25 Oct, 1984 Ethiopia Famine
1984 : Following reports from Oxfam, Save the Children, Christian Aid and the Red Cross who believe 10 million people are facing starvation in Ethiopia. The EEC donates £1.8 million. It is thought just in 1984 1 million people died of starvation in Ethiopia as the aid was still not enough and in many cases to late. In December of 1984 music stars from around the world recorded "Do they know it's Christmas?" and the single raised more than £12 million for famine victims in Africa.
25 Oct, 1983 Marines Invade Grenada
October 25th, 1983 : President Ronald Reagan orders marines to invade Grenada and secure the safety of 1,000 American Citizens following threats by the nation's Marxist regime. One week later the Marxist government is overthrown.
25 Oct, 1944 Philippines Kamikaze Bombers
1944 : The Japanese deploy kamikaze suicide bombers against American warships for the first time during the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle in history between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the U.S. Third and U.S. Seventh Fleets.
25 Oct, 1964 U.S.A. Rolling Stones
October 25th, 1964 : The British Invasion of Music continues when the Rolling Stones appear on Ed Sullivan's TV variety show, after the clean cut Beatles the Stones were considered the opposite and became popular due to the very different style and content of their music together with the anti-establishment look.
25 Oct, 1970 Great Britain Pacific Glory
1970 : The Liberian registered tanker Pacific Glory is on fire and is continuing to spill crude oil into the English Channel creating a huge oil slick, the tanker has 100,000 gallons of crude oil on board and many fear an environmental disaster as bad as the Torrey Canyon disaster off the Cornish coast 3 years ago.
25 Oct, 1971 China United Nations
October 25th, 1971 : The communist People's Republic of China is recognized by the United Nations and the Nationalist Chinese government of Taiwan is expelled.
25 Oct, 1917 Soviet Revolution or Bolsheviks Revolution
1917 : The October revolution when Bolsheviks gained power from the provisional government and is celebrated on the 25th October due to the capture of the Winter Palace, Petrograd (the seat of the Provisional government) on this day in history.
25 Oct, 1933 U.S.A. Gold Buying
1933 : The Roosevelt gold buying policy was inaugurated today with the government paying $31.36 per ounce 27 cents higher than quotations on the London Gold Exchange. The London Price is currently $31.00 based on the exchange rate of $4.78 to the British Pound.
25 Oct, 1935 Haiti Hurricane
1935 : A major hurricane strikes Haiti leaving more than 2,000 people dead and many thousands homeless and hungry.
25 Oct, 1948 Italy Rome's "Misery Belt"
1948 : New hope is being given to the 10,000 residents of Rome's "Misery Belt" which consists of shanties and hovels made out of packing cases, sewer pipes and war wrecked cars that these people are living in on the outskirts of Rome after the loss of their homes through bombing in the war. A brand new village is to be created with 350 one, two and three bedroom homes to house 1,000 families and will include schools and a church.
25 Oct, 1950 Tibet Chinese Control
1950 : The Chinese Communists announced today that they have increased their army strength to more than 10 million men to free 3,000,000 Tibetans from Imperialist Aggression.
25 Oct, 1952 The Mousetrap Opens In London's West End
1952 : The Mousetrap a murder mystery play by Agatha Christie opens in London's West End at the New Ambassadors Theatre. The play has now run a record-breaking 23,074 performances and is running at St Martin's Theatre.
25 Oct, 1955 U.S.A. Bennies
1955 : A crackdown on the sale and use of stimulants often called "Bennies" "Golf Balls" or "Co_Pilots" in the trucking industry is occurring in many states, the truckers use them to stay awake on long journeys.
25 Oct, 1964 Zambia Independence
1964 : Zambia formerly Northern Rhodesia the home of the Victoria Falls becomes the ninth African state to gain independence from the British Rule. The new president of the country is Kenneth Kaunda from the United National Independence Party.
25 Oct, 1977 U.S.A. Statue of Liberty
1977 : Two dozen persons took over the Statue Of Liberty in a siege this morning, they have said they represent the New York Committee to Free the Puerto Rican Nationalist Prisoners.

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25 Oct, 1984 U.S.A. Hepatitis
1984 : Researchers have identified the virus that causes so-called non-A, non-B hepatitis.
25 Oct, 2001 U.S.A. XP
October 25th, 2001 : Microsoft releases its new operating system Windows XP.