Hey Ed, do you really love "DEVO"? We want to see you with one of those flower pot hats!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
Please continue to pray for our troops and their families.
20 Things About Ed
Amongst them:
18. What's your theme song?
Whip It, by Devo
Life at newspaper leaves pressmen with decades of stories
By Angela Carella
Assistant City Editor
Published December 31 2007
STAMFORD - Like many newspaper pressmen, 85-year-old Canio Pace has ink in his blood.
And blood in the press.
Printing newspapers can be dangerous - a slip, a moment of inattention, and a hand is snared in the heavy, rolling cylinders.
"You have to get initiated in the pressroom. How you do that is you get a finger caught in the press," Pace said, showing a middle digit held together by a metal pin.
Mike Smith lost two fingertips to the press when he was a young man. His hand got caught in a folding cylinder.
"There's a knife in there that cuts the paper; it took my fingers," Smith said. "That is my newspaper legacy."
Warren Eaton said keeping fingers is a family tradition. He is a fourth-generation pressman.
"I have all my fingers. My father had all his fingers; my grandfather, too," Eaton said. "Great-grandpa, I don't know about."
John DeSousa has all his fingers - his problem is keeping them clean.
"You get all kinds of ink on you," DeSousa said. "If you're going out to dinner after work, you got to scrub. I use bleach."
Pace, Smith, Eaton, DeSousa and other pressmen at The Advocate and Greenwich Time have spent most of their lives printing newspapers in the noisy pressroom, working nights, weekends and holidays, ink on their skin and uniforms.
They adjust the amounts of ink - black, blue, red and yellow - making sure the plates on the press are lined up one on top of the other, so the colors are where they're supposed to be. As the press rolls, they adjust the colors - not too much red or blue, just the right amounts of yellow and black.
They load the 1,600-pound rolls of newsprint on the press, using dollies on tracks one floor below. They make sure there is enough tension on the paper so it weaves through the press smoothly at high speed, but not so much that the web of paper breaks. They look for holes in the web, which can cause a break.
But now the 15 press operators and two supervisors are out of work. After 178 years with a press in Stamford, The Advocate will be printed at the News-Times in Danbury and Greenwich Time at the Connecticut Post in Bridgeport.
The Advocate, Greenwich Time, News-Times and Post - and six weeklies in Fairfield County - now are owned or operated by MediaNews Group Inc. of Denver.
The Hearst Corp. bought The Advocate and Greenwich Time from Tribune Co. for $62.4 million in a deal that closed Nov. 1. MediaNews has an agreement with Hearst to operate some of its newspapers.
Because Tribune will sell the Tresser Boulevard building in Stamford and the East Elm Street building in Greenwich separately, The Advocate and Greenwich Time no longer have a press.
For Pace, it is the end of a long love affair with the printing press. It began when he was walking home from school at 16, and stopped to look in the window of City News, then a printing plant in Stamford.
"I watched the paper running through the press. It was fantastic," Pace said. "A guy came out and said to me, 'Kid, you want a job?' "
It was 1937. There was no television. Some people didn't have radios. They learned about the world from newspapers.
To jump to entire article click here.
Hat Tip Margit Rubens
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Electronic Village: Missing: Chioma Gray
Electronic Village: Missing: Chioma Gray
Save Our Trade: January Meetings with GCC/IBT Representative Mike Huggins
By Ronnie Pineta
Negotiations were scheduled for January 9th and 10th. The company cancelled the session scheduled for the 10th, so we are going to use this time and opportunity to introduce our GCC/IBT Rep. Mike Huggins to our bargaining unit employees.
We will be holding meetings in both Los Angeles and Orange County.
We will meet in Los Angeles on Thursday January 10th at 11:00am at Shakey's Pizza. This location is just minutes north of the Oly Plant and frwy convenient.
On January 11th we will be meeting in Orange County at the usual spot, Round Table Pizza on Euclid and Warner in Fountain Valley. Be sure to attend one of these meetings to meet Mike and get informed. Bring your questions as well as a guest.
Maps to both locations can be viewed by jumping to Save Our Trade Blog.
January Meetings with GCC/IBT Representative Mike Huggins
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Tumultuous Year for Tribune Company Employees
Tribune Company Employees, or my family for that matter, will not soon forget 2007; it was a year of negative events and news. Below is a brief overview, with links back to each article, of the events reported on this blog for 2007.
