Reminds me of the Iraq War. They all beat the drums for the Corporate Pillaging of Iraq. But sure are quiet about no weapons of Mass Destruction, Curve Ball was a liar, no yellow cake Uranium from Niger. That's right, we invaded a Country that had nothing to do with 911, had no Airforce, no Navy and an Army that was blown to hell and back in Desert Storm. Where is the investigative Reporting now?
There is no such thing as investigative reporting any more. The media is owned by the same corporate thugs that are in bed with the politicians via their lobbyists.
The newspapers unfortunately only print what this country's elite want us to read, it is no longer news and ignores what is really going on behind the curtain.
The police won't police themselves nor will the politicians nor will the fat ass CEO's that sit in board rooms across America.
People can only get away with what you let them, a lesson I learned while working 30 years at the L.A. Times
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About this blog and The Pressmens Club
The blog was started to talk about issues impacting the pressroom both positively and negatively. The views expressed here are not of the LA Times, but of each individual's opinion. The Pressmen's Club is composed of men and women who have printed the paper for twenty years or more. Semi-annual dinners are held in March and October. See Ed Padgett for more information.
Reminds me of the Iraq War. They all beat the drums for the Corporate Pillaging of Iraq.
But sure are quiet about no weapons of Mass Destruction, Curve Ball was a liar, no yellow cake Uranium from Niger. That's right, we invaded a Country that had nothing to do with 911, had no Airforce, no Navy and an Army that was blown to hell and back in Desert Storm. Where is the investigative Reporting now?
There is no such thing as investigative reporting any more. The media is owned by the same corporate thugs that are in bed with the politicians via their lobbyists.
The newspapers unfortunately only print what this country's elite want us to read, it is no longer news and ignores what is really going on behind the curtain.
The police won't police themselves nor will the politicians nor will the fat ass CEO's that sit in board rooms across America.
People can only get away with what you let them, a lesson I learned while working 30 years at the L.A. Times
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