Saturday, February 28, 2015

Russ Newton named publisher at Times Community News

New head of Times Community News says he sees value in print journalism.

From the left; Russ Newton, Larry Brush, and Raul Campos

Readers may soon see papers in coin-operated newspaper boxes again, said Times Community News Publisher Russ Newton, a move he said will increase the availability of the Glendale News-Press and Burbank Leader to interested readers as well as highlight its worth.

“We are going to charge something for the newspaper,” said Newton, who added that it’s not about raising money, but because “there’s value to the product.”

Earlier this month, Austin Beutner, publisher and chief executive of the Los Angeles Times, named Newton publisher of Times Community News, a portfolio of local papers that includes the News-Press, the Burbank Leader and the La Cañada Valley Sun. He will also oversee three community titles based in Orange County: The Daily Pilot, Coastline Pilot and Huntington Beach Independent. 

Full article can be read here

I'm uncertain if I should congratulate Russ or offer sympathy, is this actually a promotion or a demotion? 

Saturday Morning in the Blogosphere

If your wondering why posts have been sparse the last fews months; I'm a full time truck driver for the local food bank, as a volunteer. If your in need of food drop by 1350 Arrow Highway, La Verne from noon to 3pm today and we'll take care of you.

Police need public's help ... so do newspapers - Sauk Valley

Tribune Broadcasting Digital Traffic Hits All-Time High - PR Newswire

Tribune Media to Participate in the Internet Telecom Conference - PR Newswire

Russ Newton named publisher at Times Community News - Glendale News-Press

Owner of New York’s Daily News, Mortimer Zuckerman, Weighs Selling It - NYT

Juliet Lapidos leaves the NYT to become Los Angeles Times OP-ED editor - Romenesko

Former NYT Editor Jill Abramson speaks with Chronicle Editor Audrey Cooper - SF Gate

AT&T Celebrates Black History Month

AT&T 28 Days celebrates Black History Month by honoring 10 dynamic individuals from the past and present. Watch as they discuss how they are working to change the game.

Today in Labor History

U.S. Supreme Court finds that a Utah state law limiting mine and smelter workers to an 8-hour workday is constitutional - 1898
(Actually Leap Year Feb. 29) The minimum age allowed by law for workers in mills, factories, and mines in South Carolina is raised from 12 to 14 - 1915
2015.02.23history at Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor: Your heart will be broken by this exceptional book’s photographs of children at backbreaking, often life-threatening work, and the accompanying commentary by author Russell Freedman. Photographer Lewis Hine—who himself died in poverty in 1940—did as much, and perhaps more, than any social critic in the early part of the 20th century to expose the abuse of children, as young as three and four, by American capitalism.)
Members of the Chinese Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union in San Francisco’s Chinatown begin what is to be a2015.02.23history garment.strikers successful four-month strike for better wages and conditions at the National Dollar Stores factory and three retail outlets – 1938
(Actually leap year Feb. 29) Screen Actors Guild member Hattie McDaniel becomes the first African-American to win an Academy Award, honored for her portrayal of “Mammy” in “Gone with the Wind” - 1940
In response to the layoff of 450 union members at a 3M factory in New Jersey, every worker at a 3M factory in Elandsfontein, South Africa, walks off the job in sympathy - 1986
February 27
Legendary labor leader and socialist presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs becomes charter member and secretary of the Vigo Lodge, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. Five years later he is leading the national union and in 1893 helps found the nation’s first industrial union, the American Railway Union - 1875
Birth of John Steinbeck in Salinas, Calif. Steinbeck is best known for writing The Grapes of Wrath, which exposed the mistreatment of migrant farm workers during the Depression and led to some reforms - 1902
Thirty-eight miners die in a coal mine explosion in Boissevain, Va. - 19322015.02.23history woolworths.sitdown
Four hundred fifty Woolworth’s workers and customers occupy store for eight days in support of Waiters and Waitresses Union, Detroit - 1937
The Supreme Court rules that sit-down strikes, a major organizing tool for industrial unions, are illegal - 1939
Mine disaster kills 75 at Red Lodge, Mont. - 1943
February 26
Congress OKs the Contract Labor Law, designed to clamp down on "business agents" who contracted abroad for immigrant labor. One of the reasons unions supported the measure: employers were using foreign workers to fight against the growing U.S. labor movement, primarily by deploying immigrant labor to break strikes - 1885
2015.02.23history Labor Law Source Book: Texts of 20 Federal Labor Laws is a handy collection that puts the full texts of all the major U.S. labor laws into one book. Includes the National Labor Relations Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Family and Medical Leave Act and 15 more. The full, actual language of each law is presented—without elaboration by the editor—and a helpful topic finder at the back of the book tells you which laws apply to basic concerns and classes of workers.)
Bethlehem Steel workers strike for union recognition, Bethlehem, Pa. - 1941
A coal slag heap doubling as a dam in West Virginia’s Buffalo Creek Valley collapsed, flooding the 17-mile long valley. 118 died, 5,000 were left homeless. The Pittston Coal Co. said it was "an act of God" - 1972
A 20-week strike by 70,000 Southern California supermarket workers ends, with both sides claiming victory - 2004
February 25
Amalgamated Association of Street & Electric Railway Employees of America change name to Amalgamated Transit Union - 1965
The Order of Railroad Telegraphers change name to Transportation-Communication Employees Union - 19652015.02.23history wisc.protesters
A crowd estimated to be 100,000 strong rallied at the Wisconsin state Capitol in protest of what was ultimately was to become a successful push by the state’s Republican majority to cripple public employee bargaining rights - 2011