January: 2007
- David Hiller video regarding unionism at the Newspaper
- David Hiller's Response to George Tedeschi Debate Request
- The anti-union banners inside the Los Angeles Times
- The Future of Tribune Company from Dennis FitzSimons
- Los Angeles Times Union Election
- Union Victory at the Los Angeles Times
- Los Angeles Times Union Election in the News
- David Hiller on Greater Web Presence
- Information From A Union Pressman
- LAT Computer Help Desk Outsourced
- Colleague Raquel Alvarez Cendejas Passing
- Union Election Challenged at LAT
- Three Bids for Tribune Company
- Woman jumped from Times garage
- Nothing Decided in Chicago Today
- Tribune Sale Pending
- David Hiller Taking the Times Where it Belongs
- MySpace, Oops I Mean MyLATimes
- The Passing of Our Friend Jose Calzadilla
- Union Election Challenged
- vBulletin Created for our Blog
- James O'Shea's address to Times staff
- Left in the Dark at Work
- Chandler Buyout Offer Expires Today
- National Labor Relations Board Hearing
- The Eagle Has Landed!
February: 2007
- Pressroom Seniority or Company Seniority
- Advertisements on the Front Pages of Newspapers
- Nominations for the Union Negotiating Team
- LATimes Online Changes
- Internet 101 at the Los Angeles Times
- New Los Angeles Times Blog - Homicide
- Tribune Fourth-Quarter Profit Soars 81 Percent to $239.1M
- Tribune 2006 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results
- Tribune Likely Won't Face a Proxy Battle
- Dennis FitzSimons Update to Tribune Employees
- Tribune Board of Directors Meeting
- Subscribe to the Los Angeles Times
- Los Angeles Times versus Teamsters
- New Blog at the LA Times - Borderline
- Pressmen's Dinner Date and Location
- Video Blogger in the House - Jacob Soboroff
- Media Bistro Blogger Party
- Dean Baquet Keeps Firing At Tribune Co.
- Tina Kim to Appear at Our Dinner
- Election Hearing Update 02.17.07
- Trickle Down Theory History at Tribune
- Olympic Mailroom on Frontline
- Olympic Pressroom on Native Intelligence
- Editorial Department Downsizing at LAT
- LA Times Launches Fully Integrated Travel Redesign
- Revenues Down 5.0% in January for Tribune
- Tribune likely to try 'self-help' plan
- Blogging 101 for LAT Staff
- Employee Stock Ownership Plan at Tribune
- Tribune Considers Offer From Real Estate Magnate
- Will The Grave Dancer Dance On The LA Times' Grave?
- Otis Chandler - The Man the Publisher
- The Good Old Days Are Gone
- Cost Cutting Measures at Olympic
- James Young Retires From Pressroom
- The SpinOff Has Started at Tribune
- Mark Kurtich on LAT Subscriptions
- Media Bistro Blogger Party
- Sam Zell Could Well Be Better Than FitzSimons
- MediaNews nixes contract in Santa Cruz
- A Message From Jack
- Election of Bargaining Team
- Mike Rowe's Dirty Job
- Los Angeles Times Launches IMAGE
- Tribune Stock Falling Falling Falling
- Brian Grazer To Inaugurate Guest Editor Program
- Election to Stand at Los Angeles Times
- Tribune Revenues Down 3.4% in February
- Andres Martinez has resigned in the wake of "Grazergate."
- Statement from the Publisher on Grazergate
- Message From James O'Shea Editor LAT
- Tribune Gate
- Passing of Robert Roderick
- Pressmen's Dinner a Hit
April: 2007
- Sam Zell Gets The Tribune Company
- Editor removed over 'I Hate Blacks' column
- Hiller acknowledges LAT job cuts coming
- Hearst considering 'paperless' newspaper
- Spector page is live, a preview of where we're headed
- Message Dennis FitzSimons CEO Tribune
- Message from Russ Newton - V.P. Production
- Russ Newton Promoted to Senior V.P.
- Mark Kurtich Leaving Los Angeles Times
- Zell Bluntly Says L.A. Times Will Not Be Sold
- The Pulitzer Prizes
- 33 dead in Virginia Tech shootings
- Chronicle's front page shocker -- an ad
- Tribune Reports 2007 First Quarter Results
- Buyouts Coming to a Newspaper Near You
- Tribune Employee Website Updated
- LAT Buyout Offer to be Announced Monday
- L.A. Times Staff To Be Cut 5%, A New Disgrace
- David Hiller on Employee Voluntary Separation Program
- Buy-Outs/Layoffs in the GCC/IBT Represented Pressrooms?
