Everyone’s favorite chef at the Los Angeles Times Olympic Facility will be saying farewell to Mohini Bappi as she departs the facility on May 29th. Seems the company feels the cafeteria is costing more than it’s worth, as the café will be closing.
DATE: May 13, 2010
TO: All Employees
FROM: Mark Banuelos, Sr. Manager, HR
SUBJECT: Elimination of Cafeteria Services – Olympic Facility
Due to declining usage, cafeteria service at the Olympic facility will be terminated beginning Saturday, May 29. Employees can continue to utilize the cafeteria seating area and we will ensure that vending machines in the facility are adequately stocked with product.
figures like thats going to save alot of money geeez what next pay for parking its ok im sure the taco trucks across the street will like the buissnes besides if you ever go down to the square were pressman are treated like crap compared to the yuppie writers youll see a lot better calfiteria there. are they closing that one too?
boo hoo hoo....
Could it possibly be that cafeteria usage is declining due to the fact that the number of people employed at the times seems to shrink all the time??? The end is near, the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming freight train :)
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