Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thought For Today 5-29-2010
- Albert Einstein
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Sunset For Print In Five Years - Paid Content
- Search-Driven News - Newspaper Death Watch
- Study Predicts Newspapers will Survive - UC Davis
- Advertising shakeup at L.A. Times - Kevin Roderick
- Sam Zell's new theme is survival of the fittest - Reuters
- Digital Newspaper has arrived - Winnipeg Free Press
- The Journalists Memorial for Memorial Day - Tina Dupuy
- Newspaper Web sites drawing Record High Traffic - SFN
- Tribune Delays Sending Bankruptcy Plan to Creditors - BW
- Union Protests Tribune Company Bonus Plan - Chicago Breaking
Thought For Today 5-28-2010
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Richard Renchard Rest in Peace

Map at bottom of page
Services for: Richard Le Baron Renchard
Visitation :
Date: Thursday, June 03, 2010
Location: Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills
Start Time: 4:00 PM
Prayer Service:
Date: Friday, June 04, 2010
Location: Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills
Old North Church
Start Time: 7:00 PM
Funeral Service:
Date: Saturday, June 05, 2010
Location: Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills
Church of the Hills
Start Time: 9:30 AM
6300 Forest Lawn Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90068
This week on the Milblogs

Andrew Lubin writes on Sebastian Junger's book WAR.
Should we be in Afghanistan? The Kitchen Dispatch
Soldier's wife has twins while he is deployed Fast Surgeon in Afghanistan
USMA grad argues back, service academies are not mediocre: Rajiv Srivinasan
Dogs of War: Flag Gazer
Confusing and complex, Tribal Militias: Free Range International
Thursday, May 27, 2010
1500 newspapers and magazines now on the iPad!
Thought For Today 5-27-2010
- Solomon Short
Year of the Latino
Brian Quintana, Democrat for United States Senate
Al Ramirez, Republican for United States Senate
Carlos Alvarez, Peace and Freedom for Governor
Charles "Chuck" Pineda, Jr, Democrat for Governor
Abel Maldonado, Republican for Lieutenant Governor
Rockard J. Delgadillo, Democrat for Attorney General
Pedro Nava, Democrat for Attorney General
Robert Torrico, Democrat for Attorney General
Dina Padilla, Peace and Freedom for Insurance Commissioner
Hector de la Torre, Democrat for Insurance Commissioner
Lydia Gutierrez for Superintendent of Public Instruction
Gloria Romero for Superintendent of Public Instruction
Surprisingly, the most formidable of the group is a Republican - Abel Maldonado. Unfortunately, three Latinos in a crowded field for Attorney General are likely to dilute the Latino vote and ensure the victory of a non-Latino.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Four in the morning - Gary Scott
- Tribune Chapter 11 Plan Includes $15M In Bonuses - WSJ
- 2010 layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers - Paper Cuts
- LA Times Sweeps the Times' Editorial Awards - Tina Dupuy
- There Are Twice As Many Editors As Reporters - Media Jobs
- 9% of Daily News Editorial Staff Took the Buyout - NY Observer
- Orange County Local News Network Shuts Down - Pandora Young
- Newspaper death watch about to expire - Wisconsin State Journal
- Tribune to Seek Creditor Vote on Fraudulent-Conveyance - Bloomberg
- Tribune planning $15 million more in executive bonuses - Kevin Roderick
Thought For Today 5-26-2010
- John Naisbitt
The Last Weeks of Production in Orange County

The Los Angeles Times Orange County Production Facility closing has changed several times, with the latest news keeping two crews at the facility untill June 12th, 2010. All other crews transfer to the downtown facility this Sunday.
Michael Miller’s Crew will operate the Orange County presses Sunday through Tuesday, with Lloyd Brown’s crew running from Wednesday through Saturday, for the last two weeks of production from Costa Mesa.
Reminder to the folks transferring this Sunday, the cafeteria at Olympic will be closed when you arrive, so I suggest bringing in a lunch until you discover the many different restaurants near the plant.
It's a Girl
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Counterfeit Money from the U.S. Post Office

Los Angeles Times writer David Lazarus wrote an exceptional article on counterfeit U.S. currency passed to a citizen from a United States Post Office here in the Los Angeles area. The citizen is out $800.00 and you could also be taken if you accept currency from the U.S. Post Office.
Read this scary story at the Los Angeles Times
Richard Harman Rest in Peace
In case the word did not get passed to anyone at the Times, Dick Harman from Platemaking, passed away yesterday. Dick had been sick for several years with several illnesses and I don't know what actually killed him. Per Dicks wishes, there will not be any services and he will be cremated.
Russ Burgess
Jose Gomez

