Thursday, August 01, 2013

Today in Labor History

August 01  --  Union Communications Services, Inc.

After organizing a strike of metal miners against the Anaconda Company, Wobbly organizer Frank Little is dragged by six masked men from his Butte, Mont., hotel room and hung from the Milwaukee Railroad trestle. Years later writer Dashiell Hammett would recall his early days as a Pinkerton detective agency operative and recount how a mine company representative offered him $5,000 to kill Little. Hammett says he quit the business that night - 1917

Sid Hatfield, police chief of Matewan, W. Va., a longtime supporter of the United Mine Workers union, is murdered by company goons. This soon led to the Battle of Blair Mountain, a labor uprising also referred to as the Red Neck War - 1921

Police in Hilo, Hawaii, open fire on 200 demonstrators supporting striking waterfront workers. The attack became 2013.07.29history-hilo-massacreknown as "the Hilo Massacre" - 1938

A 17-day, company-instigated wildcat strike in Philadelphia tries to bar eight African-American trolley operators from working. Transport Workers Union members stay on the job in support of the men - 1944

Government & Civic Employees Organizing Committee merges into State, County & Municipal Employees - 1956

Window Glass Cutters League of America merges with Glass Bottle Blowers - 1975

Ten-month strike against Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel wins agreement guaranteeing defined-benefit pensions for 4,500 Steelworkers - 1997

California School Employees Association affiliates with AFL-CIO - 2001

Teamsters Strike 1934

John Belor died in the hospital early today, his back riddled with slugs from the shotguns of Johannes' murderers, the second victim of the Union-smashing campaign, the second immortal martyr of labor's cause.

The National Guardsmen are not effective in stopping truck traffic, and 70 percent of normal truck traffic is moving. The union holds a street meeting challenging martial law, in response Olson orders the Guard to union headquarters. Fifty-five union members, includ-ing leaders William Brown and "Vincent and Miles Dunne, were imprisoned in a temporary military stockade at the state fairgrounds. Feeling betrayed by the Governor hundreds of strikers roam the streets turning over trucks and confronting Guardsmen.

Union men, brothers, sisters, fellow workers! What are you going about it? We appeal to you for help, for solidarity! We solemnly call upon every trade union in the city, upon every trade union leader, upon every trade union member, upon every workingman and woman, to meet this challenge of military tyranny with a GENERAL STRIKE OF PROTEST!- THE ORGANIZER 8-1-34

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