- New Los Angeles Times Blogs
- Hiller And O'Shea Give LAT Staff Pure Drivel
- The Apprentice at the Los Angeles Times
- Mike Penner, Shocked Many Readers
- New Los Angeles Times Blog by Christine Daniels
- Festival of Books Weekend
- New presses ordered for Chronicle
- David Hiller on March Circulation Results
May: 2007
- LAT Paid Circulation Stabilizes, But New Cutbacks
- Aramark Taking Buyout at Los Angeles Times
- Tribune petitions FCC for Ownership Waivers
- LA Times Refuses to Hyperlink from Articles
- Top Ten Blogs at the Los Angeles Times
- Los Angeles Times Celebrates Biggest Festival of Books
- Aramark vs CulinArt
- Save Our Trade: What's going on?
- Griffith Park Fire Videos
- Teamster's GCC to be Certified at Los Angeles Times
- New Los Angeles Times Blogs
- Reporting jobs outsourced to India
- Los Angeles Times Blogosphere
- A fond farewell to the Tribune Tower
- What Are The Objections Regarding the Union Election?
- L.A. Times Has Grown Uneven; Buyouts Are Hurting
- Pressman (Jose Gomez) Injuried in Accident
- Guild at The Baltimore Sun launches SaveYourSun.org
- The Passing of Another Pressman - Richard Meinhardt
- Save Our Trade: Fools Rush In
- Services in memory of Frances C Hathaway
- Buyouts at a Newspaper Near You
- Al Martinez Forced Out at Los Angeles Times
- Al Martinez Forced To Retire By Jackass Tribune Co.
- The Writerly Pause Visit Al Martinez
- Prayer Request for Former Pressman John Bragg
- Tribune Announces Preliminary Results of Tender Offer
- Kanani: Callous Treatment of a Fifty Year Journalist
- Sam Zell is acquiring Tribune Company
- Welcome our new vendor, CulinArt, effective June 4, 2007
- O'Shea Fails To Promise No More Buyouts
- LAT Employees Taking the Buyout
- David Hiller on Times Change - What's Next
- Here is Al Martinez's final column
- Tribune Announces Offer of Settlement in Matthew Bender Tax Case
- FitzSimons, Hiller: From One Stupidity To Another
- The Day After at the Los Angeles Times
- Dennis FitzSimons on Recent Developments
- Tribune Executives Make a Bundle
- CulinArt Takes Over the Times Cafeterias
- FitzSimons Gets Rich, While LAT Staff Suffers
- Many out of work while a select few collect millions
- West Magazine Victim Of Slashers At Tribune Co.
- Woody J. from L.A.- Get Well Soon
- Examiner will launch in Los Angeles
- New Cafeteria at Olympic
- Billy Roundtree Promoted to Pressroom Supervisor
- What's the Truth Regarding Matt Welch?
- Save Our Trade: N.L.R.B. Decision
- Newspapers Reducing Size
- Producing the Los Angeles Times Video
- Tribune Revenues Down 11.1% in May
- Does Sam Zell Have Any (Good) Ideas On Future?
- Chatsworth Employees Reunion
- Mary Emma Esplin Funeral
- Managing Editor, Doug Frantz has decided to leave the LAT
- Renaming the Tribune Company
- L.A. Times Editor Typically In Chicago For 6 Days
Continued on next post.
Tumultuous Year for Tribune Company Employees Part II
July: 2007
- Retired Pressman Harvey Tallmon in Recovery from Stroke
- Operations Employees Forgotten at The Los Angeles Times
- Tribune Announces Special Shareholder Meeting
- The Return of Al Martinez to the Los Angeles Times
- Los Angeles Times Credit Union Purged by Tribune Co.
- Tribune Employees: It's Time to Take Ownership
- Are We in a Recession?
- Workers at the LAT Bucked the Paper's Legacy and Organized
- Mid-year business update - David Hiller
- New Los Angeles Times Blog - Daily Dish
- Conversation Between Hiller And O'Shea, (Satire)
- Message from Scott Smith - Trb Pub President
- Newspapers Accepting Ad's on Front Pages
- Tribune Deal Faltering
- Will Tribune Become Another Carter-Hawley-Hale?
- Tribune Sinking - Will the Captain go down with the Ship?
- Save Our Trade: Teamsters Shop Steward Training
- Tribune Sets New Fifty-two Week Low
- Bob Bagwell to Celebrate 60 Years with the Los Angeles Times
- Goldstein's Article Dropped for Being Innovative
- Wayne Beane Retiring this Friday from Olympic
- The Hazards of Outsourcing at the Newspaper
- Suggestion Box on TimesLink
- Operations Employees at the Los Angeles Times
August: 2007
- Car Fifty-Four Where Are YOU?
