Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Important Events From This day in History September 11


11 Sept, 2001 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

2001 : The 911 attacks carried out on September 11, 2001 were a series of terrorist attacks upon the United States of America. Four commercial passenger jet airliners were hijacked on that morning and two of the planes were crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, one plane into each tower, causing the collapse of both towers within two hours. The third aircraft was crashed into the Pentagon. Passengers on the fourth hijacked aircraft attempted to retake control of their plane from the hijackers, which crashed into a field in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania killing all on board but in the process saving many other lives. Approximately 3,000 people died in these attacks. including a number of fire fighters and rescue workers.

11 Sept, 1911 Canada Quebec Bridge

1911 : As the final part of the Quebec Bridge (the central span) was being raised into position from pontoons in the river it collapsed when it was 15 feet up in mid air it plunged back into the river killing 90 construction workers.

Quebec Bridge Public Domain Photo

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11 Sept, 1922 U.S.A. Woman Flogged

1922 : A woman was in hospital following a flogging by four masked women who are members of "Ladies of The Invisible Eye " from Dallas in Texas, they administered 100 lashes for ruining her own daughter's life.

11 Sept, 1930 Number of Farms Decreasing

1930 : A new government report highlights the fact that the number of farms is decreasing across the states with an overall 10% reduction of farms.

11 Sept, 1930 U.S.A. Still Explodes

1930 : A house was blown up today in Madison, Wisconsin when a still exploded in the basement. The fire which accompanied the explosion destroyed the house and a barn.

Underground Brewery During Prohibition Public Domain Photo

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11 Sept, 1941 Charles A. Lindbergh

1941 : Charles A. Lindbergh has drawn widespread criticism after his speech blaming "the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration" for trying to draw America into World War II. It is well known he a strong advocate of Hitler's Nazi Germany.

Charles A. Lindbergh Public Domain Photo

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11 Sept, 1948 India Attacks Hyderabad

1948 : Indian troops have attacked Hyderabad in Pakistan, they surrounded the area and attacked from all sides in a quick and decisive planned attack. Meanwhile protesters are demonstrating in the Pakistan Capitol demanding the Prime Minister declares war on India for it's attack.

11 Sept, 1950 Soviet Union Talk of World War III

September 11th, 1950 : Newspapers around the world are speculating that Russia is planning on starting World War III before October, but most informed analysts do not believe Russia wants to go to war more than anybody else and it is considered to be pure hype and speculation by the worlds press.

11 Sept, 1960 West Germany Communist Boycott

1960 : Politicians have asked the people and businesses in West Germany to boycott all goods from communist East Germany in protest to the communist squeeze on West Germany.

11 Sept, 1969 UK Slum Housing Report

September 11th, 1969 : A new report by the housing charity "Shelter" has revealed as many as three million people in Britain are living in overcrowded slum conditions.

11 Sept, 1970 Calls To Cut Fed Interest Rate From 8%

1970 : Calls for a significant cut in interest rates from the current 8% to 6% to boost the flagging economy appear to be losing ground to the banking sector who say any large cut would create an inflation cycle.

1970 Interest Rates Public Domain Photo

11 Sept, 1970 Ford Introduces Pinto

September 11th, 1970 : Following the success of Japanese and European Imports Ford introduces the Pinto a compact American Made car costing less than $2,000 but because of a major design flaw more people knew about the gas tank exploding if in a rear end collision of over 20 mph than about what great value the car provided.

Ford Pinto  GNU Free Documentation license

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