Sunday, August 18, 2024

Important Events From This day in History August 18

 18 Aug, 1920 19th Amendment

1920 : The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution proposed on June 4th, 1919 and ratified when Tennessee became the 36th state to approve it on this day in history guaranteeing women the right to vote, the fight for this right by the women's suffragette movement for 10 years had forced this change.

18 Aug, 1915 Holland Zeppelin Shot Down

1915 : Germans were using Zeppelins to drop bombs over England and when a German Zeppelin appeared over Holland, Dutch soldiers opened fire, shooting it down.

18 Aug, 1921 England Lloyd George

1921 : In England, Premier Lloyd George told the House of Commons that he recognized Japan’s loyalty during World War I, but at the same time did not want to offend the U.S. . Japan and the U.S. were in conflict over the Pacific. George urged Americans to make peace with Japan over this issue and he said that this would ensure world peace.

18 Aug, 1930 Canada Chief Justice

1930 : In St. John’s Newfoundland that province’s Chief Justice, William Horwood, was threatened with a stick by an irate Joseph Burnstein who had just been evicted by court order. Burnstein was frequently in trouble with the law and police abducted him before the Chief Justice was harmed.

18 Aug, 1931 China Yangtze River Flood

1931 : The Yangtze River in China peaks during flooding which causes the death of 3.7 million people directly and indirectly over the next several months. The Yangtze River was just one of the major rivers in China that flooded and included the Yellow river, and the Huai river. The 1931 China floods are thought to be the deadliest natural disaster ever recorded.

18 Aug, 1937 Toyota Motor Company

1937 : Following on from the success of Toyota Industries the son of the original founder Sakichi Toyoda of Toyota Industries, Kiichiro Toyoda, founds the Toyota Motor Company in Japan.

18 Aug, 1947 Indonesia Battle For Independence

1947 : Despite a U.N. demand for a cease fire, the Indonesian-Dutch conflict heated up recently. President Soekarno insisted that the battle continue for the cause of Indonesian independence. His scorched earth policy frustrated Dutch domination. Soekarno asserted, “ …it is better for Indonesia to become a sea of flames than be colonized again.” Indonesia declared independence in 1945 and finally gained Independence in 1949.

18 Aug, 1955 West German Mixed Feelings Over Unification

1955 : The chief desire of all Germans was the unification of the East and the West of their country. However, the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance had kept Germany partitioned. West Germany was also a member of NATO, another factor in the division. Foreign correspondent, John Collins remarked, “The average West German is undoubtedly friendly to the West and hostile to the Communists.”

18 Aug, 1963 U.S.A. James Meredith

1963 : James Meredith becomes the first African American to graduate from the University of Mississippi with a degree in Political Science, he had become the first black student at the University of Mississippi on On October 1st, 1962, after having been turned down twice and with support from the then President of the United States John F. Kennedy who sent federal troops and U.S. Marshals to control riots that had broken out on the campus. Many see his enrollment and subsequent graduation as a pivotal moment in the history of civil rights in the United States.

18 Aug, 1969 U.S.A. Woodstock

1969 : Although Woodstock was supposed to run for 3 days on the 15th, 16th and 17th of August bands were still playing on the 18th to the tens of thousands of fans that had not left the Woodstock Music and Art Fair and the final musician to close the concert was non other than the great Jimi Hendrix.

18 Aug, 1969 Northern Ireland Pope Paul VI

August 8, 1969 : In Northern Ireland, Pope Paul VI called for Catholics and Protestants to have, “reciprocal pardon and mutual agreement.” However, British troops enforced an uneasy peace in Northern Ireland and Catholics and Protestants remained behind barricades. A police station in Crossmaglen was attacked on Sunday and in London 1,000 Irish demonstrators protested outside the Ulster Office.

18 Aug, 1971 Australia / New Zealand Announce Pull Out Of Troops

1971 : Following protests in Australia and New Zealand over the Vietnam War both countries announce troop withdrawal by the end of the year leaving America isolated in it's Vietnam Policy.

18 Aug, 1977 France Marcel Bich

1977 : Sixty-three year old French Baron, Marcel Bich, came into his title and fortune by founding the Bic pens company. He rose from being a door-to-door salesman to baron and business tycoon. Bich owned the largest fleet of 12 meter yachts in the world and competed in many American contests with his boats.

18 Aug, 1982 Wang Labs Enters Chapter 11

1982 : Following a long period of growth and little competition to it's Word Processing systems, as the PC starts to increase it's market share and new Word Processing Software appears WANG LABS is forced into chapter 11 bankruptcy.

18 Aug, 1983 U.S.A. Hurricane Alicia

1983 : Hurricane Alicia makes landfall near Galveston, Texas with winds in excess of 100 MPH, leaving 22 dead and causing more than two billion dollars in damages.

18 Aug, 1989 Israel Palestinians Strike

1989 : In the Gaza Strip, Palestinians stopped working at their jobs in Israel. The protest was ordered by militants in response to the issuing of computerized identity cards by the Israeli government. The strike closed down shops, educational facilities, and businesses.

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