Friday, September 07, 2018

La Nacion purchases Layout-8000, Color Factory

Costa Rica’s La Nacion has purchased Layout-8000, SCS’s ad dummying software, and Fotoware’s Color Factory, a workflow automation and image enhancement server also sold by SCS, an independent software developer and value added reseller serving the newspaper business.

La Nacion is the largest daily newspaper in Costa Rica.

Layout-8000 will be replacing an in-house layout system, a press release on the buy says. It will be integrated into La Nacion’s existing workflow. Color Factory will be integrated into Nacion’s ARC CMS and Roxen Print workflow, automating the manual toning currently being done.

“La Nacion approached SCS with two great challenges: They needed an updated dummying system that could integrate with their existing front-end as well as feed their new Roxen print editorial system, but at the same time, they wanted to modernize and streamline their automated toning process,” said Kurt Jackson, vice president of SCS. “SCS was able to provide both of these best-of-breed solutions.”

La Nación is expected to go live with Layout-8000 in October 2018. 
Pennsylvania-based SCS is privately held by Richard and Martha Cichelli.

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