- Save Our Trade: Know Your Rights!
- A Parents Worst NIGHTMARE! - Bryan Padgett Killed
- Our Interview with Linda Alvarez
- One Door Closes, and Another Door Opens
- Sam Zell To Speak At LAT In Period Of Crisis
- Consequences of Street Racing
- Will the Tribune Sale be Completed?
- The Anti-Social Ice Cream Gathering Sunday
- Tribune Employees Financial Protection Committee Newsletter
- Zell Vowed To Times Managers, Deal Remains On
- Los Angeles Times Managers Have a visit from Sam Zell
- Tribune Revenues Down 5.9% in July
- Eye Level Pasadena Blogger Picnic
- Another Young Person Killed While Street Racing
- The Missing Sam Zell Video
- KTLA Channel 5 building in Hollywood for Sale
- The Jena Six Video
September: 2007
- Al Martinez Endures Watching Naked Bodies For Us
- Funny Los Angeles Times Ad
- Managing Editor Janet Clayton Gives up on Tribune
- Los Gatos News prints last edition
- Leo Wolinsky Named Associate Editor of the Los Angeles Times
- Reading by Nine Volunteer's Wanted
- September 11, 2001
- Kat Von D and Bryan Padgett
- Tribune Company Dependent Verification
- David Lauter will become the California editor
- Farley creator Phil Frank dies
- Our Next Dinner Date
- NYT Internet To Be Free To Everyone
- Bob Valenzuela Should Lead Security at LAT
- Save Our Trade: Where are we now?
- Los Angeles Times Blooper of the Day
- Tribune Revenues Down 5.2% in August
- Los Angeles Times Pressmen Wearing Black
- NYT Admits It Gave MoveOn.org Special Price
- Move Away from Move On!
- Family Friendly Tribune Threatens Employees Dependents
- Calming Los Angeles Times Employees Down
- The Status of the Los Angeles Times Pressroom
- Johnny Walkers treatment of pressroom employees
- Disquieting Comments By Hiller To "Old Farts"
- Alison Stromile Passing
- Fundraiser for the National Military Family Association
- Thank You Michelle Malkin
October: 2007
- Yolanda Malone Blogs About Her Son Jamal
- Reinvent committee report on ways to improve the LAT
- Clarence Darrow and the Bombing of the L.A. Times
- Calling in Sick at the Los Angeles Times
- R.I.P. -- Remembering the daily Valley Edition
- Move On's Strong Arm Ignored By The Media
- San Gabriel Valley Tribune Production Outsourced
- San Gabriel Valley Tribune to Cease Operation Nov. 5TH
- Sam Zell: No plans to sell LA Times
- David Hiller Now a Blogger Newbie
- Google Bans Anti-MoveOn Ads
- No Left Turns --a great story by a newspaper man
- Smoking Surcharge Is New Low For Tribune Co.
- 700 Tribune Dependants Lost Health Care
- Illegal Street Racers Kill 5 in the Southland
- NLRA Violations and Workplace Rights
- Rehabilitation Program for Tribune Employees
- FCC review process
- NLRB Notice to Los Angeles Times
- Outstanding Fire Coverage - OShea memo
- Colleagues Impacted by Fires
- Tribune Reports 2007 Third Quarter Results
- Tribune to Sell Southern Connecticut Newspapers
- David Hiller and LAT Fire Fund
- Kevin Sites Reports on Jill Leovy
- Save Our Trade: Local 404 Meeting November 4th
- Passing of Pressroom Colleagues
- Former LAT Composing Room Employees
November: 2007
- Union Negotiations Begin at the Los Angeles Times
- Save Our Trade: Negotiations, Day 1
- Police Force Pregnant Woman at Gunpoint to Side of Freeway
- Los Angeles Times Axed Employee Recognition Dinner
- David Hiller on Circulation
- In Memory of Martha Hernandez
- Al Martinez Interview of Alzheimer's Victim Superb
- The Passing of Becky Shea
- LATimes.com Transformation
- Meredith Artley Executive Editor Los Angeles Times
- Message from Russ Newton SVP Production
- Scenes from Veteran's Day in Fullerton
- Los Angeles Times Masthead Grows by Two
- Tribune Properties Being Sold Off
- David Hiller Blogs on Times Building Sale
