26 Sept, 1923 - Bulgaria To Fight Communist Control
1923 : The Bulgarian Premier has declared Bulgaria will fight to the last breath against communist control and domination of our country.
26 Sept, 1932 - India Mahatma Gandhi
1932 : Mahatma Gandhi broke his death fast after 6 days and 5 hrs after the British Government had approved most of the compromise plan on the privileges of Indian Untouchables in legislative elections.

26 Sept, 1936 - Japan Takes Control of Shanghai
1936 : Japanese Marines are now in control of the Shanghai district of China, this follows the deaths of 4 Japanese citizens in Shanghai and Japan in a statement has stated "we must protect our citizens."
26 Sept, 1946 - San Salvador General Strike
1946 : A general strike by workers, merchants and students demanding political change has bought the country to a standstill, currently the government in San Salvador has ignored all requests for change but may well soon need to.
26 Sept, 1949 - Russia Demands Stop To Nuclear Weapons Research
1949 : The Russian demands for stopping all research into nuclear weapons and to destroy all existing Atom Bombs has been rejected by the British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin who has stated great Britain will continue it's research into Atom Bomb technology.
26 Sept, 1956 - Jordan / Israel Clash
1956 : The bloody clash between Jordanian and Israeli forces leaving heavy casualties on both sides, this is the seventh such clash in a short period as the area becomes more unstable.
26 Sept, 1960 - Nixon / Kennedy TV Debate
September 26th, 1960 : The first televised debate between presidential candidates for the
1960 election takes place in Chicago between U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy, the Democratic nominee, and Vice President Richard Nixon, the Republican nominee. The debate was watched by an estimated 80 million viewers or close to half the population of the United States. The debate was a success for Kennedy who was generally considered to have won the debate.

26 Sept, 1962 - U.S.A. James Meredith
1962 : African-American student James Meredith tried for the third time to register for classes at the University of Mississippi today but was turned away by Governor Paul Johnson in defiance of the US Justice Department. It is believed that federal troops will be sent to Mississippi to enforce the laws of the country in what is becoming a case of federal against state control.

26 Sept, 1962 - U.S.A. "Beverly Hillbillies"
September 26th, 1962 : TV comedy series "Beverly Hillbillies" about a hillbilly family transplanted to Beverly Hills, California after finding oil on their land premieres on CBS, it proved a big hit with TV watchers and became the top ranking network show on television for two seasons.
26 Sept, 1963 - U.S.A. Tax Reforms
1963 : The most wide ranging tax reform cuts in history have been passed by the house and will become law by the spring, the cuts will cut income tax by an average of 10% for every working man and women in this country and would also provide additional tax relief for corporation tax. The Tax cuts are being used to bring the country out of the current recession cycle.
26 Sept, 1965 - Beatles Get MBE's
September 26th, 1965 : Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II appoints the four members of The Beatles Pop Group John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison " Members of the Order of the British Empire." The Beatles are given their MBEs at Buckingham Palace by the Queen on
October 26th.

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26 Sept, 1969 - "Chicago Seven" Trial Begins
1969 : The trial of the "Chicago Seven" begins they were accused of conspiring to incite a riot at the
1968 Democratic National Convention. They were antiwar activists who organized protest marches and rock concerts at the Democratic National Convention which turned into full scale rioting, complete with tear gas and police beatings. The defendants did whatever they could to disrupt the trial through such acts as reading poetry and chanting Hare Krishna.

26 Sept, 1969 - The Beatles "Abbey Road Album"
September 26th, 1969 : The Beatles release the "Abbey Road Album " in the UK (US Release date
October 1st 1969). The album is the 11th official album released and below are some of the tracks included on the album:
Come Together
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Octopus's Garden
I Want You (She's So Heavy)
Here Comes the Sun
She Came In Through the Bathroom Window
Carry That Weight
The only other original album released by the Beatles was "Let It Be" on
8 May 1970 shortly after the Beatles announced they had broken up.
26 Sept, 1973 - Transatlantic Air Travel Time Cut In Half
1973 : Concorde makes its first non stop crossing of the Atlantic in three hours 32 minutes flying at an average speed of 954 mph cutting the current time by half. Concorde began making commercial flights across the Atlantic between the US and Europe in