Thought For Today 5-25-2010
- Kahlil Gibran
Monday, May 24, 2010
Thought For Today 5-24-2010
- Benjamin Franklin
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thought For Today 5-23-2010
- A. Powell Davies
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thought For Today 5-22-2010
- Tom Head
Friday, May 21, 2010
Save Our Trade: Payroll Check Notice
To: All Hourly Pressroom Employees
We have experienced a problem processing this Friday’s (May 21, 2010) payroll checks. Unfortunately, all payroll checks for tomorrow will be live checks. Anyone who has signed up for direct deposit will be receiving a live check. We expect to have them available by 10AM tomorrow. If you will be coming in to the facility to pick-up your check, please contact your supervisor to confirm the arrival time of your check. If you would like to make other arrangements, for example have us mail your check to your home, please inform your supervisor.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Save Our Trade: Payroll Check Notice
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sign of the Times at the LA Times

The Los Angeles Times Orange County Facility was scheduled to be shut down on March 15th, 2010, but has been given several reprieves, is now set to close on June 15th, 2010. I’m hearing that the plant may continue running one press twice per day until further notice, let’s see what happens. As you know the Orange County Register changed ownership, which means there is a slight chance the Los Angeles Times may produce their newspaper sometime in the near future.
Pressman Mark Austin discovered he’s unable to add his daughter to the Tribune Company health care plan till January 1st, 2011 under the new Obama health care package.
Another colleague from the Orange County Plant was informed the Tribune Company does not reimburse union members for using public transportation. And we thought the Tribune Company was a green company.
Employees at the Los Angeles Times California Community News in Irwindale have begun signing pledge cards to form a union. One of the workers that came outside and spoke with us on Monday shared what our VP of Operations told her and her colleagues: “Don’t trust the union, trust me like my workers at the Los Angeles Times Olympic Facility do!” We had a great laugh after this was shared.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Olympic Facility Cafeteria Closing May 29th

