Friday, January 03, 2025

Important Events From This day in History January 3


 1969 John Lennon album Two Virgins

1969 : A new album by John Lennon called Two Virgins featuring John Lennon and Yoko Ono in the nude are confiscated at Newark Airport and are not allowed to be sold in the US , also vice squad officers closed down a record store in Chicago displaying the Album due to it being considered pornographic.

1870 Brooklyn Bridge

Construction work begins on the Brooklyn Bridge one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States connecting the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn by spanning the East River.

1921 Studebaker

The Studebaker Corporation has decided to no longer manufacture farm wagons. This company had been making these wagons since the year 1852. In 1902, the company had begun producing electric cars and then in 1904 they started producing gas-powered vehicles.

In 1954 the Studebaker Corporation merged with Packard Motor Company. Production of all Studebaker automobiles had officially ended in 1966 in Canada (1963 in U.S.).

1924 Pharaoh Tutankhamen Mummy Located

A precious treasure was found located near Luxor, Egypt, where King Tut's tomb was discovered two years prior. This special object was a stone sarcophagus, which contained a mummy inside of Pharaoh Tutankhamen of Egypt.

1925 Benito Mussolini

Following his election as the Italian leader in 1922 Benito Mussolini the leader of the National Fascist Party in 1925 he declares he is taking dictatorial powers over Italy ending elections

1926 Pontiac Introduced

1926 : This was the day that the General Motors introduced a new make of car to the market. It was called the Pontiac. Numerous models of this vehicle are still driven today.

1938 March of Dimes Foundation Founded

Franklin Delano Roosevelt himself a victim of polio, founds the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, which was later renamed the March of Dimes Foundation. March Of Dimes TimeLine

1940 Southland Shuffle

Charlie Barnet and his Orchestra records the would-be hit "Southland Shuffle" for Bluebird Records. The famed Billy May was featured as the trumpet player on the album

1946 Lord Haw Haw Hung For High Treason

William Joyce, (Lord Haw Haw), was hanged in Britain for high treason. He had broadcast Nazi propaganda telling the British and American soldiers to surrender with the first words of every broadcast beginning with the words "Germany calling, Germany calling, Germany calling".

1949 Colgate Theatre

The Colgate Theatre was born, and a series of productions entitled by the same name (Colgate Theatre) were put on. Television adaptations of radio shows such as Vic and Sade and Mr. and Mrs. North were also created. Colgate Theatre is located on the Colgate University in Hamilton, New York. This company still puts on quite a few productions.

1949 Closed Shop Outlawed

The Supreme Court ruled that states held the right to outlaw the closed shop, this was one of the most important laws passed re: labor Law and changed the balance of power between labor and Business

1959 Alaska

Alaska became the 49th state of the United States of America. A new U.S. flag of 13 stripes and 39 stars waved in the air.

1961 U.S.A. Cuba Relationship

The relationship between United States and Cuba rapidly deteriorated and President Dwight D. Eisenhower closed the American Embassy that was located in Havana, Cuba. No longer did the United States and Cuba have diplomatic relations.

The primary reason why the United States had pulled out of Cuba at this time was to take a stand against the regime of Fidel Castro. The U.S. government was very concerned that this communist movement could spread to western countries such as the U.S.A. (or Canada, or others).

The decline of peace between U.S. and Cuba had actually started since 1959. This was when Castro first stepped into office.

1962 Cuba

Prime Minister , the leader of Cuba at this time, was excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Other official leaders of Cuba's communist regime of this time were thrown out as well. He was thrown out for violating a large number of the Roman Catholic Church's Code of Canon Law.

1965 Vietnam War

Thousands of antigovernment demonstrators in Saigon clash with government marines and police over concern that American influence in South Vietnam was increasing.

1967 Jack Ruby Dies

Jack Ruby, John F. Kennedy's accused killer dies in Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas. This is the same hospital where John F. Kennedy and Oswald had been pronounced dead.

It was reported that Jack Ruby had died of cancer which had spread to his lymph glands, lungs, and pancreas. Even until up to his death he had denied having any connection with the JFK conspiracy-and very strongly insisted that he had nothing to do with it.

It is also reported that Jack Ruby was the one who was allegedly responsible for Oswald Chamber's death. It was believed at this time that the reason that Chambers "had to go" too was to "keep him quiet".

1977 Apple Computer Incorporated

Apple Computer is incorporated 6 months after Apple had begun selling it's Apple I personal computer kit for $666.66 created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

1980 Soviet Invasion Afghanistan

The new president of Afghanistan leader defends the Soviet invasion and coup last week stating Soviet troops are defending his country "against outside threats".

1990 Matthew Stuart

1990 : Matthew Stuart said his brother Charles was the one who killed Carol Stuart, who was Charles' wife. Charles had fled when he found out his brother Matthew was going to testify against him. He had ended up taking his own life while driving over the Mystic River.

Originally William Bennett, an ex-con was charged of the murder as a result of a joke cracked by his nephew. Later Bennett was released.

1993 Start II

US President George Bush, and Russian Boris Yeltsin, have signed the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Start II - in Moscow which will cut the number of nuclear warheads they have by between 3,000 and 3,500. ( currently both have about 10,000 nuclear war heads each )

1999 U.S. Midwest blizzards

One of the worst blizzards ever took place in the Midwestern United States leaving 14 inches in Milwaukee and 19 inches in Chicago. People had to dig themselves out of this storm after suffering the affects heavy wind and snow. This storm lasted for three days and 100 people had died.

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