Monday, October 29, 2018

YouTube outage sends traffic to publishers

The Oct. 16 outage on YouTube led to a 20 percent rise in traffic to client publishers’ sites, Chartbeat found
Just over half of the increase (11 percent of overall traffic) went to general articles on publisher sites, while articles about the YouTube outage made up a 9 percent lift in the hour-long outage.
Chartbeat analyzed the YouTube outage, which happened around 9 p.m. ET, using global traffic data across a sample of more than 4,000 sites.
Chartbeat compared the traffic boost to a Facebook outage on Aug. 3, 2018, which brought a 2.3 percent net increase to publisher traffic during the 45-minute outage. That outage happened on a Friday afternoon, so most people were probably at work or out for the evening, Chartbeat says. Another factor in the difference is that YouTube is not normally a traffic driver to publishers, Chartbeat points out. 
A Reddit outage in August didn’t show an appreciable effect to overall publisher traffic, Chartbeat says.

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