Wednesday, August 07, 2013



I was informed at yesterday's General Membership meeting that Senior Vice President, Russ Newton has been walking the shop floor seeking your forgiveness and asking that he be given another chance. Another chance for what? Another chance to do more damage to our family's all the while improving his household wealth? Why would he ask for another chance if he didn't do anything wrong? EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE IS WRONG! That goes along with his request that you also TRUST him. WHAT? Does he think you forgot all that he has said (LIES) and done to our shop since taking control? For some reason this Peanuts cartoon kept popping up in my head and I think it contains the required response. 

Do you remember all he has done to our brothers and sisters that have been on disability only to receive no compassion and lose their job when deemed healthy by their doctor to return, Martin Conboy, Don Reese (RIP) etc.... That is just one of the many heartless acts he is guilty of that proves he does not deserve any chances whatsoever. The Grinch grew a heart, but he is a cartoon character, Russ is incapable of change and he and his minions seek only to improve their situation at the expense of you, the workers. Stand your ground and fight for your rights! The Union is your only protection from this tyrant, and he will lie to achieve his objective. What is his objective? To get rid of your Union! This is just in preparation of a de-cert election he and his former supervisor crony are conditioning the membership for. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING WITHOUT TALKING TO THE UNION FIRST! YOUR UNION RIGHTS ARE GOING TO BE UNDER ATTACK TOWARDS THE END OF OUR CURRENT CONTRACT!

Prove you are worthy of Forgiveness and Trust Russ! Restore Seniority, Cease your Anti-Union Animus, resolve our grievances and I will personally forgive you!

President Pineda


Anonymous said...

He wants another chance alright ...another chance too STICK " IT " IN!!!!...

Anonymous said...

Russ you can start by renegotiating on paper all the things you took away. Like turnaround pay, Paid lunch after every five hours, bust outs, Longer lunches and get rid of the time clock and have those stiffs in the office back off and let us do our work. Rehire a clean up crew so we can concentrate on printing a decent newspaper.

Anonymous said...

if it wasnt 4 the union right now, or past, more than half would b let go and replaced with part time bodies and the remainder would have a nice pay your at the mercy of the union, they should raise dues now, they deserve it

Anonymous said...

So now it's forgive me. Machines to dispense supplies and cameras to be installed. Both Bill's pride themselves on screwing with people in the pressroom for fun. Yet they want respect. We have gone without a boss in the pressroom for long. No one to call the supervisors on there shit. They do what ever they like and when ever they feel like it. Only in this pressroom would they get a supervisors job. A qualification to be a prick. So sad.

Anonymous said...

all the string puppets in the pressroom office got hired from street corner also. thier just taking orders from the next level up

Anonymous said...

President Pinata said...
"...I was informed at yesterday's General Membership meeting that Senior Vice President, Russ Newton has been walking the shop floor seeking your forgiveness and asking that he be given another chance..."

Hey, Mr. President. That does not sound like the Mr. Russ Newton I have known. Can you please give us specific quotes or describe specific behaviors that support your claim that Russ-Baby was kissing ass to pressroom types? Or (in reality) support your second-hand "I was informed" kissing ass claim?

I'd really like to hear this one!