- Rest in Peace Gilbert McMurray
- Labor Negotiations at the Los Angeles Times
- Los Angeles Times Pressmen Dinner
- Tribune Revenues Down 9.3% in October
- LAT Readers' Representative Journal
- Sick Days, Use Them or Lose Them
- FCC Proposes 2-Year Exemption for Tribune
- Cancer and Working the Graveyard Shift
- Tribune Granted Regulatory Approvals By FCC
December: 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
End of the Week News Links
- Your US Senate at “work” - Michelle Malkin
- Los Angeles Times in 90 Seconds - Mayrav Saar
- Los Angeles PD Steps up DUI Enforcement - LAPD Blog
- Another Mayor Sam Party, and You're Invited - Mayor Sam
- NFL caves to Congress on Patriots-Giants game - Market Watch
- Writers Threaten Mass Picket of Golden Globes - New York Times
- Why Newsday.com Had a Very Good Month - New York Observer
- Subprime crisis hits US newspapers’ revenues - Newsletter 9-7-07
- Slower, but Steady Hiring Expected for the New Year. - Education Trends
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Tribune Company Assets
23 TV stations--Major carrier of the CW Network, which is owned by CBS and Time-Warner
1 radio station in Chicago
13 daily newspapers mostly in big markets
1 nationwide cable channel-WGN
According to wikipedia:
The Tribune Company (NYSE: TRB) is a large American multimedia corporation based in Chicago, Illinois. It is the nation's second-largest newspaper publisher, responsible for the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Newsday, Hartford Courant, and the Baltimore Sun, among others. Through other subsidiaries, the Tribune Company also owns Tribune Broadcasting, Tribune Entertainment, Tribune Media Services, and the Chicago Cubs baseball team.
On April 2, 2007, Chicago-based investor Sam Zell announced plans to buy out the media company for $34.00 a share, totalling $8.2 billion. Zell will also turn the company private. The deal is expected to be completed some time in the fourth quarter of 2007[1], and was approved by 97% of the Company's shareholders on August 21, 2007[2]. Upon completion of the transaction, Tribune will divest itself of the Chicago Cubs and its 25 percent interest in Comcast SportsNet Chicago, and possibly Wrigley Field.
The deal was approved by 97% of the Company's shareholders on August 21, 2007.[1] Privatization of the Tribune Company occurred on December 20, 2007 with termination of trading in Tribune stock at the close of the market.[2]
On 21 December 2007, Tribune and Local TV announced plans to collaborate in the formation of an as yet unnamed "broadcast management company".[3]
CW Stations:
- WPIX 11 - New York
- KTLA 5 - Los Angeles
- WGN 9 - Chicago (Tribune's flagship TV station)
- KDAF 33 - Dallas
- WDCW 50 - Washington
- KHCW 39 - Houston
- WSFL 39 - Miami/Ft. Lauderdale
- KWGN 2 - Denver
- WTTV 4 - Bloomington/Indianapolis
- KSWB 69 - San Diego
- WTXX 20 - Waterbury/Hartford/New Haven
- WNOL 38 - New Orleans
- KPLR 11 - St. Louis
- KRCW 32 - Portland, OR
Fox Stations:
- KCPQ 13 - Tacoma/Seattle
- KTXL 40 - Sacramento
- WXIN 59 - Indianapolis
- WTIC 61 - Hartford/New Haven
- WXMI 17 - Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI
- WPMT 43 - York/Harrisburg, PA
ABC Station:
- WGNO 26 - New Orleans
MyNetworkTV Stations:
- WPHL 17 - Philadelphia
- KMYQ 22 - Tacoma/Seattle
Other TV Assets:
- Tribune Entertainment
- Andromeda
- Mutant X
- BeastMaster
- Family Feud
- South Park
- Soul Train
- Candid Camera
- Ron Hazelton: House Calls
- Pet Keeping City Guys
- Earth: Final Conflict
Cable Channels:
- Superstation WGN
- Chicagoland's Television
- Tribune Broadcasting
- Once owned 1/3rd of the Food Network, but it’s now owned by Scripps co.
