Monday, September 30, 2024

Important Events From This day in History September 30


30 Sept, 1955 U.S.A. James Dean

1955 : James Dean the well known young Movie Star who starred in Rebel Without A Cause dies at the age of 24 in a car crash in his Porsche in California.

30 Sept, 1980 Iran / Iraq War

1980 : Iran continued bombing oil installations in Baghdad in retaliation for Iraq aircraft bombing it's oil refineries in the Persian Gulf. This is the 9th day of the war between these major oil producing nations with both claiming victory during each skirmish.

30 Sept, 1936 Spanish Civil War

1936 : Spanish insurgents continue their march to the capital of Spain Madrid and large numbers of clergy have now joined the rebels in protests against the leftist controlled government. Many of the priests were butchered by Government forces. This civil war is being fought by two extreme parties who are trying to gain control of the country.

30 Sept, 1938 Germany Peace In Our Time

1938 : Just two weeks after the Munich agreement was signed and the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announced to the world "Peace In Our Time" Hitler is pushing the bounds of the agreement on the German occupation of Czechoslovakia and taking additional areas under Nazi control. Many suspect he had no intention of slowing his occupation of other countries and a second world war is inevitable.

Neville Chamberlain Public Domain Photo

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30 Sept, 1946 England RMS Queen Mary

1946 : The Captain of the British Liner the Queen Mary claimed a new world record for the Atlantic crossing of 3 days, 15 hours and 48 minutes for the crossing from Halifax to Southampton.

RMS Queen Mary Public Domain Photo

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30 Sept, 1949 Germany Berlin Airlift Ends

1949 : The Berlin Airlift officially comes to an end after 250,000 flights taking food, medical supplies, clothing and fuel to West Germany to circumvent the Soviet Unions Blockade of West Berlin.

Berlin Blockade Public Domain Photo

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30 Sept, 1951 Festival of Britain Closes

1951 : The Festival of Britain ends where it began at the South Bank in London, the Festival has been a great success as 8.5 million people have paid to visit the exhibition since May 3 which included the newly completed Royal Festival Hall.

Festival of Britain Emblem

30 Sept, 1956 Cyprus Marshal Law

1956 : The city of Nicosia is under marshal law and a curfew following a number of attacks by the Cypriot underground on British servicemen patrolling the streets.

30 Sept, 1957 Mob Violence Indictments

1957 : The justice department attorneys are preparing to go before a federal grand jury to obtain indictments against the instigators of mob violence at central high school in Little Rock Arkansas.

30 Sept, 1963 Ku Klux Klan Members Arrested

1963 : Two men have been arrested for the bombing of a Black church that killed 4 young girls two weeks previously in Birmingham, Alabama. The men are suspected of being members of the Ku Klux Klan and they will be held by state authorities until the trial.

Ku Klux Klan Public Domain Photo

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30 Sept, 1964 U.S.A. James H. Meredith

1964 : In Oxford, Mississippi, James H. Meredith, an African American and a former serviceman in the U.S. Air Force,, is escorted onto the University of Mississippi campus by U.S. Marshals, setting off a deadly riot over the desegregation of the University.

30 Sept, 1965 Indonesia Attempted Coup

September 30th, 1965 : Attempted coup in Indonesia by the so-called 30 September Movement, the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). Six senior Indonesian army generals are murdered and the next morning, Indonesians woke up to find an organization calling itself the 'Thirtieth of September Movement' in control. This did not last as within a short period Major General Suharto, took back control of the army and launched counteraction against the "30 September Movement" and in 24 hrs the coup and it's leaders were crushed. Following the turmoil large bands of anti-communists went on a violent purge of communists, killing an estimated half million people. By 1967 Suharto's was formally appointed president and instituted a new order of a pro-Western economy and remained in power for over thirty years.

30 Sept, 1970 U.S.A. Oil Stocks

1970 : With the continued uncertainty in the middle east and stockpiles of oil well below the normal suggested level of 15 - 20% in some areas down to 5% brown outs are being planned, but the government has stated that home heating will continue to be a priority as the winter is fast approaching.

30 Sept, 1981 Sandra Day O'Connor

September 30th, 1981 : Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first female U.S. Supreme Court justice in history when she is sworn in by Chief Justice Warren Burger.

Sandra Day O'Connor Public Domain Photo

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