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Alexandra Le Tellier to become Los Angeles Times's new digital team leader

To: The Staff
From: Megan Garvey, Deputy Managing Editor

I’m very excited to announce that Alexandra Le Tellier will join the newsroom’s digital team as a senior editor, working closely with our teams in entertainment and features to promote their coverage on our site and in social media.
Alexandra is known for her boundless energy and her keen attention to detail (and that’s understating it). During 4½ years in Opinion, she played a key role in increasing readership and engagement many times over. She organized special digital projects such as The 21st Century Citizen, which explored the meaning of U.S. citizenship in today’s world, and Roadshare, which looked at whether L.A.’s drivers and cyclists will ever be able to share the city’s streets.
Alexandra has been with The Times since 2007. She has a passion for arts and entertainment – particularly movies and television – as well as wellness and home design. She was the deputy editor of Brand X and managing editor of the L.A. edition of Metromix, an entertainment website and print weekly. She also worked for and freelanced for Los Angeles Magazine, Variety and People. She grew up in L.A. and is a 2002 graduate of Emerson College.
She will report to me.

Today in Labor History

2015.02.23history lawrence strikeU.S. Supreme Court upholds Oregon state restrictions on the working hours of women, justified as necessary to protect their health. A laundry owner was fined $10 for making a female employee work more than 10 hours in a single day - 1908
Women and children textile strikers beaten by Lawrence, Mass., police during a 63-day walkout protesting low wages and work speedups - 1912
Congress passes a federal child labor tax law that imposed a 10 percent tax on companies that employ children, defined as anyone under the age of 16 working in a mine/quarry or under the age 14 in a “mill, cannery, workshop, factory, or manufacturing establishment.” The Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional three years later - 1919

Today in Media History: Floyd Gibbons broadcasts the first daily network radio news program in 1930 | Poynter.

Today in Media History: Floyd Gibbons broadcasts the first daily network radio news program in 1930 | Poynter.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Abram N Apodaca Rest in Peace

February 17, 1939 - January 26, 2015

Retired Los Angeles Times Pressman Abram Noe Apodace has passed away last month, I remember him as a quiet man, that was always cheerful. May he rest in eternal sleep.