- Radio WGN (AM) – Chicago
- Newsday (Long Island, NY)
- Los Angeles Times
- Chicago Tribune
- The Redeye
- Baltimore Sun
- AM New York
- South Florida Sun-Sentinel
- Orlando Sentinel
- The Hartford Courant
- The Morning Call (Allentown, PA)
- Daily Press (Newport News, VA)
- The Advocate (Stamford, CT)--sold 2007
- Greenwich Time (CT)--sold 2007
- Hoy (newspaper)
- El Sentinel (Orlando)
- Chicago Cubs (and Wrigley Field)
- Tribune Media Services
- Classified Ventures, LLC (partial)
- CareerBuilder (partial)
- Brass Ring
- Zap2it
- Chicago magazine
- Forsalebyowner.com
- Channel Guide Magazine
Former Tribune Properties:
(Station and Market Former and Current Affiliations Sold to...) WATL, Atlanta, GA WB/MyNet Sold to Gannett Corporation in 2006 WCWN, Albany, NY WB/CW Sold to Freedom Communications in 2006 WGCL (formerly WGNX), Atlanta, GA Ind./CBS traded to Meredith Corporation in 1999 WLVI, Boston, MA WB/CW Sold to Sunbeam Television in 2006
-10/2007 Time Media sells the Recycler Classifieds to Target Media Partners. Recycler publishes 4 ad papers, and 11 weekly or bi-weekly photo ad and employment guides in Southern California.
-10/2007 The Tribune Company sells its two southern Connecticut daily papers, the Greenwich Time and The Advocate of Stamford, to Hearst Corp. for $62.4 million. The papers will be managed by MediaNews Group.
San Francisco Peninsula Press Club: Private eye nabs newspaper theft suspects
Higher prices for recycled newsprint have caused a surge in newspaper thefts, the Berkeley Daily Planet reports. The thefts have prompted publishers to form a coalition to push police to enforce a new state law prohibiting such thefts and persuade recycling centers to not accept large quantities of newspapers with recent dates on them. The thefts also led the East Bay Express to hire a private investigator to catch the perpetrators. Zelda Bronstein of the Planet writes:
"On his first night out, early on Dec. 12, the private detective caught and filmed the man and an accomplice in the act. The thieves ended up in front of KMC Paper, a recycling business on Oakland’s Poplar Street, where they were met by eight police cars. The man lacked a driver’s license, and his pickup truck had no license plate. He was issued a citation, and his vehicle was impounded."
According to East Bay Express president Hal Brody, the truck contained more than 500 copies of the Express and nearly that number of Bay Guardians, as well as substantial numbers of the Daily Planet, the East Bay Daily News, Bay Area Business Woman, Classified Flea Market, El Men-sajero, El Avisador Magazine, Diablo Dealer Auto Mart, Bay Classifieds, and Jobs and Careers.
One underlying difficulty is ignorance of the law on the part of recyclers, the general public and even some police, the Planet notes. The Express’s private investigator spent 20 minutes on the phone convincing the Oakland Police dispatcher that stealing free newspapers is a crime. It became a crime in California last January, when AB 2612 went into effect.
Private eye nabs newspaper theft suspects
Bush condemns Bhutto assassination
Dec. 27 - U.S. President George W. Bush had a stern message for those responsible for the assassination of former Pakistan Prime Minister Bhutto. Bhutto, the former prime minister was assassinated as she left an election rally in the city of Rawalpindi, putting the planned Jan. 8th presidential election in doubt. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.
President Bush makes statement on the death of Benazir Bhutto
"Laura and I extend our deepest condolences to the family of Benazir Bhutto, to her friends, to her supporters. We send our condolences to the families of the others who were killed in today's violence. And we send our condolences to all the people of Pakistan on this tragic occasion.
The United States strongly condemns this cowardly act by murderous extremists who are trying to undermine Pakistan's democracy. Those who committed this crime must be brought to justice. Mrs. Bhutto served her nation twice as Prime Minister and she knew that her return to Pakistan earlier this year put her life at risk. Yet she refused to allow assassins to dictate the course of her country.
We stand with the people of Pakistan in their struggle against the forces of terror and extremism. We urge them to honor Benazir Bhutto's memory by continuing with the democratic process for which she so bravely gave her life".
SOURCE: Los Angeles Times
Thursday Morning News
- Freedom buyout put off - Mark Lacter
- Benazir Bhutto assassinated - Michelle Malkin
- Matt Welch Wardrobe Big Topic in DC? - Kate Coe
- Meet John White and Emery Kauanui - Darleenisms
- State Budget Woes - Trickle Down - Claremont Insider
- Los Angeles Sportscaster Stu Nahan dead at 81 - Joz Joz Joz
- Under New Ownership, Times Building Fate Unclear - Angelenic
- Former Pakistan PM Benazir Bhutto assassinated - David Markland
- Despite Woes, McClatchy Banks on Newspapers - Wall Street Journal
- McClatchy On The Front Page… is it a signal or a sign? - Meta Printer
Is it Cold Outside?
