Monday, March 03, 2008

The time to act is now

When I first started working on Obama's campaign, I asked you to make a donation for the cause. I am very excited and proud about raising over $1100.00 to date. Maybe you were too busy, maybe you didn't have any extra money, or maybe as many did, you didn't think Barack Obama had a chance at becoming our next president. I hope by now you realize that getting Obama elected into the White House isn't some whimsical fantasy, it is something that is very much obtainable. So once again, I am asking for your help. You don't have to donate much, sometimes I go online and donate $10 or $20, whatever I can spare.

As Americans, we dream of a President who is honest, personable, intelligent, and wise.

We want a leader with courage and integrity who has known the struggles of an everyday American. A lot of people have stopped believing that may even be possible.

I haven't stopped believing. I have supported Barack Obama since he announced his candidacy because he is that leader.

Join me in supporting Barack by making a donation to my personal fundraising page:

This campaign for the presidency is unparalleled in history. Our need for an honest, fresh-thinking leader could not be more urgent. Americans are hungry for change and Barack Obama will bring that change when he is elected.

Please take a minute to check out my page and make a donation of any size:

Kathryn Watts

1 comment:

Nubia said...

Like you, Kathryn, I've made several contributions to the campaign.

Let's hope it works! Looking forward to some CHANGE.