August 07Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Wobblie organizer, born - 1890
[The Bending Cross: A Biography of Eugene V. Debs is hands-down the best, most readable biography ever of a great man and great leader, the most eloquent spokesperson and leader ever of the U.S. labor and socialist movements. The Bending Cross had been out of print but has been reissued, with a new introduction by Mike Davis, a widely published historian and social commentator, a distinguished professor of the Department of Creative Writing at the University of California, Riverside, and an editor of the New Left Review. In the UCS bookstore now.]
Actors Equity is recognized by producers after stagehands honor their picket lines, shutting down almost every professional stage production in the country. Before unionizing, it
United Slate, Tile & Composition Roofers, Damp & Waterproof Workers Association change name to Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied Workers - 1978
Some 675,000 employees struck ATT Corp. over wages, job security, pension plan changes and better health insurance. It was the last time CWA negotiated at one table for all its Bell System members: divestiture came a few months later. The strike was won after 22 days - 1983
Television writers, members of The Writers Guild of America, end a 22-week strike with a compromise settlement - 1988
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