Messages can be left on his tribute wall

Today in Labor History

2015.02.23history duboisW.E.B. DuBois, educator and civil rights activist, born - 1868
The National Marine Engineers Association (now the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association), representing deck and engine officers on U.S. flag vessels, is formed at a convention in Cleveland, Ohio - 1875
The Journeyman Bakers’ National Union receives its charter from the American Federation of Labor - 1887
William Randolph Hearst’s San Francisco Examiner began publishing articles on the menace of Japanese laborers, leading to a resolution in the California legislature that action be taken against their immigration - 1904
Woody Guthrie wrote “This Land Is Your Land” following a frigid trip—partially by hitchhiking, partially by rail—from California to Manhattan. The Great Depression was still raging. Guthrie had heard Kate Smith’s recording of “God Bless America” and resolved to himself: “We can’t just bless America, we’ve got to change it” - 19402015.02.23history guthrie
(Woody Guthrie: A Life: Folksinger and political activist Woody Guthrie contributed much to the American labor movement, not the least of which are his classic anthems "Union Maid" and "This Land Is Your Land." This is an easy-to-read, honest description of Guthrie’s life, from a childhood of poverty to an adulthood of music and organizing—and a life cut short by incurable disease. Guthrie’s life and work inspired millions while he lived and continues to do so through musicians such as his son Arlo, Bob Dylan, Billy Bragg and Bruce Springsteen, to name just a few. Guthrie is portrayed as he was—an imperfect being but one with a gift that helped millions as they struggled toward better lives.)
Association of Flight Attendants granted a charter by the AFL-CIO - 1984
Following voter approval for the measure in 2003, San Francisco’s minimum wage rises to $8.50, up from $6.75 - 2004

Today in Media History: The 70th anniversary of Joe Rosenthal’s Iwo Jima photo | Poynter.

Today in Media History: The 70th anniversary of Joe Rosenthal’s Iwo Jima photo | Poynter.

Monday Night in the Blogosphere

Rest in Peace Brian Quintana

Los Angeles Times Festival of Books - L.A. Times

AP goes into business with podcasting service - Poynter

Los Angeles Times Wins Silver Medal in Features - SND

Walkout suddenly gives Missouri town rival newspapers - Joplin Globe

Energetic reporter Julie Wernau ends ‘wild ride’ at Tribune - Robert Feder

Unemployment rates are falling for everyone but journalism grads - Fusion

Stephens Media newspapers sold to New York investment group - ArkTimes

BuzzFeed newsletter begins expansion into breaking news platform - Editors Weblog

Will cash-strapped newspapers be tempted to get cosier with advertisers? - The Guardian

Mall of America security tells St. Paul Pioneer reporter she's not allowed in - Romenesko

Saturday, February 21, 2015

5 front pages from 5 warm places | Poynter.

5 front pages from 5 warm places | Poynter.