Everyone’s favorite chef at the Los Angeles Times Olympic Facility will be saying farewell to Mohini Bappi as she departs the facility on May 29th. Seems the company feels the cafeteria is costing more than it’s worth, as the café will be closing.
DATE: May 13, 2010
TO: All Employees
FROM: Mark Banuelos, Sr. Manager, HR
SUBJECT: Elimination of Cafeteria Services – Olympic Facility
Due to declining usage, cafeteria service at the Olympic facility will be terminated beginning Saturday, May 29. Employees can continue to utilize the cafeteria seating area and we will ensure that vending machines in the facility are adequately stocked with product.
Monday Night in the Blogosphere
- How to Save the News - The Atlantic
- Who's dying in Los Angeles - Gary Scott
- If Facebook were smart… - Buzz Machine
- Annenberg Journalists: Fight On! - Marc Cooper
- The Post will survive the recession and the Web - WP
- Journalism Shop seeks reporters - Journalism Shop
- Newspaper industry fights back - The Globe and Mail
- 2010 layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers - Paper Cuts
- A friend of mine cancelled his LA Times - Advice Goddess
- Why Google May Be Industry’s Best Friend - Newspaper Death Watch
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Death of Press
Save Our Trade: Half Mast For Fallen Two From O.C.
It is with great sadness to report the loss of two long time Orange County
Pressroom employees. Supervisor Jose Gomez has lost his admirably fought battle against cancer. Jose has my deep respect as a fighter for his unwillingness to allow his illness to take away from the things that were important to him, those obviously were his commitment to family and friends. Jose will be missed by many.
Brother Alan Miller was struck by a vehicle when it drifted onto the shoulder of the road and ran into his bike from behind while cycling in Corona. Alan was a man of very few words and his reclusive nature was understood and accepted by everyone in O.C. Alan sadly appeared void of emotion and deeply tormented due to traumatic events in his life; faith tells me that his pain and burdens have been lifted and he is now filled with peace.
No details for services have been announced at this time but will be made available as soon as the families make arrangements for their loved ones. Our Sympathies and prayers go out to the Families and survivors of Jose and Brother Alan.
Save Our Trade: Half Mast For Fallen Two From O.C.
Sunday Morning in the Blogosphere
time and place to be announced soon.
- Four in the morning - Gary Scott
- Editing your customers - Jeff Jarvis
- Tribune filed 16 Applications for Consent - FCC
- All Philly Newspaper Employees to Be Fired - NBC
- R.I.P. Honolulu Advertiser - Newspaper Death Watch
- $1 Trillion Flushed Down The Toilet - Advice Goddess
- 2010 layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers - Paper Cuts
- Taser Lawsuit: Yuceff Young II (Brooklyn, OH) - Electronic Village
- Tribune waiver requests are on the ex parte line - Radio Business
- Angelo Gordon angles for influence at Tribune - Benton Foundation
Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations Tribune Co.
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 1:35 PM
Subject: Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations - Now Online
Tribune works to make sure you have the right tools to understand and manage your benefits. To support that effort, you can now manage your life and accident beneficiary designations online.
Next week, you will receive a mailing at home from Minnesota Life, Tribune's life insurance carrier. It explains how to access their secure website,, and name your beneficiary(ies) for your life and accident insurances. Once you name your beneficiary(ies), you can access the website anytime to make changes.
Naming a beneficiary is important so that proceeds are distributed according to your wishes. That's why now is a good time to visit the website and designate who you would like to be the beneficiary(ies) for these plans.
Current designations on file on paper will not be valid after August 30, 2010.
If you do not name a beneficiary with Minnesota Life by Sept. 1, 2010, the plan will designate "default" beneficiaries for you based on the following order of priority: spouse, children, parents, siblings, estate.
Please note that your retirement plan beneficiary(ies) continue to be administered by the Hewitt Retirement Center. To review or change your retirement plan beneficiary(ies), visit or call 800/872-2222 (option 1).
If you have questions about designating a beneficiary for your life and accident insurance, contact Minnesota Life directly at 866/293-6047.
Kevin Dansart
Director, Benefits Administration
Message from Gerry Spector Tribune Co.
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:32 AM
Subject: Message from Gerry Spector/Don Meek Appointed EVP/CRO of Publishing and Interactive
Today we announced that Don Meek has been named executive vice president/chief revenue officer for our interactive and publishing divisions.
Previously, Don was president/national media sales for interactive and publishing. He will be responsible for developing and implementing sales strategies for the company’s interactive and publishing divisions, including cross-media sales, focusing on improving the company’s revenue management and marketing capabilities.
The press release regarding this announcement is attached.
Press Release:
Tribune Company today announced that Don Meek has been named executive vice president/chief revenue officer for its interactive and publishing divisions effective immediately.
Meek will be responsible for developing and implementing sales strategies for the company’s interactive and publishing divisions, including cross-media sales. He will lead Tribune’s sales management efforts, identify and implement key initiatives companywide and focus on improving the company’s revenue management and marketing capabilities.
“Don’s experience at Tribune and his knowledge of the sales and marketing industry make him the right choice to lead our sales force and grow sales across media platforms,” said Gerry Spector, chief operating office at Tribune. “He’s the guy who sees the revenue before it sees us.”
“I’m fired up to take on this broader role within the publishing and interactive organization at Tribune,” said Meek. “We have outstanding sales teams in our local markets and I’m looking forward to working in partnership with our sales leaders to accelerate our success.”
Previously, Meek held the president/national media sales for Tribune’s interactive and publishing divisions, as well as president/integrated media for The Los Angeles Times. Meek brings a wealth of knowledge from prior sales and media posts at Sony Pictures Entertainment, iFilm Corp, Engine and Fox Sports Net.
Friday, May 14, 2010
In Memory of Jose Gomez

From Wendy Coleman:
Hi Everyone,
I’m sure all you have heard the sad news that our friend Jose Gomez passed away this week. Jose's daughter called today to let everyone know that Jose passed on Tuesday May 11th in Mexico. He took Ludy there to show her where he grew up. He even found an old friend who is now a priest and gave him his last rights. Ludy just arrived home today with his ashes. There will be no church service for Jose; however they will have a memorial at the house. No date has been set so I will let you know ASAP. Also, if you happen to have any pictures of Jose can you send them to John Wenzel. He is going to put a collage together to put up at the memorial. His email address is
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Thought For Today 5-13-2010
Katherine Mansfield
The End Of Road: Time to Retire This Blog

