Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today in Labor History

February 26  --  SOURCE: Union Communications Services, Inc.

Congress okays the Contract Labor Law, designed to clamp down on "business agents" who contracted abroad for 2013.02.25history-buffalo-creek-floodimmigrant labor. One of the reasons unions supported the measure: employers were using foreign workers to fight against the growing U.S. labor movement, primarily by deploying immigrant labor to break strikes - 1885

Bethlehem Steel workers strike for union recognition, Bethlehem, Penn. - 1941

A coal slag heap doubling as a dam in West Virginia’s Buffalo Creek Valley collapsed, flooding the 17-mile long valley. 118 died, 5,000 were left homeless. The Pittston Coal Co. said it was "an act of God" - 1972

A 20-week strike by 70,000 Southern California supermarket workers ends, with both sides claiming victory - 2004

Asking ALL Fellow Pro-Union Pages And ALL Who Support Organized Labor To Please SHARE. Over 200 Plus I.L.A. Family Sustaining Jobs Were Decimated In The Port Of Philadelphia / South Jersey By Holt & Del Monte Corporate Greed & Union Busting Even After Labor Agreed To Demanded Concessions , This Must Never Be Forgotten Or Repeated !!! Again ,Please Show Your Union Solidarity And Help Bring Attention To This Disgraceful Attack By SHARING With Your Friends & Followers ! Thank You And Solidarity Forever !!

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