Today in Labor History

February 21 - Union Communications Services, Inc.2015.02.16history 8.hours
A state law was enacted in California providing the 8-hour day for most workers, but it was not effectively enforced - 1868
Transportation-Communication Employees Union merges with Brotherhood of Railway, Airline & Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express & Station Employees - 1969
United Farm Workers of America granted a charter by the AFL-CIO - 1972
February 202015.02.16history lowell.mills
Responding to a 15 percent wage cut, women textile workers in Lowell, Mass., organize a “turn-out”—a strike—in protest. The action failed. Two years later they formed the Factory Girl’s Association in response to a rent hike in company boarding houses and the increase was rescinded. One worker’s diary recounts a “stirring speech” of resistance by a co-worker, 11-year-old Harriet Hanson Robinson - 1834
Rally for unemployed becomes major confrontation in Philadelphia, 18 arrested for demanding jobs - 1908
Thousands of women march to New York’s City Hall demanding relief from exorbitant wartime food prices. Inflation had wiped out any wage gains made by workers, leading to a high level of working class protest during World War I - 1917
2015.02.16history peoples.history(If your last serious read of American history was in high school—or even in a standard college course—you’ll want to read this amazing account of America as seen through the eyes of its working people, women and minorities. Howard Zinn (1922-2010) was a widely respected historian, author, playwright, and social activist. InA People’s History of the United States: 1492-Present, he turns history on its head with his carefully researched and dramatic recounting of America and its people—not just its bankers, industrialists, generals and politicians.)
United Mine Workers settle 10-month Pittston strike in Virginia, Kentucky and West Virginia - 1990
February 19
American Federation of Labor issues a charter to its new Railroad Employees Department - 1909
2015.02.16history reviving.strike
A few weeks after workers ask for a 25¢ hourly wage, the Philadelphia Rapid Transit (streetcar) Co. fires 173 union members “for the good of the service” and brings in replacements from New York City. Striker-scab battles and a general strike ensued - 1910
(In Reviving the Strike: How Working People can Regain Power and Transform America, labor lawyer Joe Burns draws on economics, history and current analysis in arguing that the labor movement must redevelop an effective strike based on the now outlawed traditional labor tactics of stopping production and workplace-based solidarity. The book challenges the prevailing view that tactics such as organizing workers or amending labor law can save trade unionism in this country.)
Journeymen Stonecutters Association of North America merges with Laborers’ Int’l Union - 1968
2015.02.16history weingartenThe U.S. Supreme Court decides in favor of sales clerk Leura Collins and her union, the Retail Clerks, in NLRB v. J. Weingarten Inc.—the case establishing that workers have a right to request the presence of their union steward if they believe they are to be disciplined for a workplace infraction - 1975
Int’l Union of Police Associations granted a charter by the AFL-CIO - 1979
Farm Labor Organizing Committee signs agreement with Campbell Soup Co., ending 7-year boycott - 1986
2015.02.16history printing.pressFebruary 18
One of the first American labor newspapers, The Man, is published in New York City. It cost 1¢ and, according to The History of American Journalism, “died an early death.” Another labor paper, N.Y. Daily Sentinel, had been launched four years earlier - 1834
Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29¢ an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903 - 1918

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Today in Media History: Edward Stone was the first American mortally wounded during World War I | Poynter.

Today in Media History: Edward Stone was the first American mortally wounded during World War I | Poynter.

Today in Labor History

2015.02.16history fansteel strikersSixty-three sit-down strikers, demanding recognition of their union, are tear-gassed and driven from two Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. plants in Chicago. Two years later the U.S. Supreme Court declared sit-down strikes illegal. The tactic had been a major industrial union organizing tool - 1937
Two locals of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Int'l Union (now UNITE HERE) at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., strike in sympathy with 1,300 graduate student teaching assistants who are demanding the right to negotiate with the university - 1992

Tuesday Morning in the Blogosphere

Louie Aguilar and Frank Diaz. 
Louie is now at home recovering from open heart surgery

Sun-Times can't win for losing - Robert Feder

Icy roads slowing delivery of newspapers - Knox News

Jose Antonio Vargas partners with Los Angeles Times - CNN Money

Sunday was publisher day in the pages of the LA Times - LAObserved

Oaktree Capital Buys Store Capital, Tribune Media, Eagle Bulk - Value Walk

OCR Loses Latino Reporter, Editor in Further Gabacho-fication of Paper - OCW

Sudan cracks down on press seizing entire print runs of 14 papers - The Guardian

Newspaper group seeks voluntary layoffs at Michigan publications - Crain's Detroit

i newspaper to increase cover price by 10p for second time in a year - Press Gazette

Dear Readers: It’s the blizzard that’s canceled, *NOT* your newspaper - Romenesko

Mariel Garza of Sacramento Bee joins LA Times editorial board - LA Observed

Mariel Garza of Sacramento Bee joins LA Times editorial board - LA Observed

Sunday, February 15, 2015

David Carr died of lung cancer, autopsy finds | Poynter.

David Carr died of lung cancer, autopsy finds | Poynter.

