Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Important Events From This day in History October 9


9 Oct, 1969 U.S.A. Chicago Eight

October 9th, 1969 : The National Guard is called in to control demonstrations that continue in Chicago protesting the trial of the Chicago Eight.

9 Oct, 1973 Middle East Arab Israeli War

1973 : On the forth day of the Arab -- Israeli war Israel Aircraft have started bombing raids on Cairo in Egypt and Damascus in Syria, meanwhile fighting continues on the Golan Heights and at the Suez canal.

9 Oct, 1983 U.S.A. Unemployment Rate

October 9th, 1983 : After a number of months where the unemployment rate has increased each month many are hoping last months figures are a turning point at 9.3%. The highest national rate was in December at 10.8% the highest in 42 years.

9 Oct, 1921 U.S.A. Royal Flush

1921 : A once in a lifetime hand left a man dead , A retired tailor in New York was playing poker in a 10 cent limit poker game when he was dealt a royal flush. The medical examiner diagnosed Cerebral Hemorrhage bought on by the Royal Flush.

9 Oct, 1934 Yugoslavia King Assassinated

1934 : King Alexander I of Yugoslavia is shot and assassinated.

9 Oct, 1936 U.S.A. Hoover Dam

1936 : The Hoover Dam begins creating hydroelectric power which it sends over transmission lines spanning 266 miles of mountains and deserts to run the lights, radios, and stoves of Los Angeles.

Hoover Dam Public Domain Photo

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9 Oct, 1940 World War II St. Paul's Cathedral

1940 : The German Luftwaffe launches a heavy nighttime air raid on London and the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral a masterpiece by the architect Sir Christopher Wren takes a direct hit from a Nazi bomb.

St Pauls Cathedral Public Domain Photo

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9 Oct, 1952 Korea Total Dead 120,269

1952 : The US Defense department has released the latest figures on those killed so far in the Korean War, it now stands at 120,269. The Army draft call for the month of December has been announced and it will be 47,000.

9 Oct, 1958 Vatican Pope Dies

1958 : Tributes from the worlds leaders continue to flow in following the death of Pope Pius XII included tributes "A foe of Tyranny," "A man of profound Vision" and "Foremost Champion of Human Dignity, Freedom and Peace."

9 Oct, 1959 UK Harold Macmillan

1959 : The Conservative Party has won a third term of office in the UK led by Prime Minister Harold Macmillan.

9 Oct, 1963 Italy Landslide

October 9th, 1963 : A landslide in Italy causes the Diga del Vajont dam to overflow and sends water crashing down where it engulfed the town of Longarone leading to the deaths of more than 2,000 people.

9 Oct, 1967 Bolivia Che Guevara

1967 : Che Guevara the Marxist revolutionary and guerrilla leader is executed by the Bolivian army on orders from the Bolivian President René Barrientos. Che Guevara had created a guerrilla force in Bolivia operating as the ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional de Bolivia; / "National Liberation Army of Bolivia"), fighting against Bolivian military when he was captured and executed. He had been involved in a number of revolutions including Cuba ( Under Castro ) during his life and was still a revolutionary fighter when he died at 39 years old in Bolivia.

Che Guevara Public Domain Photo

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9 Oct, 1983 Israel Yitzhak Sharmir

1983 : The sixth Prime Minister of Israel was sworn in today Yitzhak Sharmir, he has vowed to concentrate on the nations worst economic crisis and has pledged economic austerity on behalf of the government.

9 Oct, 1985 Egypt Achille Lauro

October 9th, 1985 : The terrorists who had taken the passengers and crew of the Achille Lauro hostage agree to release the hostages on condition of safe passage to Tunisia. The next day the aircraft is intercepted by F-14A Tomcats (stationed on the USS Saratoga, CV-60) and directed to land at Naval Air Station Sigonella, a N.A.T.O. base in Sicily where the hijackers are arrested by the Italians.

Achille Lauro Public Domain Photo

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9 Oct, 1988 Latvia Demanding Self Rule From Soviet Union

1988 : In the beginnings of gaining self rule thousands of Latvians have taken to the streets in the capital Riga to press Moscow for greater independence from the Soviet Union. In 1991 following a referendum which resulted in a large majority favoring secession from the USSR, the Soviet Union granted Latvia it's independence.