Pakistan's Bhutto assassinated at rally
Former prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, was murdered after speaking at a rally this morning. The streets of Pakistan look like Los Angeles during the riots, with fires burning throughout the country. Her killer detonated a bomb strapped to him, killing not only himself, but also twenty innocent bystanders. What a waste of life this tragic event shows.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
San Francisco Peninsula Press Club: Health care cost hike helps union effort
The Guild's $500,000 campaign to unionize workers at the combined Contra Costa Times-ANG newspapers wasn't attracting much interest from employees until last month when their health care premiums jumped, the SF Weekly reports. Employees quickly discovered that the increase wasn't as sharp for unionized employees at the Mercury News, which is also owned by MediaNews. Now, the unionization effort is gaining momentum, the SF Weekly reports. The Weekly quotes one unnamed Contra Costa Times employee as saying she might become the newsroom's Norma Rae, who would lead the effort to organize workers like the textile worker played by Sally Field in the 1979 movie. The would-be Norma Rae is quoted as saying:
"Every day some new crap happens that nobody can believe. We always felt protected here because the Times was profitable, but health care increases showed us how vulnerable we are. MediaNews is going to do what suits them and we really don't matter."
Now Chronicle reporter and union organizer Carl Hall says he is convinced he has enough support to call for an official vote, which requires 30 percent of BANG employees to sign cards saying they want the Newspaper Guild to represent them. But actually winning a vote is much more uncertain. "If we held the election today, we'd have 100 votes," he says. "We need 50 more." By the way, Hall is taking six months off from his job at the Chronicle in order to work full time on organizing the Times-ANG news operation.
The SF Weekly says management held a Nov. 5 seminar for top editors to give them talking points if the union campaign comes up: Editors first assure the employees that it is absolutely their right to unionize. Next, they should seamlessly segue into the poor financial health of the newspaper industry and how there is nothing a union can do about that. Finally, they should politely bring up how the ANG union did so little for its members. Wages and benefits in the previously unionized ANG newsroom were about the worst in the Bay Area.
The Guild says it wants to cooperate with management and work to reinforce quality journalism. MediaNews chief executive Dean Singleton is skeptical, saying:
"I've been in the newspaper business for three and a half decades, and I've never had a union work for me. Management has its own responsibilities, and for the life of me, I've never seen a union contribute to those."
Health care cost hike helps union effort
Wednesday Morning Linkage
- Los Angeles Times Shines City - Kate Coe
- The Ten Dumbest Moves of 2007 - Mayor Sam
- Los Angeles Times In 90 Seconds - Mayrav Saar
- Winners: Santa Photo Caption Contest - Nikki Finke
- A freer hand for private Tribune - Michael A. Hiltzik
- LAFD: Don't Burn Holiday Wrappings in Fireplace - Brian Humphrey
- News Corp. Unloads Eight Stations to Oak Hill - Broadcasting and Cable
- Baltimore Sun Gives Control of Editorials to Newsroom - New York Times
- Sam Zell wastes no time making big changes at Tribune - Monterey Herald
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Take Back the Times: Is This The First Zell Move, Or Just Coincidence?
The year ahead is certain to be a dramatic one for the Tribune Co., owner of the Los Angeles Times, under its new CEO, Sam Zell. Since, in the newspaper business at least, he is such an unknown quantity, all we can do is watch carefully, and hope for the best.
Already, in the Los Angeles Times Business section this morning, there is an article by Roger Vincent speculating which pieces of Tribune-owned real estate, Tribune might sell, in order to pay down its heavy debt somewhat. At present, Vincent writes, Tribune only leases the old Times-Mirror Square, but it has an option to buy this property, and then could turn around and either sell or lease out the now mostly-empty Times-Mirror corporate headquarters. The Times, he writes, is likely to stay where it is in the older buildings on the famous Square.
There's quite a bit about the various options for the Tribune Tower in Chicago. Zell has already indicated he will sell the KTLA Studios in Hollywood, and there are opportunities for sales in Baltimore and elsewhere. Zell has vowed to sell the Chicago Cubs, maybe even before the start of the next season.
All this is interesting, but a small article in yesterday's New York Times piqued my interest more about Zell's plans, since it dealt with the future editorial page editorship of the Baltimore Sun, one of Tribune's big newspapers, and I think the real proof in the pudding about Zell will be what he does with his newspapers editorially.
To continue reading, click on the link below.
Is This The First Zell Move, Or Just Coincidence?
Get Lost With Easy-Writer: Merry Christmas
By Kanani Fong
My house is always the slowest one to get decorated. While neighbors are very efficient at getting their lights up with military precision the day after Thanksgiving, I tend to put a strand up, forget what I'm doing, then start again on another day. The entire process takes weeks. Some days the lights go on, others they don't. I finally finished this afternoon, putting up some plastic ornaments on a bare myrtle tree. (The lights are new LED strands which use 88% less energy).