Today in Labor History

2015.02.16history oreillyFebruary 16
Leonora O’Reilly was born in New York. The daughter of Irish immigrants, she began working in a factory at 11, joined the Knights of Labor at 16, and was a volunteer investigator of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911. She was a founding member of the Women’s Trade Union League - 1870
Diamond Mine disaster in Braidwood, Ill. The coal mine was on a marshy tract of land with no natural drainage. Snow melted and forced a collapse on the east side of the mine, killing 74 - 1883
Beginning of a 17-week general strike of 12,000 New York furriers, in which Jewish workers formed a coalition with Greek and African American workers and became the first union to win a 5-day, 40-hour week - 1926
Rubber Workers begin sit-down strike at Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. - 1936
American Wire Weavers Protective Association merges with United Papermakers & Paperworkers - 1959
All public schools in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisc., are closed as teachers call in sick to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s plans to gut their collective bargaining rights - 2011

Friday, February 13, 2015

Keith Olbermann remembers the life of KTLA news reporter, Stan Chambers.

Today in Media History: In 1946 the press introduced the 30-ton ENIAC computer | Poynter.

Today in Media History: In 1946 the press introduced the 30-ton ENIAC computer | Poynter.

Stan Chambers, the dean of LA television reporters, dies at 91 - LA Observed

Stan Chambers, the dean of LA television reporters, dies at 91 - LA Observed

Today in Labor History

A national eight-month strike by the Sons of Vulcan, a union of iron forgers, ends in victory when employers agreed to a wage scale based on the price of iron bars—the first time employers recognized the union, the first union contract in the iron and steel industry, and what may be the first union contract of any kind in the United States - 1865
Some 12,000 Hollywood writers returned to work today following a largely successful three-month strike against television and motion picture studios. They won compensation for their TV and movie work that gets streamed on the Internet - 20082015.02.09history-working.stiffs
(Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff: An Expanded Guide to Films About Labor is an encyclopedic guide to 350 labor films from around the world, ranging from those you’ve heard of—Salt of the Earth, The Grapes of Wrath, Roger & Me—to those you’ve never heard of but will fall in love with once you see them. Fiction and nonfiction, the films are about unions, labor history, working-class life, political movements, and the struggle between labor and capital.)
2015.02.09history-douglassFebruary 12
Abolitionist Frederick Douglass born into slavery near Easton, Md. - 1818
John L. Lewis, president of United Mine Workers of America and founding president of the CIO, born near Lucas, Iowa - 1880

February 11
Five hundred Japanese and 200 Mexican laborers unite to fight the labor contractor responsible for hiring at the American Beet Sugar Co. in Oxnard, Calif. They ultimately win higher wages and the right to shop at stores not owned by the company - 1903
2015.02.09history-mother.jones.arrestedMary Harris “Mother” Jones is arrested while leading a protest of conditions in West Virginia mines. She was 83 years old at the time - 1913
Fifteen thousand rubber workers strike in Akron, Ohio, protesting speed-up - 1913
The Seattle General Strike ends after six days. Some 65,000 workers struck for higher pay after two years of World War I wage controls - 1919
“White Shirt Day” at UAW-represented GM plants. Union members are encouraged to wear white shirts, marking the anniversary of the 1936-1937 Flint sit-down strike that gave the union bargaining rights at the automaker. The mission: send a message that “blue collar” workers deserve the same respect as their management counterparts. One of the day’s traditional rules: Don’t get your shirt any dirtier than the boss gets his. The 44-day strike was won in 1937 but the tradition didn’t begin until 1948, at the suggestion of Local 598 member Bert Christenson - 1948
Some 1,300 sanitation workers begin what is to become a 64-day strike in Memphis, ultimately winning union recognition and wage increases. The April 4 assassination in Memphis of Martin Luther King Jr., who had been taking an active role in mass meetings and street actions, brought pressure on the city to settle the strike - 19682015.02.09history-orgchange
(Organizing for Social Change, 4th edition: Now in its fourth edition, with updates reflecting changes in contexts and technologies, this is an organizer’s Bible: a comprehensive, real-world tool for organizers of all stripes determined to create attention and affect change. Compiled by leaders of the Midwest Academy, a respected training ground for serious union, community and nonprofit organizers since 1973, the book deals with everything from tactics to the mechanics of how to track a campaign, from coalition-building to using the media to supervising less experienced organizers.)
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker announces he will call out the National Guard, if necessary, to deal with any "unrest" among state employees in the wake of his decision to unilaterally end nearly all collective bargaining rights for the workers. In 2015 he formed an exploratory committee to run for president - 2011

A collection of tributes to David Carr, from a college paper to the paper of record | Poynter.

