Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Important Events From This day in History October 16



16 Oct, 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis Timeline

1962 : Cuban Missile Crisis Timeline

1. 15th October: United States reconnaissance photographs taken by an American U-2 spy plane revealed missile bases being built in Cuba.

2. 16th October: President Kennedy is informed that reconnaissance photographs revealed the presence of missile bases in Cuba.

3. 18th October: President Kennedy met Andrei Gromyko, who denies the existence of missiles in Cuba.

4. October 22nd: President Kennedy, in his first public speech tells the American public that missiles have been discovered in Cuba which had the potential to attack the United States with nuclear warheads. And gives warning that. "It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union."

5. 23rd October: Options for removing missiles from Cuba are discussed with Joint Chiefs of Staff recommending a full-scale invasion, but President Kennedy opposed the Invasion concerned that the U.S. would not gain support around the world and opted for a naval blockade of Cuba.

6. 23rd October: The US Joint Chiefs of Staff instructed Strategic Air Command to go to DEFCON 2, for the only time in history.

7. 24th October: The Naval Blockade of Cuba by United States begins.

8. 27th October: EXCOMM Meetings in Washington

9. 27th October: Private, public and diplomatic communication between the US and Soviet Union continue following the shooting down of a U-2 spy plane.

10. 27th October: The U.S. informs its NATO allies that the United States may find it necessary within a very short time in its interest and that of its fellow nations in the Western Hemisphere to take whatever military action may be necessary.

11. October 27th: Nikita Khrushchev offered to remove Soviet missile bases in Cuba if the U.S. removed its missile bases in Turkey.

12. 28th October: Nikita Khrushchev informed the United States that he had ordered the dismantling of Soviet missile bases in Cuba.

13. 28th October: The US informs the Soviet Union that the US would remove all missiles set in Turkey on the border of the Soviet Union.

14. 28th October: The US informs the Soviet Union that they will not invade Cuba.

15. 2nd November: President Kennedy tells the American people that Soviet missile bases in Cuba were being dismantled.

16. November 20th: USSR agreed to remove bombers from Cuba and US lifted its blockade.

This is the closest the world's two superpowers came to war, but one important safety mechanism did come from this episode, the Moscow-Washington hotline which puts the president of the United States and the leader of the Soviet Union in direct contact linking the White House via the National Military Command Center with the Kremlin during the Cold War.

16 Oct, 1924 U.S.A. Airship

1924 : The new ZR-3 Dirigible Airship from the Zeppelin Corporation has today set a new world record for transatlantic flight from Germany to the United States covering 5,066 miles and averaging 62.35 MPH, she is now tied securely at Lakehurst, New Jersey swaying from side to side and has proved the feasibility of Trans Atlantic Flight.

16 Oct, 1935 East Africa Italian Expansion

1935 : Despite moves by the League of Nations earlier this week the Italian Fascist army continues it's goal of East African Territorial expansion by looking beyond Ethiopia.

16 Oct, 1937 China Japan

1937 : Bitter fighting in the Shanghai district continues with Japanese Artillery bombarding the area in preparation for their drive south along the Ping-Hankow and Tientsin-Pukow Railways.

16 Oct, 1940 U.S.A. Register for Draft

1940 : American men are registering for draft and signing up at a rate of 1 million or more an hour.

16 Oct, 1946 Germany Nazis Hung For War Crimes

1946 : Ten Nazi leaders were hung today after a military tribunal sentenced them to death for war crimes including crimes against humanity.

16 Oct, 1946 U.S.A. Price Controls

1946 : President Truman lifts the price controls placed during the war on the sale of meat.

16 Oct, 1947 Great Britain Palestine

1947 : Great Britain has told the United Nations that unless a UN force is agreed quickly to help with the problems in Palestine between fighting Jews and Arabs Britain will pull out completely. Current proposals include creating a partition in the area with United Nations forces controlling the border area.

16 Oct, 1951 Prime Minister of Pakistan Assassinated

1951 : The first Prime Minister of Pakistan (office created during partition, not elected), Liaquat Ali Khan, is assassinated by Saad Akbar Babrak, an Afghan.

16 Oct, 1952 Iran Oil Fields Dispute

1952 : Iran has broken off diplomatic relations with great Britain following the continued dispute and lack of agreement over oil fields in Iran.

16 Oct, 1961 U.S.A. Railways Segregation

1961 : Segregation on railways in the south will end as 3 of the major railroads have stated they will end segregation on all trains immediately.

16 Oct, 1964 China New Atomic Power

1964 : The People's Republic of China becomes the fifth country in the world with atomic bomb capability joining the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France.

16 Oct, 1967 U.S.A. Vietnam Protests

1967 : Protest rallies and demonstrations across America have taken place in 30 US cities, from Boston to Atlanta, in protest against the continuing war in Vietnam. During a sit in at a military induction center in Oakland, California the folk singer Joan Baez is arrested together with a number of anti war supporters.

16 Oct, 1968 Rodney Riots In Kingston

October 16th, 1968 : Following the Jamaican government decision to ban Guyanese university lecturer Dr. Walter Rodney from returning to his teaching position at the University of the West Indies (UWI), students from UWI, begin a demonstration closing down the campus. later while marching to the parliament building in Kingston more demonstrators joined in and as the day progressed the March turned from a peaceful protest into a full scale riot spreading across the city causing millions of dollars in property damages and the death of several innocent bystanders.

16 Oct, 1973 U.S.A. Credit Card Catholics

1973 : A roman catholic church in Buffalo, New York has started accepting donations via credit cards in an attempt to increase it's income. A senior member of the Coronation of the Blessed Mary Church has explained that donations of 50 cents which is all it's parishioners have left after paying weekly bills is not enough to fund the churches budget and it is already proving a success as donations of $10 to $25 are forthcoming.

16 Oct, 1974 Northern Ireland Maze Prison

October 16th, 1974 : Rioting prisoners set fire to the Long Kesh Maze prison near Belfast.

16 Oct, 1978 Vatican New Pope Elected

1978 : The Roman Catholic church has elected it's first non Italian Pope in 455 years today when it elected the Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla as Pope John Paul II . He is also one of the youngest Popes in modern times at 58 yrs old.

16 Oct, 1986 Israel Terrorist Attack

October 16th, 1986 : A terrorist attack on Israeli soldiers and their families at the wailing wall by throwing grenades into the crowd yesterday caused the death of 1 person and injured a further 69. The PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) has claimed responsibility.

16 Oct, 1987 England Hurricane Storm Winds

1987 : Hurricane storm winds batter southern England during the night killing 13 after the worst night of storms in living memory.

16 Oct, 1991 Killeen, Texas Massacres

October 16th, 1991 : George Jo Hennard drives his pickup truck through the front window of a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas and shot and killed 23 people, wounded another 20 and after being cornered and wounded by police committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

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