Read the rest at:
Get Lost With Easy-Writer: The End Of Road: Time to Retire This Blog
"There are many terrific pieces here that I'm proud to have written. I have to thank the Los Angeles Times Pressmen for giving me my start as a blogger. It was an appreciation I wrote for Otis Chandler that kicked off this blog."
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wednesday On The Milblogs

"I'm already accepted to embed with 1st MEF (Marine Expeditionary Force) Fwd, to write a "boots-on-the-ground" series, and the Marines will push me out into Helmand-Nimroz-Farah Provinces. This is a critical time in the war; Mr. Obama's staked considerable prestige on tripling American troop strength in order to give Karzai's government a chance to succeed".-Andrew Lubin on Kickstarter
Popular milblogs rally to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Blackfive
11 Soldiers with Forward Surgical Team in Kunar are Mothers. Spend Mother's Day, taking care of others' children: PRT Kunar
Bumble Bee Tuna, Anyone?: Spring Break in Afghanistan
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Jose Gomez Rest in Peace

We are saddened with the loss of Orange County Pressroom supervisor Jose Gomez, a very different type of supervisor that treated everyone with a smile and lots of jokes. Jose will be missed by all of his colleagues at the Orange County Facility and the Olympic Facility.
Services are pending at this time.
Alan Miller Rest in Peace

The Orange County Register has published the details of the accident.
Services are pending at this time.
Rest in peace our brother.
Thought For Today 5-11-2010
Joan Didion
Monday, May 10, 2010
The FST Sends A Fabulous Note of Appreciation

The Kitchen Dispatch: The FST Sends A Fabulous Note of Appreciation: "'Thank you for everything you have done to help build the morale of the FST personnel, and raise the spirits and quality of life for the local national children whom we treat."
Thought For Today 5-10-2010
Mary Kay Ash
Friday, May 07, 2010
Gazing at the Flag: Military Spouse Appreciation Day
Ben Stein wrote this a year ago:
"These women will never be on the cover of People. They will never be on the tabloid shows on TV about movie stars. But they are the power and the strength that keep America going. Without them, we are nothing at all. With them, we can do everything.Read the rest at:
They are the glue that holds the nations together, stronger than politicians, stronger than talking heads, stronger than al Qaeda.
They deserve all the honor and love a nation can give. They have my prayers, and my wife’s, every morning and every night."
Gazing at the Flag: Military Spouse Appreciation Day
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Los Angeles Times Newspaper Kittens

Around Valentine's Day 2010, our mom Signal found herself pregnant with six kittens, and no place to go. One lucky day, she found a dry box with a blanket
in the basement of the L.A. Times parking garage, so she had her babies there.
Other kitties lived there too, and there were people who put food out for everyone. Mom managed to keep all six of us babies alive and healthy this way. When the people discovered us, they caught all seven of us and took us home. The next day, mom went to FixNation to get spayed, and get all of her shots.
Now, the seven of us are living in a tiny 5x8 bathroom. It's a little cramped, but at least we're safe here. We've been given our first vaccinations, flea control and some medication to clear up our eye infections. On April 28th, we're all going in to get spayed/neutered, and we'll be tested for FIV/FeLV then too. After that, we'll be ready to go to our forever homes. We'd love to be adopted in pairs. Our mom is looking for a home too, so if you're looking to adopt just one cat, we can highly recommend her! She's a little shy, but she's making progress every day.
Visit their page on Facebook and maybe even adopt one of the kittens!
Thursday Morning in the Blogosphere
brought back to work after being laid off at the newspaper
Al Albanes
- A less perfect Union-Tribune - Gary Scott
- Newspaper Layout Fail - Pandora Young
- Printing Moves to Detroit Lakes Plant - E&P
- Hoiles: Dynasty to bankruptcy - OC Register
- Facebook’s identity opportunity – Jeff Jarvis
- Blogger turns Good Samaritan - Kevin Roderick
- The Oklahoman announces reductions - NewsOK
- Freedom Communications not for sale - OC Register
- Pressroom Resumes Printing Sat, Sun Editions - E&P
- News Corp 3rd Quarter Revenue Growth of 19% - Yahoo
Students kicked off campus for wearing t-shirts with American flags