A collection of tributes to David Carr, from a college paper to the paper of record | Poynter.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Sun-Times plans to cut at least 12 jobs | Poynter.

Sun-Times plans to cut at least 12 jobs | Poynter.

The Chicago Sun-Times hopes to eliminate 22 percent of its newsroom staff through buyouts and layoffs beginning Wednesday, Chicago media reporter Robert Feder writes.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Today in Labor History

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) founds the Building and Construction Trades Department as a way to overcome the jurisdictional conflicts occurring in the building and construction unions - 1908
(Skilled Hands, Strong Spirits: A Century of Building Trades History follows the history of the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO from the emergence of building trades councils in the age of the skyscraper. It takes the reader through treacherous fights over jurisdiction as new building materials and methods of work evolved; and describes numerous Department campaigns to improve safety standards, work with contractors to promote unionized construction, and forge a sense of industrial unity among its fifteen (and at times nineteen) autonomous and highly diverse affiliates.)
Eleven members of the Carpenters’ union in Reesor Siding, Northern Ontario are shot, three fatally, by independent local farmer-settlers who were supplying wood to a Spruce Falls Power and Paper Co. plant. Some 400 union members were attempting to block an outbound shipment from the plant. The action came as the company was insisting on a pay freeze and two months of seven-day-a-week work - 1963
Forty workers are killed on Staten Island, N.Y., when a huge storage tank filled with liquefied gas explodes - 1973

Monday, February 09, 2015

Intercollegiate basketball began 120 years ago, sports coverage soon followed, and continues today with Dean Smith stories | Poynter.

Intercollegiate basketball began 120 years ago, sports coverage soon followed, and continues today with Dean Smith stories | Poynter.

Illegal Street Racing and the Consequences

Tonight only on ‪#‎CBS2‬ News at 11 p.m., Paul Magers goes undercover with a special LAPD unit in pursuit of illegal street racers.

Monday Morning in the Blogosphere

Winners circle at the Auto Club Raceway yesterday

Journalism’s Wish List for 2015 - Editor and Publisher

Life at newspapers isn't going to get any better - David Putney

Crain’s closes Washington bureau, cuts five jobs - Robert Feder

Youngsters rely on social media for information - Khaleej Times

Al Martinez remembered by family, friends, fans - L.A. Daily News

LAT makes APSE's Top 10 best sports websites - AP Sports Editors

Tribune Publishing to Report Fourth Quarter Earnings - MarketWatch

150 years of news: Pressing on with print's busy future - Business Day

Tribune Media Co Receives Average Target Price of $81.33 - Stafford Daily

Newspapers Must Benchmark Against Facebook, Snapchat - Net News Check

Career Beat: Jorge Mettey named vice president of news at Azteca América | Poynter.

Career Beat: Jorge Mettey named vice president of news at Azteca América | Poynter.

Today in Labor History

February 09
Wobbly activist Tom Mooney convicted in bombing frame-up orchestrated by Pinkerton Detective Agency. He was pardoned and released 22 years later - 1917
Congress approves legislation allowing for a total of $940 million to be used for Depression-era relief projects. $790 million of this money was intended to be used to fund work relief and flood recovery programs - 1937
U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy falsely charged that the State Department was riddled with Communists. It seems that just about everyone else the Wisconsin senator didn’t like was a Communist as well, including scores of unionists. This was the beginning of "McCarthyism." He ultimately was officially condemned by the Senate and died of alcoholism - 1950
President Kennedy asks Congress to approve creation of the Medicare program, financed by an increase in Social Security taxes, to aid 14.2 million Americans aged 65 or older - 1961
Some 19,000 Boeing engineers and technical workers in Washington state and Oregon begin what is to become a 40-day strike over economic issues - 2000

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Today in Media History: Do you remember the beginning of Facebook? On its 11th anniversary we look back | Poynter.