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26 Sept, 1980 - Afghanistan Terrorist Attacks
September 26th, 1980 : Afghanistan's Marxist regime and it's Soviet defenders are improving security in Kabul in response to a new wave of terrorist attacks by Muslim anti-communist tribesman after a successful attack on a power station earlier this week by the rebels.
26 Sept, 1981 - Rolling Stones Concert Sell Out
1981 : 90,000 Rolling Stones fans from all over the country have jammed the streets of Philadelphia for these 40 year old aging rockers sell out concert.
26 Sept, 1984 - Hong Kong Agreement
September 26th, 1984 : Britain and China finalize a date for hand over of Hong Kong (
July 1st 1997) ending more than 150 years of British rule in Hong Kong.
26 Sept, 1997 - Italy Assisi's Medieval Basilica
1997 : Two earthquakes have ravaged the Assisi's Medieval Basilica bringing down much of the vaulted ceiling and the important frescoes by the artist Giotto, a number of deaths occurred during the earthquakes. Italy has some of the oldest and important architecture from ancient times throughout the country including Churches, Tombs, Palaces, Castles, Pompeii and whole towns which are significant world heritage sites.

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26 Sept, 2000 - Greece Express Samina Ferry Sinks
September 26th, 2000 : The Greek night ferry "Express Samina" traveling between Piraeus and island of Naxos has sunk in heavy seas close to the Island of Paros in the Aegean Sea with the loss of at least 60 passengers including children.
26 Sept, 2002 - Gambia Ferry Capsizes
2002 : The ferry Joola from Senegal capsizes off the coast of Gambia, with the loss of over 1,000 passengers making it one of the worst maritime disasters in history.
26 Sept, 2005 - Army Pfc. Lynndie England
September 26th, 2005 : Army Pfc. Lynndie England was convicted by a military jury during her court martial for charges of conspiracy to maltreat prisoners and assault consummated by battery stemming from the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal. She was later sentenced to three years in prison. She is currently serving her sentence and when her sentence is complete will receive a dishonorable discharge.
26 Sept, 2006 - Prison Reclaimed After 10 Years
2006 : Guatemalan security forces took control over a prison that was taken over by prisoners for ten years. The prisoners had turned the prison into a luxury compound complete with shops and pubs. They had weapons and ran drug operations from the prison.
26 Sept, 2007 - Vietnam Bridge Collapses
September 26th, 2007 : A bridge being built over the Hau River in Can Tho, Vietnam collapsed and killed over fifty workers while under construction. Building the bridge was to cost an estimated 300 million dollars and funded by the Japanese.
26 Sept, 2008 - 1500's Portugese Shipwreck Found
2008 : A Portuguese shipwreck dating to the 1500’s was found at the site of a Namibian diamond mine. The ship had cargo from all over the world including elephant tusks and copper ingots. Archaeologists marked the discovery as one of the most important finds in Africa in recent history and began working to identify who the ship belonged to.
26 Sept, 2009 - Switzerland Roman Polanski Detained
September 26th, 2009 : Movie director, Roman Polanski, was detained in Switzerland. The seventy-six year old director faces extradition after skipping bail in
1977 amidst charges of having sex with a minor.
26 Sept, 2011 - Bolivian Defense Minister Resigns
2011 : Bolivia's defense minister, Cecilia Chacon resigned as a protest against the government's decision to use police forces to break up anti-road marchers. Her resignation came after the Bolivian government sent 500 police with tear gas after a group of indigenous people who had been marching to protest the construction of a road to be built through a rain forest preserve.
26 Sept, 2011 - Dead Sea Scrolls
September 26th, 2011 : A joint project between Israel's national museum and Google publishes a number of the Dead Sea Scrolls. These Dead Sea Scrolls generally date between 150 BCE and 70 CE and were only discovered between
1947 and
1956 on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea.
26 Sept, 2012 - Uruguay Votes to Legalize Abortion
2012 : Uruguay's lower house of Congress voted 50 to 49 in favor of legalizing abortion in the first twelve weeks of a pregnancy. The law would need the approval of the Senate to become effective and President Jose Mujica stated he would approve the law if the Senate passed it.
26 Sept, 2013 - Australia Indigenous Council Formed
September 26th, 2013 : Australia's new Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, has announced the formation of the Indigenous Advisory Council. The council was formed with the purpose of addressing issues that concern the Aboriginal communities in Australia with things like job creation and welfare reform. This is a step toward keeping his campaign promises in which he stated he wanted to make Aboriginal affairs a priority.