Okay, I can't say whether or not those students who all decided to wear the same t-shirts and bandannas were doing to incite a fight. What I can say is that those of Mexican heritage, the administration, and the alleged perpetrators were completely lacking historical knowledge.
And that should be more of a pisser than anything else.
I mean, c'mon, get it together.
Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day. It's to mark the anniversary of the Battle of Puebla in 1862, when a small Mexican Army fought off and won a much larger French

I can't say whether the French Army was drunk off their butts after a night of imbibing the best tequila (because the French would only seek out and have premium stuff). However, if one wanted to be irreverent, they should have worn French ones. They could wear berets, screen films by Truffaut, perhaps have a picnic with serving French food made from recipes straight out of the very American Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," and yes, blare Edith Piaf in the cafeteria. They could practice pithy pick-up lines like, "You have that certain je ne sais quois."
The Mexican students could counter by offering up their own well known cuisine,

But both ought to think about being the melting pot rather than the salad bowl with all its various elements, which has led to separation. Read about that here in Victor Davis Hanson's "The Remains of a California Day."
Thought For Today 5-6-2010
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
"We're at war, America is at the mall."
"I know his family for a long time, and they are very humble people," said Faiz Ahmad, a Pabbi villager. "I met Shahzad a year ago. … I found him to be very calm and quiet."Wake up. He's not that calm, not that quiet, and in fact ...he's deadly. Why are journalists wasting their times getting quotes like this?
Clarence Otis, Jr.

Clarence Otis Jr. Is the CEO of Darden Restaurants Inc., the largest casual dining operator in the nation. The firm operates nearly 1,400 company-owned restaurants coast to coast serving 300 million meals annually. Darden employs 150,000 workers and has annual revenues of $6 billion.
Born in Vicksburg , Mississippi , Otis moved to Los Angeles when he was 6 years old. His father was a high school dropout who worked as a janitor. The family lived in Watts at the time of the 1965 riots. In the post-Watts period, Otis recalls being stopped and questioned by police several times a year because of the color of his skin.
A high school guidance counselor recommended him for a scholarship at Williams College , the highly selective liberal arts institution in Massachusetts . Otis graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Williams and went on to earn a law degree at Stanford. Otis landed on Wall Street as a merger and acquisitions attorney for J.P. Morgan Securities. He joined Darden Restaurants in 1995 as corporate treasurer. He became CEO in 2004.
Thought For Today 5-5-2010
Kahlil Gibran
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Offline till Thursday
Send Andrew Lubin Back To Afghanistan!

Over on Facebook and The Kitchen Dispatch, we're supporting a Former Marine, award winning journalist and professor Andrew Lubin. Lubin is a member of the distinguished US Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association. Presently, Lubin is raising funds to offset the costs of his eleventh trip to the war zone with the Marines as an embedded reporter. He needs to raise $2700 in order to pay for his ticket. Andrew's reporting has appeared in newspapers, and he's also appeared on the evening news. The writer of many essays, opinion pieces and books, he's an independent journalist worth reporting. Click on the widget below.
Thought For Today 5-4-2010
Helen Keller
Monday, May 03, 2010
Thought For Today 5-3-2010
Winston Churchill
Sunday, May 02, 2010
173rd Airborne, 2-503 Fundraiser

Read more and get the fundraiser link at:
The Kitchen Dispatch
Lessons In Balance In A Field In Afghanistan

There's a lesson here for when things get rough and challenges seem insurmountable.
The Kitchen Dispatch
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Saturday On The Milblogs

- Clean Water Flows In Kunar Village: PRT Kunar
- 934 Soldiers Waiting To Be Adopted: Soldier's Angels
- UPI - Vets donate settlement money to charities: The Burn Pit
- Small Things Can Be So Important: CI Roller Dude
- Interpreters On Facebook: Afghan Quest
Saturday Afternoon in the Blogosphere
- Consolidation of 2 newspapers - Star Bulletin
- Associated Press profit and revenue slide - AP
- Tribune Co. seeks FCC action - Chicago Tribune
- Mayor Sam on LATalkRadio Tonight! - Mayor Sam
- Examiner to probe 2007 buyout of Tribune - LA Times
- Orange County Register changes hands - Kevin Roderick
- San Diego Reader And Printing Company Suing - Pandora
- Auction for Philadelphia Newspapers - Wall Street Journal
- Washington’s dailies see subscriber exodus - Puget Sound
- How to Save Local Newspapers - Newspaper Death Watch
Thought For Today 5-1-2010
Dwight D. Eisenhower