Who do you recognize in this painting? Share the name(s).
Thanks to Michelle Daniels for providing more information about this piece of art: http://www.designtoscano.com/product/wall+decor/framed+art/historical/callin'+the+red,+2010-+replica+painting+-+aa37.do?sortby=bestSellers
So much is at stake with this election. While we have concentrated on President Obama’s re-election we haven’t discussed the possibilities regarding a MORE CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT with a Romney Presidency.
If Romney were to win, we’d want to look at both the policy front as well as the judicial appointments possibilities. Here are some of the consequences of a MORE CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT:
• Could uphold onerous restrictions on a woman’s right to choose and otherwise limit her reproductive freedom – even overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade.
• Would not overturn Citizens United.
• Could be open to pre-New Deal interpretations of the Commerce Clause, which would dramatically restrict Congress’ ability to confront national problems.
• Might permit corporations to attempt to influence judicial decisions that could impact their bottom line.
• Likely to dramatically restrict efforts by Congress to remedy past discrimination in voting and elsewhere.
• Likely threaten diversity in higher education.
• Could not only stand in the way of full equality for the LGBT community but might also limit (or eliminate) the privacy rights of adults.
• Could turn back the clock on protections for people in police custody, and make it easier to establish a surveillance state.
• Could sanction the death penalty to be used on children and for
Could sanction the death penalty to be used on children and for a wider array of crimes, as well as on the mentally disabled.
• Would likely be much more deferential to presidential action in national security matters.
• Could weaken the separation of church and state and entangle religion and politics.”
Thanks to Michelle Daniels for providing more information about this piece of art: http://
So much is at stake with this election. While we have concentrated on President Obama’s re-election we haven’t discussed the possibilities regarding a MORE CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT with a Romney Presidency.
If Romney were to win, we’d want to look at both the policy front as well as the judicial appointments possibilities. Here are some of the consequences of a MORE CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT:
• Could uphold onerous restrictions on a woman’s right to choose and otherwise limit her reproductive freedom – even overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade.
• Would not overturn Citizens United.
• Could be open to pre-New Deal interpretations of the Commerce Clause, which would dramatically restrict Congress’ ability to confront national problems.
• Might permit corporations to attempt to influence judicial decisions that could impact their bottom line.
• Likely to dramatically restrict efforts by Congress to remedy past discrimination in voting and elsewhere.
• Likely threaten diversity in higher education.
• Could not only stand in the way of full equality for the LGBT community but might also limit (or eliminate) the privacy rights of adults.
• Could turn back the clock on protections for people in police custody, and make it easier to establish a surveillance state.
• Could sanction the death penalty to be used on children and for
Could sanction the death penalty to be used on children and for a wider array of crimes, as well as on the mentally disabled.
• Would likely be much more deferential to presidential action in national security matters.
• Could weaken the separation of church and state and entangle religion and politics.”
LMAO! What Sheep. I thought this blog would be more about Times history and pressman. Turns out it more about propoganda like the actual LA Times has turned into. I have put up with "Today in Labor history" posts and now political bullsh!t. I noticed you only point out what MAY happen yet had nothing positive to say about Carter...I mean Obama.
Obama has failed...when someone doesn't do the job we have to let them go.
"Could sanction the death penalty to be used on children and for a wider array of crimes, as well as on the mentally disabled."
"overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade"
You got to be f'n kidding me. It will never happen. Pure propaganda.
Don't both replying since I am sure you will not allow it to be posted and it will no longer be my part of my daily read.
Time to delete this blog out of my RSS reader.
LMAO! What Sheep. I thought this blog would be more about Times history and pressman. Turns out it more about propoganda like the actual LA Times has turned into. I have put up with "Today in Labor history" posts and now political bullsh!t. I noticed you only point out what MAY happen yet had nothing positive to say about Carter...I mean Obama.
Obama has failed...when someone doesn't do the job we have to let them go.
"Could sanction the death penalty to be used on children and for a wider array of crimes, as well as on the mentally disabled."
"overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade"
You got to be f'n kidding me. It will never happen. Pure propaganda.
Don't both replying since I am sure you will not allow it to be posted and it will no longer be my part of my daily read.
Time to delete this blog out of my RSS reader.
Ed....Im shocked your voting for a man who has BLOOD on his hands correct me if Im wrong Agent Jaime Zapata, Brian Terry Along with Ambassador Chris Stevens & three others...right !Oh one last thing 16 kids at a birthday party in Mexico got mowed down the cartel hitman got caught the guns that where used came from Operation Fast and Furious Univision had a BIG story on that....so once again tell use why your voting for this failure of a president......Heck Nixion didnt knock off anyone
etermmeKeep drinkin' the Kool-Aid Ed, hasn't California's recent history proven that Socialism doesn't work? You are following Obama down a hole you can't get out of.
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