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Services for: Richard Le Baron Renchard
Visitation :
Date: Thursday, June 03, 2010
Location: Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills
Start Time: 4:00 PM
Prayer Service:
Date: Friday, June 04, 2010
Location: Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills
Old North Church
Start Time: 7:00 PM
Funeral Service:
Date: Saturday, June 05, 2010
Location: Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills
Church of the Hills
Start Time: 9:30 AM
6300 Forest Lawn Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90068
Condolences to the Renchard family and to the pressmen and women of the LA Times. R.I.P. Richard.
I got to work with Richard Renchard as his Tension Specialist for many years. The Vulture always seem to have an "open" slot when it came my turn to select a shift for the year. I got to know him pretty well. We had our clashes, as sure some of us all did when working together year after year, but I would always seem to find my way back to his crew. His favorite saying "I'm going to shoot myself" was always a way of knowing he was around. I know I might not have been the easiest guy to work with at times, but I like to think Vulture and I worked well together. The best year we had was when Vulture got the privilege(torture) of working with the bottom of the seniority board.
T-Man-Hernandez.Mill Splice
Rodelio.........Dead Eye
Chadwick........Single Cell
Dendy...........Sweat Heart
Sophia..........Dream Girl
Troy F..........Brother Troy
I remember talking to Richard a few years back after we both had left the times. He laugh at some of the things that happened we when worked at the Times, a lot better than when it happened at work. My condolences to the Renchard Family.
Rudy Hernandez
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