Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Important Events From This day in History July 24


1959 Soviet Union Moscow Meeting

1959 : Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev engage in a heated debate about capitalism and communism in the middle of a model kitchen set up for the American National Exhibition in Moscow.

1990 Kuwait Iraq Troops Mass On Border

1990 : Reports of mass Iraq troops on the Kuwait border raise concerns that Iraq is planning to invade the country which is one of the richest oil nations in the world. Just over one week later on August 2, 1990 Iraq did invade Kuwait and within two days most of the Kuwaiti Armed Forces and Iraq was in control. Following a number of UN Security Council resolutions and Arab League including Resolution 678 gave Iraq a withdrawal deadline from Kuwait of January 15,1991. The following day when Iraq forces did not leave January 16th a UN coalition force begins (Operation Desert Storm) joining the regional states of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states and by February 28, 1991 Iraq forces had been forced to leave Kuwait.

1911 Peru Re-Discovery of Machu Picchu

1911 : Hiram Bingham, a Yale history professor, re-discovers Machu Picchu in the Andes. The lost city, likely built in the mid-1400s, was already known to locals and introduced internationally through Bingham's discovery. He returned to excavate the site in 1912.

1915 U.S.A. Steamer Overturns

1915 : The steamer Eastland overturns in the Chicago River, drowning between 800 and 850 of its passengers who were heading to a picnic.

1939 Major Crop Losses Through Drought

1939 : The continuing drought conditions in the North Eastern US continue and farmers are now resigned to losing much of the crop and are using the valuable water for kitchen gardens to ensure the family will have food during the long cold winter period. many wells and streams have now dried up due to the lack of rainfall.

1943 Germany Hamburg Bombing Raids

1943 : Britain and the United States work together on bombing raids on Hamburg continuing non stop for 7 days and nights with British bombers bombing Hamburg by night, and Americans bombing it by day. The resulting firestorms from the bombing left at least 40,000 dead in the first 3 days.

1969 Apollo 11 Safely Returns To Earth

1969 : Apollo 11, the U.S. spacecraft that had taken the first astronauts to the surface of the moon, safely returns to Earth, this fulfilled the dream of President John F. Kennedy in 1961 when he said "I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth."

1974 Watergate Tapes Must Be Handed Over

1974 : The US Supreme Court orders President Nixon to hand over tape recordings of White House conversations about the Watergate affair to the Watergate special prosecutor.

1978 Caribou Wildlife Range Fails to Gain Protection

1978 : The Senate energy committee rejected a bid to designate the potentially oil rich National Wildlife Range as Wilderness . Naturalists want the area protected from drilling to protect the 120,000 Caribou who use the range as a calving area, Many believe that this wildlife range could provide the largest onshore oil and gas field in the US in future.

1979 Ted Bundy Found Guilty

1979 : Ted Bundy was found guilty of murdering two sorority sisters. Although his exact number of victims is unknown, Bundy confessed to more than 30 murders. He was executed in the electric chair on January 24th, 1989.

1986 Brazil Inflation Rampant

1986 : In a plan to combat poverty and inflation in the third worlds most indebted nation, the president has announced plans to increase taxes on cars, fuel and foreign travel.

1998 U.S.A. Merger Mania

1998 : The rash of mergers around the world continues to grow Bigger is Better Mentality of Corporations) as Enron Corporation acquires British-based Wessex Water, PLC.

1999 Morocco King Hassan II Dies

1999 : King Hassan the Arab world's longest reigning leader has died of a heart attack and his eldest son and successor, Crown Prince Sidi Mohamed, has been proclaimed commander of the faithful and King of Morocco.

2001 Tamil Tiger Rebels Attack Airport

2001 : Tamil Tigers have attacked the only International airport in Colombo, Sri Lanka destroying 6 passenger aircraft half the Sri Lankan Airways fleet and eight military planes. The rebels firing guns and armed with mortars killed 15 and injured many more in the attack, the Sri Lanka tourist industry had just started to gain some important new visitors but this will end hopes for more tourism in the country.

2005 Lance Armstrong Wins 7th Tour De France

2005 : Lance Armstrong wins a record-setting seventh consecutive Tour de France and retires from the sport.

2006 Iraq Saddam Hussein Trial

2006 : Saddam Hussein’s trial for crimes against humanity resumed in Baghdad on this day despite his absence. Hussein was hospitalized after staging a seventeen-day hunger strike in protest of his lawyers' murders.

2007 U.S.A. Democratic Party

2007 : The eight presidential candidates for the Democratic party in the United States presidential election of 2008 held their first debate. The candidates answered questions submitted on YouTube, marking the growing influence that social-networking and video-sharing websites have on politics. The Original eight were Senator Barack Obama, Senator Chris Dodd, Senator Joe Biden, Governor Bill Richardson, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Senator John Edwards, Senator Mike Gravel and Senator Hillary Clinton.

2008 South Mountain Community College

2008 : A gunman wounded three people at the South Mountain Community College in Phoenix, Arizona on this day.

2011 Mass Arrests in Mexico

2011 : Mexican authorities arrest over one thousand people after a police raid in Ciudad Juarez. The raid was meant to crackdown on human trafficking and sexual exploitation in the city, one of the most violent cities in Mexico. Police also announced that they were able to rescue twenty underage women.

2012 US Actor Sherman Hemsley Dies

2012 : Television actor Sherman Hemsley died at the age of seventy-four. Hemsley was best known for his portrayal of George Jefferson on the sitcoms All in the Family and The Jeffersons which ran for eleven seasons.

2013 Mexico Gangs Clash with Police

2013 : Twenty gang members and two officers are killed in clashes between the Knights Templar drug gang and police in the Michoacan state. Violence has increased quite a lot in the Michoacan state in recent months and vigilante groups have formed throughout the region in order to combat the violence.

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