9 Oct, 1989 Soviet Union UFO

October 9th, 1989 : The Tass news agency in the Soviet Union announced that the landing of a UFO has been confirmed. It was described as a large shining ball or disc hovering and then landing in a local park.

9 Oct, 1991 South Africa Gun Battles

1991 : 18 lives were lost following violent gun battles between Police and ANC supporters, both Nelson Mandela and President F.W. de Klerk are accusing the other side of inciting the latest round of violence in South African townships.

9 Oct, 1991 U.S.A. Dick Cheney

October 9th, 1991 : Defense secretary Dick Cheney defended the Pentagon policy of a ban of homosexuals in the military stating we shouldn't take any step that undermines the overall fighting effectiveness of our military forces.

9 Oct, 2004 U.S.A. Presidential Elections

2004 : This is the first US presidential elections where bloggers from both sides of the political spectrum are commenting on news stories and providing political commentary in large numbers during the run up to the presidential election with a number of high profile left and right leaning blogs now attracting many thousands of readers. The growth of political blogging could well feature more in this election and future elections both in the US and around the world.

9 Oct, 2004 Afghanistan Elections

October 9th, 2004 : Afghanistan held its first democratic election with an estimated 75 percent of the country's registered voters casting votes.

9 Oct, 2006 North Korea Nuclear Power

2006 : North Korea announces it has carried out its first test of a nuclear weapon, becoming the worlds 9th Nuclear Power. Israel is believed to have nuclear warheads but has never been confirmed.

9 Oct, 2006 U.S.A. YouTube

October 9th, 2006 : Google announces the purchase of YouTube for US $1.65 billion in stock. YouTube Had only officially launched 11 months earlier in November 2005 and by the summer of 2006 was one of the fastest growing web sites on the Internet with over 100 million video clips viewed daily.

9 Oct, 2007 Iraq Demands End of Blackwater

2007 : Iraq has demanded that the US ends its use of private security firm Blackwater within six months in Iraq and demanded Blackwater pay $8m compensation to each family bereaved by last month's shootings by Blackwater staff of 17 Iraq Iraqi civilians.

9 Oct, 2007 France and Germany Nobel Prize

October 9th, 2007 : Albert Fert, of France, and Peter Grunberg, of Germany, win the Nobel Prize for physics based on their discovery of “giant magnetoresistance.”

9 Oct, 2008 World Stock Markets

2008 : Stock markets around the world continue to fall with no quick and easy solution for the recession in sight. The US Dow Jones Industrial Average Index is down from a high of 14,000 in October last year (2007) to below 9,000. In February 2009 the markets reached new lows with the Dow losing nearly 50% of it's market value to 7,600. Current Dow is at 10,835 (30th September 2010).

9 Oct, 2009 Norway Barack Obama Peace Prize

October 9th, 2009 : U.S. President Barack Obama is awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." President Barack Obama is the fourth US president to have the Nobel Peace Prize awarded, the others are Theodore Roosevelt (1906), Woodrow Wilson (1919) and Jimmy Carter (2002).

9 Oct, 2011 Sir Paul McCartney Marries Nancy Shevell in London

2011 : Former Beatle, Sir Paul McCartney, married American heiress Nancy Shevell at a small ceremony in London. The couple invited friends and family to attend the wedding and reception including Ringo Starr. The marriage is McCartney's third.

9 Oct, 2011 Poland Re-Elects Prime Minister

October 9th, 2011 : Prime Minister Donald Tusk was re-elected after his Civic Platform party won enough seats in the Polish parliament to stay in power. The re-election marks the first time since communism fell in 1989 that a Polish leader was re-elected.

9 Oct, 2012 United States Sandusky Sentenced

2012 : Former football coach at Penn State, Jerry Sandusky, was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison after being convicted of forty-five molestation charges. Lawyers from Sandusky stated that they were planning to appeal the decision.

9 Oct, 2013 New Zealand Official Island Names Adopted

October 9th, 2013 : New Zealand gave its two islands official names in English and the native Maori language. The English names of the islands will be the North Island and South Island, names that had already been in use, and the Maori names will be Te Ika-a-Maui and Te Waipounamu.

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