Today in Media History: Do you remember the beginning of Facebook? On its 11th anniversary we look back | Poynter.

Food Bank Open Today from 11am till 4pm - La Verne, CA.

Mary and Tajha both work full time jobs, yet find the time to volunteer

As the food crisis intensifies across America many families have been able to bridge the gap by visiting local food banks, such as Sowing Seeds For Life. Depending on weather conditions and the cars snaking down Arrow Highway we will distribute food to anywhere from 550 to 650 families today. The only requirement for receiving food, you must reside in Los Angeles County.

Sowing Seeds For Life
1350 Arrow Highway
La Verne, CA. 91750
(909) 392-5777

Open the 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month from 11am to 4pm

The second Friday of each month for seniors and veterans

The last Saturday each month from 1pm to 3pm, open to anyone in need 

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Today in Labor History

The U.S. Supreme Court rules the United Hatters Union violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by organizing a nationwide boycott of Danbury Hatters of Connecticut - 1908
U.S. Supreme Court upholds the Wages and Hours (later Fair Labor Standards) Act banning child labor and establishing the 40-hour work week - 1941
(The Labor Law Source Book: Texts of 20 Federal Labor Laws: A very handy collection that puts the full texts of all the major U.S. labor laws into one book. Includes the Fair Labor Standards Act, the National Labor Relations Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Family and Medical Leave Act and 15 more. The full, actual language of each law is presented—without elaboration by the editor—and a helpful topic finder at the back of the book tells you which laws apply to basic concerns and classes of workers. A valuable basic reference.)
An explosion at a Thiokol chemical plant near Woodbine, Georgia kills 29 workers, seriously injures 50. An investigation found that contributing factors to the explosion were mislabeled chemicals, poor storage procedures and insufficient fire protection - 1971

Today in Media History: Delivering news about Buddy Holly and ‘the day the music died’ | Poynter.

Today in Media History: Delivering news about Buddy Holly and ‘the day the music died’ | Poynter.

Tuesday Night in the Blogosphere

Sunset from Glendora, California last Thursday

Farewell, Wall Street Journal Sunday - Romenesko

Instagram looks to expand its ‘editorial’ team - DigiDay

Gannett earnings up 54% on broadcasting, digital gains - USA Today

New York Times Co. tops 4Q net income and revenue expectations - Yahoo

Rick Orlov, veteran Daily News City Hall reporter, dies at 66 - Daily Bulletin

Analyst sees local digital ads soaring in 2015, but not for newspapers - Poynter

Bigger size marks ‘new beginning’ for Tribune’s suburban dailies - Robert Feder

A Publisher's Appeal: Can this print newspaper continue as a weekly? - City-sentinel

International press condemns 'spurious' closure of The East African - Editors Weblog

Could U-T San Diego become the first ‘community-owned’ major metro paper? - CJR

Subscribe to the Los Angeles Times for one year, only $10

Yes it's true, you can have the Los Angeles Times delivered to your home or business for the ridiculous low price of ten dollars per year, this is for a Thursday and Sunday editions only.

Click here for additional details

Monday, February 02, 2015

Today in Media History: In 1863 a reporter named Samuel Clemens became Mark Twain | Poynter.

Today in Media History: In 1863 a reporter named Samuel Clemens became Mark Twain | Poynter.

Today in Labor History

Three hundred newsboys organize to protest a cut in pay by the Minneapolis Tribune - 1917
Legal secretary Iris Rivera fired for refusing to make coffee; secretaries across Chicago protest - 1977
The 170-day lockout (although management called it a strike) of 22,000 steelworkers by USX Corp. ends with a pay cut but greater job security. It was the longest work stoppage in the history of the U.S. steel industry - 1987