Friday, July 19, 2024

Important Events From This day in History July 19


1991 Mike Tyson Accused of Rape

1991 : Mike Tyson is accused of the rape of Desiree Washington, a contestant in the Miss Black America pageant, in an Indianapolis, Indiana, hotel room. In February 1992, Tyson was convicted of rape and received a six-year sentence.

1919 England Cenotaph Unveiled

1919 : The Cenotaph, a monument to those killed or wounded during the First World War, is unveiled in Whitehall, London during the first Peace Day celebration.

1923 U.S.A. Insulin Introduced

1923 : With the introduction of Insulin which is not a cure but a remedy for Diabetes, the manufacturers and Medical Professionals are telling the public that Insulin will not cure diabetes but will save many lives caused by the disease and alleviate much of the suffering associated with the disease. Insulin effects are only temporary leaving the fundamental condition of the disease unchanged in the body.

1935 U.S.A. First Parking Meter

1935 : The first parking meter in the U.S. the Park-O-Meter invented by Carlton Magee, was installed in Oklahoma City by the Dual Parking Meter Company.

1941 Great Britain "V For Victory"

1941 : While Britain is at one of it's lowest points in World War II Churchill one of the most motivators and speech makers of his time launches the "V for Victory" campaign across Europe by telling those in Europe under Nazi control to use the letter "V" (for Victory) at every chance they got in speaking, writing and urges them to write in big letter the letter V to signify V for Victory and let the Germans know they still had spirit and believed they would overcome Nazi Rule. Churchill gave a speech over the radio. The letter V began to appear everywhere painted on walls or tapped out in Morse code on shop counters with knuckles or beer glasses or pencil stubs, and was a rallying call across Europe that there was still hope. This is also why Churchill's most famous pictures from World War II always featured him giving the V for Victory Sign.

1956 U.S.A. No Financial Aid For Aswan Dam

1956 : The United States withdraws it's offer of financial aid to Egypt to help with the construction of the Aswan Dam on the Nile River . The Soviet Union stepped in with aid which made a stronger alliance with the Soviet Union and was a contributing factor to the Suez Crisis later in 1956.

1958 East Germany Releases 9 American Prisoners

1958 : East Germany released nine American's held prisoner since their helicopter strayed into East German Air Space on June 7th to Red Cross Workers.

1969 Space Apollo 11

1969 : Apollo 11 prepare for the next days historic event by going into orbit around the moon.

1978 U.S.A. Bans Latest Computer Technology Sale To Soviet Union

1978 : President Carter announced that a multi million dollar sale of the latest computer technology systems to the TASS News Agency will not be allowed to proceed, new export restrictions are also in place for other technology that might be used to gain knowledge of the latest computer systems including US Oil Producing Technology. This shows a continuing depreciation in East West Relations.

1979 Caribbean Super Tankers Collide

1979 : Two giant supertankers collide in the Caribbean Sea, killing 26 crew members and spilling 280,000 tons of crude oil.

1980 Soviet Union Olympic Games

1980 : The Moscow Summer Olympics begins minus the United States and 64 other countries who were boycotting the games because of the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan.

1985 U.S.A. Sharon Christa McAuliffe

1985 : Vice President George Bush announced that Sharon Christa McAuliffe, a teacher from Concord, New Hampshire, will be the first teacher to travel in space.

1989 Plane Crash Sioux City, Iowa

1989 : A United Airlines DC-10 bound for Chicago, crashed in Sioux City, Iowa, as the pilot attempted to make an emergency landing. Over half the passengers survived the crash.

2000 Dot Com Bubble Continues It's Bust Cycle

2000 : The Dot Com Bubble based on the new Internet sector and related fields that had started to burst from it's highs on March 10th 2000 (NASDAQ 5,048.62 double it's value in just one year). By March 16th had dropped nearly 10% and in July 19th was continuing it's downward spiral with closing of 4,055. There are a number of reasons quoted for the DOT.COM boom and bust cycle including: IPO's for companies that had never shown a profit. Massive spending on advertising campaigns that yielded little in the way of resulting sales. But the most basic reason was that good business practice went out the window because investors were chasing the next big thing and super high profits. By 2002 following a number of high profile DOT.COM companies going bust (,, and others trading at share never reached again, By late 2002 the NASDAQ had dropped to lows below 1,500.

2006 President George W. Bush Issues First Veto

2006 : President George W. Bush issued his first presidential veto, rejecting H.R. 810, Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005, a bill to ease restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. In 2007 & 2008 President George W. Bush has vetoed 10 bills.To put this in perspective below is a list of earlier presidents number of vetoes:
Woodrow Wilson 44, Warren Harding 6, Calvin Coolidge 50, Herbert Hoover 37, Franklin Roosevelt 635, Harry Truman 250, Dwight Eisenhower 181, John Kennedy 21, Lyndon Johnson 30, Richard Nixon 43, Gerald Ford 66, Jimmy Carter 31, Ronald Reagan 78, George H. W. Bush 44, Bill Clinton 37, George W. Bush 10

2012 Tennessee Mosque Approved to Open

2012 : A US judge overturned a lower court's order in order to allow the congregation to use their mosque in Rutherford county, Tennessee. A lower court had previously ruled that the county could not issue an occupancy permit for the mosque, but the representatives of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro sued the county and won the right to use the building just in time for worshipers to gather for the month of Ramadan. Despite ruling in the Islamic Center's favor, county officials stated that they would be unable to complete final inspections that would make the building ready for use. Residents of the community filed a lawsuit against the mosque in 2010 stating that Islam was not a real religion. The US justice department filed a lawsuit in the mosque's favor stating that the county was holding it to different standards than other places of worship.

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