Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Take a look at what Michelle Malkin wrote in the New York Post about our MoveOn story last week, not bad for the pressman blogger and staff. To date $152.00 has been raised for NATIONAL MILITARY FAMILY ASSOCIATION, thank you everyone for the support.

From the New York Post:

October 3, 2007

MOVEON.ORG, the left- wing extremists who bashed the commander of American forces in Iraq as a traitor, should get out of the political kitchen. The George Soros-funded hitmen can't stand even a bit of heat from Mom-and-Pop retailers who tried selling T-shirts and mugs on the Internet critical of the "General Betray Us" smear ads against Gen. David Petraeus.

I heard from one of the independent T-shirt sellers targeted by MoveOn last week. The seller is a lifelong Democrat and member of the military. Incensed by the attack on Gen. Petraeus, the retailer opened up a shop at online store CafePress. The homemade designs at the PoliStew Cafe ( were stark and simple: "Move Away from Move On! " NoFriend to Dems," and "General Petraeus has done more for this country than Move-"
For daring to raise a voice and raise some money for the troops (all proceeds from the sale of his items go to the National Military Family Association charity), this T-shirt seller earned the wrath of MoveOn's lawyers. MoveOn chief operating officer Carrie Olson brought down the sledgehammer. She sent a cease-and-desist letter to CafePress demanding that PoliStew Cafe's items and other anti-MoveOn merchandise be removed from the store.


Edward Padgett, a Los Angeles blogger who spread the word about MoveOn's attempt to silence critics, laments: "For several years I have found MoveOn to be an inspirational anti-war group, but the past few weeks they have been an embarrassment to all Americans with their attacks upon President Bush and General Petraeus. I subscribe to the MoveOn newsletter, and even considered hosting an anti-war rally in San Dimas, but now I want no part of this radical group and will remove my name from their newsletter subscription . . . I guess to MoveOn, the First Amendment is only for the rich."

To jump to the complete article click here or on the title.


Nubia said...

High-five, Edward!!!!


Kanani said...

Yup, he's FAMOUS...oooooooo!!!
Bet his email gets spammed this month....

Nubia said...


Chef Debi said...

Good job Ed...