owners refuse to release pension plan financial information. The union was busted when owners transferred key activists, but it successfully re-formed ten years later – 1957

Hockey players formed the NHL Players Association in New York City after owners refuse to release pension plan financial information. The union was busted when owners transferred key activists, but it successfully re-formed ten years later – 1957
Thirteen workers are killed, 42 injured in a dust explosion at an Imperial Sugar refinery in Port Wentworth, Georgia. Investigators found that the company had been aware of dangers for years but had not acted on them - 2008
February 06
Ironworkers from six cities meet in Pittsburgh to form the Int’l Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers of America. Their pay in Pittsburgh at the time: $2.75 for a 9-hour day - 1896
Philadelphia shirtwaist makers vote to accept arbitration offer and end walkout as Triangle Shirtwaist strike winds down. One year later 146 workers, mostly young girls aged 13 to 23, were to die in a devastating fire at Triangle’s New York City sweatshop - 1910
Philadelphia shirtwaist makers vote to accept arbitration offer and end walkout as Triangle Shirtwaist strike winds down. One year later 146 workers, mostly young girls aged 13 to 23, were to die in a devastating fire at Triangle’s New York City sweatshop - 1910

Heart of Jesus,
Jimmy Hoffa Jr.,
labor movement,
Pete Seeger,
Ronnie Pineda,
Today in Labor History,
Union Communications Service,
Wednesday Morning in the Blogosphere
The largest thermometer in the world
Condé Nast has been eyeing The Hollywood Reporter - CNN
Nikki Finke back in business to dish on Hollywood - Page Six
Mother Jones Is Named Magazine of the Year - New York Times
Pricey publisher subscriptions require a special sales approach - Digiday
New York Times hires No. 2 editor from The Wall Street Journal - Poynter
Where to Follow Real News and Get Actual Facts if You Live in L.A. - L.A..Magazine
Boston Globe Declares ‘Bitter End’ for Patriots in Early Edition Newspaper - The Wrap
10 Journalism Brands Where You Find Real Facts Rather Than Alternative Facts - Forbes
Friday, February 03, 2017
Today in Labor History
February 03 -- Union Communications Services, Inc.
The U.S. Supreme Court rules the United Hatters Union violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by organizing a nationwide boycott of Danbury Hatters of Connecticut - 1908
U.S. Supreme Court upholds the Wages and Hours (later Fair Labor Standards) Act banning child labor and establishing the 40-hour work week - 1941

Heart of Jesus,
Jimmy Hoffa Jr.,
labor movement,
Pete Seeger,
Ronnie Pineda,
Today in Labor History,
Union Communications Service,
Thursday, February 02, 2017
Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs -
Uploaded on Sep 10, 2010
Immigration - Global humanitarian reasons for current U.S. immigration are tested in this updated version of immigration author and journalist Roy Beck's colorful presentation of data from the World Bank and U.S. Census Bureau. The 1996 version of this immigration gumballs presentation has been one of the most viewed immigration policy presentations on the internet.
Presented by immigration author/journalist Roy Beck
Learn More
NumbersUSA Education and Research Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that favors an environmentally sustainable and economically just America and seeks to educate the public about the effects of high levels of immigration on U.S. overpopulation, the environment, jobs, and wages. We use government data to conduct research on the impacts of U.S. population growth, consumption, sprawl, and current levels of immigration and educate the public, opinion leaders and policy makers on the results of those and other studies.
Presented by immigration author/journalist Roy Beck
Learn More
NumbersUSA Education and Research Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that favors an environmentally sustainable and economically just America and seeks to educate the public about the effects of high levels of immigration on U.S. overpopulation, the environment, jobs, and wages. We use government data to conduct research on the impacts of U.S. population growth, consumption, sprawl, and current levels of immigration and educate the public, opinion leaders and policy makers on the results of those and other studies.
A ancient Chinese proverb says "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.” Teach the poor of the world how to provide for themselves and build their economy to provide for their population. Help them to improve their lives but not by bankrupting the US and driving us all into poverty. We owe our own population to learn how to improve their lives and not by social welfare handouts.
Los Angeles Times Retirees Breakfast
The retired pressmen gathered Tuesday in West Covina to reminisce and see one another, the group was also joined by colleagues from other departments which worked side by side producing the newspaper. Would you like to have a gathering in your area? Let me know so we can get the word out.
NOTE: Click on photographs for larger view.
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