See? How pink? Cute? Think not.
Damn shame Jerry is forcing us to vote for a candidate
who didn't bother to vote for 28 years, and has all the appeal of a cold brussel sprout.
Damn shame Jerry is forcing us to vote for a candidate
who didn't bother to vote for 28 years, and has all the appeal of a cold brussel sprout.

Jim Hanson has a great article up about former Governor/Mayor of Oakland/Attorney General Jerry Brown who is going to be cavorting with the nefarious harridan Jodie Evans, at a Code Pink-sponsored fundraiser this Saturday in Venice. Apparently, he needs more money to run against Meg Whitman, and doesn't mind kicking a few troops in the face in order to grab at some liberal west side money.
Read Jim's article, which also details their protests outside Walter Reed hospital when the wounded were being bused in from Iraq and Afghanistan. They jeered at the busloads of wounded.
"Perhaps their most reprehensible act was protests outside the Walter Reed Medical Center where our wounded troops were recuperating. They would gather on Friday nights to coincide with the arrival of the bus carrying our wounded just arrived from overseas. What kind of low human being does it take to attack those injured while fighting for our freedom? A Code Pinko, that’s who."And Jim should know. He witnessed their attacks.
When it comes to the troops, there is not much difference between Code Pink and the Westboro "God Hates Fags" Baptist group.
Freedom of speech, right? But we also have the right to peacefully assemble... a counter protest in honor of our troops. Melanie Morgan, long-time foe of Code Pink is advising interested parties who support the troops tomorrow to gather outside the fundraiser. Address is at the top. Drive them nuts. Wear pink, but carry a pro-troop sign.
Dear Jerry,
The best thing you ever did was date Linda Rondstadt.
And that was one hell of a long time ago.
You really should of left it at that.
You want their tainted money, you've got it.
But guess what else?
You've already lost.
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