Monday, May 20, 2013

Today in Labor History

May 20  --  Union Communications Services, Inc. 2013.05.20history-railway-labor

The Railway Labor Act takes effect today. It is the first federal legislation protecting workers’ rights to form unions - 1926

(Understanding the Railway Labor Act: The title of this book says it all. Wilner is the ultimate authority on labor-management relations in the railroad industry. His latest book is incredibly helpful to those seeking to learn more about rail labor history, the mechanics of rail labor law, and how railroads and their multiple unions bargain collectively under the RLA's provisions. It is hugely helpful as well to those familiar with the RLA but seeking a reference work providing greater detail on the law's provisions and how they impact negotiations at the national and local levels.)
Some 9,000 rubber workers strike in Akron, Ohio - 1933

 Some 9,000 rubber workers strike in Akron, Ohio - 1933 

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