I was barefoot and standing in the front yard, when Santa drove by in a white Mercedes convertible with a buxom blond elf in the passenger seat. "Merry Christmas" they both yelled, they drove away laughing. It's not Currier and Ives here, it's Santa in a Merc with a babe out of Victoria's Secret. Which brings to mind what else happened today.
My kids and I were driving across a parking lot, when a skinny woman crossed in front of me. You could tell by her movements that she was a clumsy awkward person. It was in her gait, the way she held her hand. But most of all, it was the way she walked with her enormous bought boobs (maybe they were a gift from Santa and the elf). She appeared to walk on her tippy toes in a shuffle that followed the lead of her boobs, her body bent in a forward angle. It was as if there were a small chihuahua nipping at her heels, propelling her forward as if by surprise. Her hair was dyed and teased, the t-shirt was tight. The boobs were so over-sized that they made her look like a Looney tune.
From the back seat, my son said, "Did you see that?"
"Yes," I said.
"Well, I can't believe it. They're so high."
"Enormous," I said.
"Yeah, I can't believe that little girl was wearing such big UGG boots. I hate UGGS. They're so ugly."
"UGGS?" I asked.
Just then, I caught sight of the girl he was referring to, which was not the shuffling double breasted boobie who had wandered in front of our car. This girl over to the side was wearing bright pink UGGS and they seemed to take up her entire leg.I started laughing.
Tonight I am baking persimmon bread. The kids are watching The Simpson's Movie, I washed the dog. So my Christmas Eve consists of the scent of bread, the sounds of Homer Simpson and laughter, along with the smell of a wet dog. It's Christmas Eve, and it's swell.
Changing Family Traditions
Christmas 2007 will be over in but twenty-two hours, but I wish it were Christmas past and nothing more than a bad memory now.
I worked a double shift last night and printed the Los Angeles Times for the San Fernando Valley, and when my product was looking it’s best, I was able to relax for a moment and scan through the many pages of the newspaper.
A particular article, by Sandy Banks, caught my attention regarding traditions and how her family has made changes the past two years. Why this was of interest to me was the lost tradition my family had on getting together for Christmas Eve the past twenty-three years. We ended our tradition tonight, so Sandy’s story grabbed my attention, as I should have been with my six children tonight, as usual, and not working.
We have moved our tradition to Christmas Day, and not at my house, but at my daughter Lauren’s home. So Christmas Eve just did not feel normal, but changes are something we have to deal with in life. My colleagues at the newspaper understand what I’m referring to, but many new users may not have a clue why we changed our tradition, so click here to fully understand what my family is going through this Christmas Day.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Everyone.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Fruitcake Friends
Read the rest on:
Get Lost With Easy-Writer: Fruitcake Friends
Monday Morning Media News
- Online identity management and search in the age of transparency - Pew
- Providence Guild agreement on a new 3-year contract - The Phoenix
- Lexington Newspaper Guild Takes Contract Fight -- To YouTube - E&P
- Zell bets some chips on Vegas' Greenspun - Chicago Tribune
- Why Sam Zell Avoids the 'Big Lies' of New Owners - Editor & Publisher
- Vietnam veteran hit with felony charges over shot - Michelle Malkin
- News Corp. selling eight TV stations for $1.1 billion - Market Watch
- Student settles Apple suit by shutting site - SF Peninsula Press Club
- Rutten on Tribune's time in Los Angeles - Kevin Roderick
- Here's Striking WGAE Xmas Statement - Nikki Finke
- A change of hands for Tribune - Los Angeles Times
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Jacob Soboroff and Why Tuesday?
Jacob Soboroff and the Why Tuesday? team arrived to cover the Des Moines Register presidential debates this week in Johnston, Iowa by horse-drawn carriage. Why? Watch the video.
Mayor Sam's Sister City Blogger Party
As I pondered if I had erred on the date of the party, I sipped on a cold beer, and thought about driving back to San Dimas. Feeling a bit foolish for not paying attention to the date, Mayor Sam walks in, which changed my face from frowning to smiling.
Before long there was standing room only, as the bloggers and users squeezed into the backroom for a chance to meet Mayor Sam. The missing bloggers, Zuma Dogg, Brian Humphrey, CD-13, Joseph Mailander, and Red Spot saddened me.
But there will be further parties next year, thank you Mayor Sam for hosting the party last night, I had a fun time.