Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Today in Labor History October 2nd, 2024


Religion influenced Nat Turner, ‘Birth of a Nation’

Slave rebellion leader Nat Turner was born. Turner led the only effective, sustained slave revolt in in U.S. history in 1831. His actions set off a new wave of oppressive legislation by whites prohibiting the education, movement and assembly of slaves. – 1800
President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed a crowd in right wing San Diego, asserting the right of all workers to join unions. “It is now beyond partisan controversy that it is a fundamental individual right of a worker to associate himself with other workers and to bargain collectively with his employer.” – 1935
Joining with 400,000 coal miners already on strike, 500,000 CIO  (Congress of Industrial Workers) steelworkers closed down the nation’s foundries, steel and iron mills, demanding pensions and better wages and working conditions. – 1949
Starbucks Workers Union baristas at an outlet in East Grand Rapids, Michigan won their grievances after the National Labor Relations Board cited the company for labor law violations, including threats against union activists. They were organized by the Wobblies. – 2007
Union members, progressives and others rally in Washington D.C. under the Banner of One Nation Working Together, demanding “good jobs, equal justice, and quality education for all.” Crowd estimates ranged from tens of thousands to 200,000. – 2010

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